CERTIFICADO DE NIVEL AVANZADO IDIOMA: INGLÉS CONVOCATORIA ORDINARIA 2012 COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA CUMPLIMENTE LOS SIGUIENTES DATOS: APELLIDOS: ___________________________________________________________________________ NOMBRE: ______________________________________________________________________________ DNI: ____________________ SEXO: ______________ EDAD (en 2012): ___________ años (Marque con una X la respuesta que corresponda) ASPIRANTE: Escolarizado r Libre r INSTRUCCIONES PARA REALIZAR ESTA PARTE: DURACIÓN: 45 minutos § § § § § Esta parte consta de TRES tareas. Escuchará cada grabación DOS veces. Lea las instrucciones al principio de cada tarea y realícela según se indica. Las respuestas escritas a lápiz o en tinta roja no se calificarán. No está permitido el uso del diccionario. ATENCIÓN: No escriba en los recuadros sombreados: son espacios reservados para la calificación de las tareas. PUNTUACIÓN: / 10 MARK TASK ONE (5 x 0.6 each correct answer = 3 points) You will hear five extracts from a radio programme. Read the statements and choose the one that best describes each person’s views on this topic. Then write the letter in the corresponding box. There are three statements you will not need. Item A is an example. You now have one minute to read the questions. “PAGE 3 GIRLS” For many years papers like The Sun have shown on page 3 pictures of half naked women. STATEMENTS A. For him/her “page 3 girls” are part of his daily routine. EXAMPLE B. He/she cares about other more important issues. Extract 1 C. He/she urges a response from the audience. Extract 2 D. He/she has set up a page on the Internet to get support. Extract 3 E. He/she does not share his/her views with either models or readers. Extract 4 A ü Extract 5 F. For him/her “page 3 girls” should be banned because models are made to work too hard. G. He/she is concerned about the effect on third parties. H. He/she thinks “page 3 girls” are a modern reflection of society. I. He/she sees it as an opportunity to make a living. 2 Prueba de Certificación. Nivel Avanzado Inglés. Comprensión Auditiva. Convocatoria Ordinaria. Junio 2012. MARK TASK TWO (6 X 0.5 = 3 marks) You will hear three extracts about the Mini car. Choose the most suitable answer (a, b or c) according to what you hear and write the corresponding letters in the white boxes provided below. Item 0 is an example. You now have one minute to read the questions. EXTRACT 0 0. What made the Mini car revolutionary? a) it appeared in times of petrol crisis. b) it saved money, was attractive and had a Swiss engine. c) price, convenient size and appealing look. EXTRACT 1 1. Alec Issigonis was the first to realise that a) it was possible to place the engine at the sides of the car. b) placing the engine at the sides saved room. c) the engine needed to be given more space. 2. Alec Issigonis would only take responsibility for a) the car design. b) the car design and its marketing. c) the car design and its production. EXTRACT 2 3. Ian Cummings’s earliest memory of the plant was a) his first day there. b) the so called H-building. c) when he went on a school visit. 4. The very first Mini to come out of the production line a) had space as its main concern. b) seemed to be easily assembled. c) was the safest car in those times. 3 Prueba de Certificación. Nivel Avanzado Inglés. Comprensión Auditiva. Convocatoria Ordinaria. Junio 2012. EXTRACT 3 5. The people in charge of launching the Mini a) carried out a huge marketing campaign. b) knew it was going to be an immediate success. c) were certain it had no rival in the market. 6. In order to get people interested in the Mini, the designer a) convinced famous actors to advertise it. b) managed to get The Beatles to drive it. c) took a member of the Royal family for a ride. 0 ANSWER C CORRECTION ü 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 Prueba de Certificación. Nivel Avanzado Inglés. Comprensión Auditiva. Convocatoria Ordinaria. Junio 2012. TASK THREE (8 x 0.5 marks = 4 marks) PONG: STORY OF A VIDEO GAME MARK Listen to the following documentary about a game. Write the missing words according to what you hear (maximum of two words per blank). Sentence 0 is given as an example. You now have one minute to read the questions. CORRECT SENTENCES 0 In 1972 the video game ‘Pong’ was about to industry. launch an extremely profitable 1 ‘Pong’ was in principle designed as a _______________________ for one of the workers in the company. 2 The founders realized that ‘Pong’ was a big hit when they first saw the ________________________ completely full. 3 You could ________________ the Atari’s version of the game into the back of the TV. 4 5 6 ü The game was successful because it used small ______________________. For the first time a woman could ________________ a man to come and play a game. The executives and the employers were all in their__________________. 7 At first, the founder’s mother found the new enterprise quite ________________. 8 Pong was so popular that it caused a ______________________ . 5 Prueba de Certificación. Nivel Avanzado Inglés. Comprensión Auditiva. Convocatoria Ordinaria. Junio 2012.