BASIC html> TAGS More TAGS Example Page

BASIC <html> Write your text in BLOC de NOTAS (INICIO > Todos los Programas >
Accesorios > Bloc de Notas) Remember to save the document with the
.htm or .html suffix
TAGS <strong>Joe</strong> and <em>Burns</em>
Look At What's Happening:
<strong> is the beginning strong tag.
"Joe" is the word being affected by the <strong> tag.
</strong> is the end strong tag. Notice it is exactly the same as the
beginning tag except there is a slash in front of the tag command.
This is what the strong tags above produced: Joe Nice, huh? Can I Use Two Tags at Once?
Yes. Just make sure to begin and end both. Like so:
• <strong><em>Strong and emphasis</em></strong> gives you Bold
and Italic More TAGS <hr> horizontal ruler <br> break=new line
The tag for a paragraph is "p". That makes sense. For example:
<title>My first HTML document</title>
<p>Hello <strong>world!</strong><p>
<p>This is my very first HTML page.<p>
Write your text in BLOC de NOTAS (INICIO > Todos los Programas >
Accesorios > Bloc de Notas) Remember to save the document with the
.htm or .html suffix
BASIC <html> Write your text in BLOC de NOTAS (INICIO > Todos los Programas >
Accesorios > Bloc de Notas) Remember to save the document with the
.htm or .html suffix
<H1>This is Heading 1</H1>
<H2>This is Heading 2</H2>
<H3>This is Heading 3</H3>
<H4>This is Heading 4</H4>
Centering Text <p style="text-align: center;">
All text in here will be centered
Creating a Hypertext Link <A HREF="">Click Here for
Place an image <IMG SRC="image.gif" ALT="some text" WIDTH=32 HEIGHT=32>
<IMG SRC="" ALT="some text"