Alberto Alonso

Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
Country of
Date of Birth: 19/11/1978
E-mail: [email protected] /
[email protected]
Cell-phone: (+31) 611215963
1. Educational background
PhD Candidate in Development Studies. Political Economy of Resources,
2012 to date Environment and Population Research Group. International Institute of Social Studies
(ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
MSc. in International Development & Humanitarian Action. Deusto University,
Basque Country, Spain.
B.A in Economics. University of the Basque Country. Specialization in International
Political Economy. Spain.
2. Publications
2.1 Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Alonso-Fradejas, A., Liu, J., Salerno, T., Xu, Y. (2016). Inquiring into the political
economy of oil palm as a global flex crop. Journal of Peasant Studies 43:1, 141-165
Carol Hunsberger & Alberto Alonso-Fradejas (2016) The discursive flexibility of ‘flex
crops’: comparing oil palm and jatropha. Journal of Peasant Studies, 43:1, 225-250
Alonso-Fradejas, A., Borras, S. M., Holmes, T., Holt-Giménez, E. and Robbins, M. J.
(2015) ‘Food sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, conditions and challenges’,
Special Issue: Food Sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, condition and challenges.
Guest editors: Eric Holt-Giménez, Alberto Alonso-Fradejas, Todd Holmes and Martha
Jane Robbins, Third World Quarterly 36(3): 431-448
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2015) ‘Anything but a story foretold: Multiple politics of resistance
to the agrarian extractivist project in Guatemala’, Journal of Peasant Studies 42 (3-4): 4895155.
Brent, Z. W., Schiavoni, C.M, and Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2015) ‘Contextualising food
sovereignty: the politics of convergence among movements in the USA’, Third World
Quarterly 36(3): 618-635.
Brent, Z. W., Schiavoni, C.M, and Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2014) ‘No Time to Lose Common
Ground: Why land matters in nutrition debates’, Development Journal 57(2): 218–225.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2014) ‘Enclosed: Conservation, Cattle, and Commerce among the
Q'Eqchi’ Maya Lowlanders’, Journal of Peasant Studies: 1-5 (Book Review).
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2013) ‘Guatemala: Résistance Indienne et Paysanne à l'AgroIndustrie de la Canne et de la Palme’, Alternatives Sud 20(4): 129-136.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2012) ‘Land Control-Grabbing in Guatemala: The Political Economy
of Contemporary Agrarian Change’, Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue
Canadienne d'études du Développement 33(4): 509-528
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2011) ‘Crisis de acumulación en el Norte y restructuración del agro
en Centroamérica: Una interpretación situada del modelo primario-exportador en el s.
XXI’, Revista Mundo Siglo XXI 26(VII): 25-41, Centre of Social, Administrative and
Economic Research of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico.
2.2 Books
Grünberg, G.; Grandia, L.; Milián, B.; Hurtado, L., Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Cotom, E.;
Penados, J.; Euler, R. (2012) Tierra e Igualdad; Desafíos para la Administración de
Tierras en Petén, Guatemala. Guatemala and Washington D.C: World Bank.
Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Caal Hub, J.L.; Chinchilla Miranda, T. (2011) Plantaciones
agroindustriales, dominación y despojo indígena-campesino en la Guatemala del siglo
XXI. Guatemala: IDEAR and Magnaterra Eds.
Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Alonzo, F.; Dürr, J. (2008) Caña de azúcar y Palma Africana:
combustibles para un nuevo ciclo de acumulación y dominio en Guatemala. Guatemala:
IDEAR and Magnaterra Eds.
Gauster, S.; Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2008) Propuesta de institucionalidad y políticas
públicas para la promoción de la agricultura campesina de Guatemala. Guatemala:
IDEAR and Oxfam International.
Gauster, S.; Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2007). Grupo MASECA: La emperadora translatina de
la tortilla de harina de maíz en Centroamérica. Guatemala: IDEAR, Alianza Social
Continental, ActionAid International and IDRC/CRDI Canada.
Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Gauster S. (2006) Perspectivas para la agricultura familiar
campesina de Guatemala ante el DR-CAFTA. Guatemala: Mesa Global, Alianza Social
Continental and IDRC/CRDI Canada.
Garoz, B.; Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Gauster, S. (2005) Balance de la aplicación de la política
agraria del Banco Mundial en Guatemala. Guatemala: IDEAR and IBIS Denmark.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2005) El DR-CAFTA: Impactos probables sobre los determinantes
de la migración internacional en Guatemala. Guatemala: IDEAR and Oxfam.
2.3 Book Chapters
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2014) ‘Guatemala: Capitalismo, Poder y Tierra’, in G. Almeyra, L.
Concheiro Bórquez, J.M. Mendes Pereira and C.W. Porto Gonçalves (eds) Capitalismo:
Tierra y Poder en América Latina (1982-2012) Vol. III, (2014 edn), pp. 93-146. Mexico:
CLACSO and Ediciones Continente.
McKay, B.; Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Wang, C.; and Borras, S.M. (2014) ‘Contested Land
Politics and Trajectories of Agrarian Change within an Emergent World Agro-Commodity
Regime: Insights from the BRICS and the Periphery’, in Schanbacher, W. D. (ed.) The
Global Food System. Issues and Solutions, pp. 211-242. Santa Barbara: PRAEGER (ABCCLIO)
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2009). ‘The human right to food versus the new colonizers of
agriculture in Guatemala: Sugarcane and african palm’, in Emanuelli, M.S.; Jonsen, J.;
Monsalve Suárez, S. (eds.) Red Sugar, Green Deserts, pp. 229-246. Heildeberg: FIAN
International, International Coalition for the Habitat and Sweden-Latin America Solidarity
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2009). ‘Agro-combustibles, conflictividad agraria, y gobernabilidad
territorial’, in America Latina: Pobreza privada, riqueza publica, pp.50-62. Quito: CIDSE
and ALAI
2.4 Relevant conference papers and lectures
Brent, Zoe; Alonso‐Fradejas, Alberto; Borras Jr, Saturnino M; Colque, Gonzalo; Sauer,
Sergio (2016) ‘The challenge of interpretation and implementation of the Voluntary
Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the
Context of National Food Security in Latin America’, International Colloquium on Global
Governance/politics, Climate Justice & Agrarian/social justice: Linkages and Challenges,
4-5 February 2016, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, The
Borras, S.M.; Franco, J.C.; and Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2015) ‘The intertwining of
transnational agrarian and climate justice social movements: issues that unite and divide
movements: A discussion note’, International Conference on Resource Politics:
Transforming Pathways to Sustainability, 7-9 September 2015, STEPS/ Institute of
Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.
Alonso Fradejas, A. (2014) ‘Political dynamics of contemporary agrarian change from a
multiple politics perspective’, Fifth Annual Conference in Political Economy: The Crisis:
Scholarship, Policies, Conflicts and Alternatives, September 16-18, 2014. Naples, Italy.
Alonso Fradejas, A. (2014) ‘Politics of Land Grab-Driven Agrarian and Labor Regimes
Change in Guatemala’, XXIX World ISA Congress, July 13-19. Yokohama, Japan.
Alonso Fradejas, A. (2014) ‘BRICS?? and political dynamics of agrarian change and
territorial restructuring in Central America: Towards a research agenda’ International
Seminar on Agrarian Transformations, Land and Development in the BRICS countries, 5-6
May 2014, University of Brasilia, Brazil.
Alonso Fradejas, A. (2013). ‘Twenty-first Century Extractivism in Guatemala’, Colloquia
on Contemporary Extractivism in Latin America, March 20 and 22. Rosa Luxembourg
Foundation, Berlin and Potsdam, Germany.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2012). ‘The Politics of Land Control Grabbing in Guatemala’',
International Conference on Global Land Grabbing II, October 17-19. Cornell University,
Ithaca, USA.
Mingorría, S.; Gamboa, G.; Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2011). ‘Challenges of a research process
in a context of inequality and social unrest: The Polochic Valley, Guatemala’, XIX
International Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics, June 14-17.
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2011). ‘Expansion of oil palm agribusinesses over indigenouspeasant lands and territories in Guatemala: Fuelling a new cycle of agrarian accumulation,
territorial dominance and social vulnerability?’ International Conference on Global Land
Grabbing, April 6-8. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, U.K.
Alonso-Fradejas, A; Mingorría, S.; Gamboa, G. (2010). ‘Implicaciones de la expansión de
plantaciones de palma africana para el metabolismo socio-ecológico de comunidades
indígenas y campesinas en Guatemala’, VIII Conference of the Latin American Rural
Sociology Association (ALASRU), November 15-19, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2009). ‘Epistemología y práctica investigativa agraria y rural
emancipadora’, in VIII International Workshop on Emancipatory Paradigms, September 15. School of Philosophy. University of La Habana, Cuba.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2008). ‘Agrocombustibles, monocultivos extensivos y economías
campesinas en el agro centroamericano’, in International Conference on Land Reform and
Food Sovereignty, September 24-25. Coordinadora latinoamericana de Organizaciones del
Campo (CLOC) and La Vía Campesina International, Guatemala.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2007). ‘El agronegocio como sujeto que redimensiona la cuestión
agraria en el neoliberalismo’, in International Conference on the Agrarian Question and its
Challenges in the Latin American Context, May 21-22. CLACSO, Guatemala.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2006). ‘Poblaciones vulnerables en territorios de oportunidades: La
encrucijada de la nueva ruralidad en Guatemala’, in International Conference on Rural
Territories in Motion: Social Movements, Actors and Institutions in Rural Territorial
Developent, April 23-26. Latin American Centre for Rural Development (RIMISP)
Santiago, Chile.
2.5 Scientific articles and policy papers
Alonso-Fradejas, A., Juan Liu, J., Salerno, T. and Xu, Y. (2015) The political economy of
oil palm as a flex crop and its implications for transnational advocacy and campaigning: A
preliminary discussion. Think Piece Series on Flex Crops and Commodities, No. 5.
Amsterdam: Transnational Institute (TNI).
Franco, J. C., Kramer, T., Alonso Fradejas, A., Twomey, H., and Vervest, P. (2015) The
Challenge of Democratic and Inclusive Land Policymaking in Myanmar, Amsterdam:
Transnational Institute (TNI).
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2013) ´Contemporary land grab-driven agrarian change from a
multiple politics perspective: Insights from Guatemala´. LDPI small grants working paper.
The Netherlands: The Land Deal Politics Initiative.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2013) ‘“Sons and daughters of the Earth”: Indigenous communities
and land grabs in Guatemala’. Research brief edited by Kerssen, T., and Shattuck, A.
Oakland/Amsterdam: Food First/TNI/Land & Sovereignty in The Americas Collective.
Franco, J.C.; Borras, S.J.; Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Buxton, N.; Herre, R.; Kay, S.; Feodoroff,
T. (2013) The Global Land Grab: A Primer. Amsterdam: Transnational Institute (TNI).
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2011). ‘Falacias globales legitiman el despojo indigena y
campesino’, in Journal of the Latin American Information Agency (ALAI) 470, November
2011. Quito, Ecuador.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2008). ‘Directrices Voluntarias sobre el derecho a la alimentación y
agrocombustibles’, in I Alternative Report on the Human Right to Food in Guatemala.
Guatemala: Right to Food Civil Society Collective.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2008) ‘Contradicciones históricas ante la crisis del paradigma
agroalimentario postmoderno: Reflexiones desde Guatemala’, in Observatory on
Agriculture and Sustainability, Report 5 (August). Centro Latinoamericano de Ecología
Social -CLAES-D3E. Montevideo, Uruguay. Included in Guatemala’s Mission Report from
the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (Olivier de Schutter) delivered
at the UN Human Rights Council on 26/01/10. A/HRC/13/33/Add.4.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2007) ‘Grupo Maseca: The trans-Latin emperor of flour tortilla in
Central America’, in Food Files Magazine, October. U.K: International Food Security
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2006) ‘Poblaciones vulnerables en territorios de oportunidades: La
encrucijada de la nueva ruralidad en Guatemala’, in InterCambios Bulletin 6(66),
September. Latin American Centre for Rural Development (RIMISP) Santiago, Chile.
Alonso-Fradejas, A. (2006) ‘El mito de la agricultura familiar campesina y la agroexportación no tradicional en Guatemala: Reflexiones ineludibles ante un escenario DRCAFTA’, in Trade and Agriculture Bulletin, 6 (August). Brazil: Alianza Social Continental,
ActionAid International and IDRC/CRDI Canada.
Gauster, S.; Alonso-Fradejas, A.; Galián, C.; Garoz, B.; Mazzei, U. (2005) Soberanía
alimentaria y economía campesina: Desafíos para Guatemala en las negociaciones
agrícolas en la OMC. Guatemala: IDEAR and Oxfam.
Alonso-Fradejas, A (2004) ‘Identidades cuestionadas: el pueblo maya de Guatemala ante
el ALCA’, Distinction MSc Research Paper, in Yearbook of Humanitarian Action and
Human Rights, Issue 1: 97-132. Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute, Deusto University,
Bilbao: Basque Country.
3. Academic teaching
Lecturer and tutor at the course on “Politics of Agrarian Transformation” (course leader:
Prof. Dr. Jun Borras). Master on Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies. International
Institute of Social Studies (ISS). The Netherlands
November- Lecturer and tutor at the course on “Politics of Development” (course leader: Dr. Wang
December Chunyu). Master in Rural Development, College of Humanities and Development
(COHD) of China Agricultural University in Beijing, China.
Guest lecturer at the course on “Land and natural resources grabbing” (course leader: Dr.
Jeroen Adam). Master in Conflict and Development Studies, University of Gent, Beligum.
April-June Lecturer and tutor at the course on “Politics of Agrarian Transformation” (course leader:
Prof. Dr. Jun Borras). Master on Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies. International
Institute of Social Studies (ISS). The Netherlands
April-June Lecturer and tutor at the course on “Politics of Agrarian Transformation” (Course Leader:
Prof. Dr. Jun Borras). Master on Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies. International
Institute of Social Studies (ISS). The Netherlands.
November Guest lecturer at the Master on Social Research. Faculty of Political Sciences. University
of San Carlos. Guatemala.
September- Guest lecturer at the Graduate Degree on Sustainable Human Development. University of
Seville-APY Foundation. Seville, Spain.
2009- 2011 Guest lecturer at the Master on Rural Development (course leader: Dr. Silvel Elias).
Faculty of Agronomical Science. University of San Carlos. Guatemala.
2007- 2011 Guest Advisor of Master Research Papers. Latin American University of Social Sciences
(FLACSO) Guatemala.
2007- 2011 Guest lecturer at the School of History. University of San Carlos. Guatemala.
4. Employment Record
May 2013 to
TNI. Transnational Institute. Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Researcher at the
Agrarian and Environmental Justice programme.
TFESSD-World Bank. The Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable
Development of the World Bank. Short term Consultant. Member of the Evaluation
Team of the World Bank Land Administration Projects in Petén Guatemala (19902012).
2003- 2011 IDEAR. Institute of Agrarian and Rural Studies. Guatemala. Researcher and Head of
the Land & Territory research programme.
2000- 2001 PRAXIS. Bangalore, India. Research Assistant at the Rural Livelihoods research
The Hague, The Netherlands, September 30 2016