Index Page references in italics refer to illustrations. absurdist humor

From Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet’s Chile, 1973–1988, by Steve J. Stern (Duke University Press, 2006)
Page references in italics refer to illustrations.
absurdist humor, 132–34
Academy of Christian Humanism, 204–5
Acevedo, Sebastián, 257–59, 277, 282–83, 331
Acuerdo Nacional, 471n.56
Acuña, Gastón, 61
Ad-Mapu Association, 216, 217
Advis, Luis, 291
afep (Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos), 213
agrarian reform, xxii, 14. See also Lonquén case
Agrupación Cultural Universitaria (University Cultural Association), 130, 187–88
Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos (Association of Relatives of the
Detained and Disappeared): acceptance of the deaths of the disappeared by, 220;
anniversaries used by, 451n.5; formation/composition of, 114–15; growth of,
220–21; hunger strikes by, 125–26, 209; initiatives/activism by, 218–22, 282;
international testimonial trip by, 128; plebiscite (1988) supported by, 346; street
protests by, 154, 278–79, 282; and the Vicaría, 209, 220
Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos (afep), 213
air force, 142–43, 240
Alberto N., 79, 80
Aldunate, José, 160–61, 259, 261, 270, 355
Alegría Mundaca, Juan, 227
Alessandri, Jorge, 41, 170, 175
Alianza Democrática, 314–16, 317, 319, 323, 345
Allamand, Andrés, 318, 346, 373, 482n.83
“Allende, Allende, Allende está presente” (Allende, Allende, Allende is here with us),
Allende, Salvador: alleged arsenals of, 39, 40, 41; burial/tomb of, 164, 489; coup against
(see coup of 11 September 1973); and the crisis of rule, 19–20, 27–28; death of, 181;
dinner meeting with Aylwin and Silva Henríquez, 30–32, 402–3n.2; documents
from life/presidency of, 488–89; election of, xxiv, 13; excesses of/deceptions by,
39, 41; farewell address of, 11–13, 27–28, 181, 325, 399n.3, 494; foreboding during
presidency of, 14–17; mapu support of, 231; on paramilitary groups, 31; as a Plan
Z target, 45–46; plebiscite considered by, 24–25, 401n.23; politicocultural
contentiousness under, 16–17; on popular power, 20; remembered in chants, 317;
security of/assassination attempts against, 13; socialist project of, through
democratic process, xxiv, 14, 29, 39; Soviet Union toasted by, 70, 412n.62; “This is
From Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet’s Chile, 1973–1988, by Steve J. Stern (Duke University Press, 2006)
Chile” declaration of, 32; U.S. enmity toward, 14; violence shunned by, 39
Alliance for Progress, xxiv
Almeyda, Clodomiro, 159, 198, 203, 347
Altamirano Orrego, Carlos, 24, 32, 45, 159, 198, 203, 401n.22
Alvarez, María de, 77–78
Alvarez Scoglia, Ramsés, 227
Alvear, Enrique, 161, 163
Amnesty International, xxv, 94, 96, 467n.29
Amnesty Law (1978), 147–55, 177, 209, 240–41, 244
Análisis: Academy of Christian Humanism’s creation of, 204; on Chilean mentality, 229;
circulation of, 299; on Madariaga, 310; mdp favored by, 316; style of, 465n.19;
suspension of, 307; on Villa Grimaldi, 204, 229, 311
Andrés de La Victoria, 308–9, 331, 466n.25
anef (Asociación Nacional de Empleados Fiscales; National Civil Service Union),
226–27, 228, 251
animitas (shrines), 161, 162, 258
anniversaries: dissident memory promoted via, 244, 451n.5; 11 September, celebrations
of, 70–71, 72, 244, 326–27, 412–13n.64, 413n.67; 11 September, Pinochet’s
addresses/interviews, 51, 58, 63, 67–70, 280, 300, 327; 11 September, protests of,
326–27, 384, 399n.3; 11 September, sentences commuted on, 73, 413n.67; memory
struggles on, 244, 298, 451n.5. See also ceremony/celebration
Anti-Torture Movement. See Sebastián Acevedo Anti-Torture Movement
Apsi: Alianza Democrática favored by, 316; circulation of, 299; humor issue on Pinochet,
347, 355, 356; pressure on, to defend relevance/readership, 355; style of, 465n.19;
suspension of, 307
Aquino, Corazón, 379
Aravena, Jorge, 305
Aravena de Contreras, Lucía Elianivea, 99–100
Araya, Werther, 124, 127
Arce, Luz, 427n.1
archives. See sources, research
Arellano Iturriaga, Sergio, 466–67n.29
Arellano Stark, Sergio, 45–46, 51, 310–11, 437n.69, 466–67n.29, 466n.28
Argentina: Chile’s tensions with, 141, 143, 152, 240, 338; dictatorship’s demise in, 354;
dina’s relationship with, 55; military regime in, xxiii
Arica, 278, 279–80
Ariztía, Fernando, 90, 92
armed forces: leftist infiltration of, 23–24, 32; tensions within, 142, 240
Armed Forces Day (19 September), 70
arms arsenals, 39, 40, 41, 47–48, 52–54, 324
From Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet’s Chile, 1973–1988, by Steve J. Stern (Duke University Press, 2006)
Arms Control Law, 23, 31
Army Intelligence (dine; Dirección de Inteligencia del Ejército), 227
Army Telecommunications Regiment, 292–93
army vs. air force, 142–43, 240
arpilleras (tapestries), 81, 83–86, 85, 415n.2
arrests/detentions, political: of activists against the new Constitution, 171; amnesty for
prisoners, 148; decrease in, 155; by dina, 53, 54, 311; group arrests to abort
demonstrations, 226; habeas corpus petitions for, 90, 102–3, 332; humiliation of
prisoners, 78; increase in, 155; International Commission of Jurists’ investigation
of, 96; Iquique detentions, 292–94, 462n.9; Pisagua detentions, 291–94, 462n.9;
prisoners used for target practice, 79; of protesters, 253, 255, 257; resumption of
(1984), 322; scope of, xxi, 96, 110, 292–93, 394–95n.3; sentences commuted on 11
September anniversaries, 73, 413n.67; survivors’ psychological legacies, 59. See also
specific locations for detentions
Arriagada, Genaro, 373
Arroyo Kuhn, Julio, 258
arsenals of arms, 39, 40, 41, 47–48, 52–54, 324
Arthur, Blanca, 327
Asociación Nacional de Empleados Fiscales. See anef
assassination plots. See Plan Boomerang Rojo; Plan Leopardo; Plan Z
Assembly of the Theater School (Catholic University), 193
Association of Pro Human Rights Lawyers, 224
Association of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared. See Agrupación de Familiares
de Detenidos-Desaparecidos
Astudillo, Enrique, 166–67
Astudillo family, 166. See also Lonquén case
Atacama Desert, 289
audiovisual programs, 308–9, 353, 361, 366, 466nn.25–26
austerity, 41, 69. See also liberation as austere/protective/patriotic
awakening: despertar, 384–85; into dissent, 285–86; and feminism, 385; Mapuche, 214,
216–17; moral, 3, 229, 232, 259, 261, 384; of rage, 384–85. See also under memory
struggles; witnessing/awakening
Aylwin Azócar, Andrés, 196, 424n.66
Aylwin Azócar, Patricio: on Allende’s use of discussions, 32; on an exit from
dictatorship, 345; Briones’s settlement talks with, 31–32, 401n.23, 402n.2; on
campaign against civil war, 20; as Christian Democrat president, 346, 347; as
Christian Democrat vice-president, 204; dinner meeting with Allende and Silva
Henríquez, 30–32, 402–3n.2; on El Teniente, 31; health/morale of, 234–35; on La
Papelera, 31; on Pinochet’s nomination, 363; plebiscite role of, 374, 378–79; on
popular power, 31; resignation of, 235; on sect memory, 203; on Unidad Popular,
From Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet’s Chile, 1973–1988, by Steve J. Stern (Duke University Press, 2006)
Aymara people, 289
Baez, Joan, 229–30, 230
Baeza, Alfonso, 161, 163
Bañados, Adolfo, 157–58, 159, 165
Bañados, Patricio, 367–68, 369
Banco del Estado (Bank of the State), 71
bandos (edicts), 36–38, 403n.4
Bank of Chile (Banco de Chile), 33
banks/finance companies, insolvency thwarted at, 225
Barnes, Harry, 353–54
Barría Araneda, Arturo, 164
Barros, Jorge, 310, 466n.28
Battle of Iquique, 70, 289–90, 461n.5
Bejares, Hernán, 122
Bell, Griffin, 145
Benavente, David, 132–33
Benedetti, Mario, xxviii–xxix, 397n.11
Bermeosolo Bertrán, Ignacio, 166, 167
Berríos, Eugenio, 227
La Bicicleta: censorship of, 463n.1; circulation of, 299, 463n.2; photos printed by, 463n.1;
readership of, 188; suspension of, 307
Bío-Bío River, 287, 460n.1
Bitar, Sergio, 466n.28
black markets, 15
Blest, Clotario, 160
Boeninger, Edgardo, 344–45, 346
Boletín Codepu, 316
Bolivia, xxiii, 141, 152
Bolton, Roberto, 90, 259, 266–67, 270, 355, 455n.28
Bonilla, Oscar: and conar, 91; coup role of, 437n.69; death of, 55; in the Defense Ministry,
55; on dina, 55; on Plan Z, 41, 406n.24
books, approval required for, 299
Bórquez, Israel, 146, 157
Brady, Herman, 45
Bravo, Gabriela, 128
Bravo, Nino, 70
Brazil, xxiii, 354, 379