Seminario Doutoral UAb UNED programa

Ministério da Educação e Ciência
Número de horas: 20
Datas de abertura e fecho/ Datas de apertura y fecha: 1-5 de junho de 2015
Regime de ensino: sessões video streaming e na plataforma Moodle/ Régimen de
enseñanza: sesiones de video streaming y en la plataforma Moodle
Apresentação/ Presentación
A 9 de maio de 2015 passam 65 anos sobre
declaração do ministro dos negócios
estrangeiros da França, Robert Schuman, que
anunciou a criação da primeira comunidade
europeia, a do carvão e do aço. A data é vista
como fundadora da comunidade europeia e, por
isso, tornou-se um dia de celebração pública na
União Europeia, apesar de serem poucos os
seus cidadãos que participam das iniciativas
oficiais e que têm conhecimento do facto.
Neste seminário um grupo de professores da
Universidade Aberta de Portugal irá partilhar
convosco as suas reflexões sobre diversos
aspetos da construção do projeto de unidade
europeia e das contradições que o mesmo
enferma. O olhar sobre os problemas é,
inevitavelmente, condicionada pelas respetivas
áreas de formação, História, Economia,
Sociologia e Direito. A abordagem será plural,
interdisciplinar e esperamos que seja também
motivadora da vossa participação ativa nas
sessões vídeo streaming e na plataforma.
A plataforma a utilizar será a da Universidade
Aberta, que é uma versão adaptada do Moodle,
bastante interativa e fácil para trabalhar. O
vosso acesso será facilitado através de uma
inscrição online e de um nome de utilizador e
palavra passe que indicaremos na altura
El 09 de mayo 2015, se cumplen 65 años de la
declaración del Ministro de exteriores de
Francia, Robert Schuman, quien anunció la
creación de la primera comunidad europea del
carbón y del acero. La fecha se considera como
fundadora de la Comunidad Europea y, por lo
tanto, se convirtió en un día de celebración en la
Unión Europea, aunque son pocos los
ciudadanos que participan en las iniciativas
oficiales y que tienen conocimiento del hecho.
En este taller un grupo de profesores de la
Universidade Aberta de Portugal compartirán
con vosotros sus pensamientos sobre diversos
aspectos del proyecto de construcción de la
unidad europea y las contradicciones de las que
adolece. La mirada sobre los problemas es
inevitablemente condicionada por sus
respectivcas áreas de formación, historia,
economía, sociología y derecho. El enfoque será
plural, interdisciplinario y esperamos también
motivar vuestra participación activa en las
sesiones streaming de vídeo y en la plataforma.
La plataforma que se utilizará será de la
Universidade Aberta, que es una versión
adaptada de Moodle, muy interactivo y fácil de
trabajar. Se facilitará su acceso a través de una
solicitud en línea y un nombre de usuario y
contraseña que se indicaremos cuando llegue el
Europa ou Europas? Problemas e complexidade na definição de um conceito de
Europa/ ¿Europa o Europa? Problemas y la complejidad en la definición de un
concepto de Europa – Maria Isabel João ([email protected] )
"Unida en la diversidad" es el lema de la UE. Sin embargo, la fluidez de las fronteras, las divisiones
internas y las profundas asimetrías hacen difícil definir lo que es Europa y lo que la une. Solo la
historia puede ayudarnos a encontrar respuestas a estos problemas. ¿Cuáles son los límites de
Europa? ¿Cómo puedes definirlo? ¿Cómo es posible construir una identidad europea sin dejar de
lado las diferencias y la pluralidad.
Patrice Rolland (1994). “L’identité européenne”. In Identité politique. Paris: PUF, p. 433440. URL:
Carlo Gamberale (1997). “European citizenship and political identity”. Space and Polity, 1:1,
37-59, DOI: 10.1080/13562579708721754, URL:
Maria Isabel João (2002). “Os Historiadores e a Europa”, Discursos. III série, 4, Lisboa:
Universidade Aberta, p.151-168.
Economic integration in the EU: does it (still) worth? – Carlos Rafael Branco
([email protected] )
The sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone has developed mixed feelings about the future of
economic integration in the EU. On the one hand, arguments are presented looking to explore the
effects on the conditions of populations. On the other hand, proposals are made to enhance the
degree of integration. Given this framework, we aim to explore the following questions: How to
measure the impact of the economic integration? Is there room for further improvement? What
path is mostly recommended? In addressing these questions we will focus on two major issues.
Firstly, the expected impact and economic assessment of the economic and monetary union.
Secondly, SWOT analysis of the European Union.
Gábor Békés, László Halpern, Balázs Muraközy, Miklós Koren, 2012. Still standing: Global
crisis and European firms, VoxEU. URL:
Jon Danielsson, Eva Micheler, Katja Neugebauer, Andreas Uthemann, Jean-Pierre Zigrand,
(2015). Europe’s proposed capital markets union: Disruption will drive investment and
innovation, VoxEU. URL:
Europe: Security and Defence – José Fontes ([email protected] )
Today we live in a world of deep changes, with transnational threats and especially with the growth
of international terrorism. Thus, Security and Defence issues are very important for the future of
the European Union and NATO.
There are proposals to create a European Army? What is this new Strategic Concept of NATO?
These are some of the main topics for our debate.
European Union | External Action, URL:
NATO | New Strategic Concept (Lisbon Summit 2010), URL:
Migrant women in the European context – Joana Miranda ([email protected] )
Traditional migration theories don’t consider the specificities of women’s migratory realities. The
genderization of migrations was the basis of a paradigm change in migration studies. At present,
researchers are more aware of the complexity of migratory processes and dynamics. This
awareness is no longer compatible with a simplistic and abstract discourse about migrations that
doesn’t consider the specificity of migrant women.
Gender, as the main analysis variable or just as one of the variables involved, is a category of
interpretation that should be present in migration studies.
The perspective of migrant women is often ignored by the European debates and policies relating
to immigration and the impact of EU immigration/integration policies on the lives of migrant
women needs to be analysed.
Lada, Anastasia-Sasa (2006). “Report on Gender, Diversity and Urban Space” Athena
Working Group IN”, The Making of European Women’s Studies, vol. 7. Utrecht: University of
Sassen, S. (2003). “The feminisation of survival: alternative global circuits”. In M.
Morokvasic-Muller, U. Ere & J. Shinozaki (Eds.). Crossing borders and shifting boundaries.
Gender on the move, vol. I, Opladen: Leskebudrich.
Migrations and citizenship in times of crisis – Ana Paula Beja Horta
([email protected] )
This Module aims to examine migration policies and citizenship rights in the recent context of
economic and financial crisis in Europe, more specifically in Southern Europe. Given this analytical
framework, we aim to explore the following questions: What are the impacts of the economic and
financial crisis on migration flows and integration patterns? How has migration policy-making
responded to changing national and international contexts? To what extent are migrants’
citizenship rights under siege? In addressing these questions we will focus on three major issues.
Firstly, recent changes in international migration patterns will be examined in regards to entry and
settlement conditions. Secondly, the role of stakeholders (international, national and local) in
shaping policy-making will be explored. Thirdly, we propose to discuss current debates on
migrants’ citizenship rights in light of the new policy challenges and frameworks.
Tamara Jonjić and Georgia Mavrodi (2012). Immigration in the EU: Policies and Politics in
Times of Crisis 2007-2012. European University Institute. URL:
Horta, Ana Paula Beja e Maria Paula Oliveira (2015). Integration Policies. Portugal Country
Report, European Research Institute, EUI Research Repository. URL: