August 7, 2016 - St. John the Apostle Catholic Church

AUGUST 7, 2016
Saturday, August 6
4:00 PM
Paul & Karen Mathers by Friend
Sunday, August 7
8:00 AM
†Joe Bartkovak by Bob Breunig
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend
of August 13/14
10:30 AM
†Sylvia Lozano by Parents
12:15 PM
Pro Populo
Monday, August 8
8:00 AM
†Martin A. Bailon & †Jose L. Bailon by the
Bailon Family
Tuesday, August 9
8:00 AM
Ann Glynn by Frank & Elaine Kasper
Sat. 4:00pm James Langdon/Cathy Burton
Sun. 8:00am Jim Leeker/Marianne Marsden
Sun.10:30am Bill Bedrick/Karie Hammond
Sat. 4:00pm Michael Gumler*/Sherry G./Debbie P./Paul M.
Sun. 8:00am Jack Neumann*/Conrado A./Cindy K./Abby H.
Sun. 10:30am Kevin Prouty*/Richard Jr./Steve H./Erik A.
Extraordinary Ministers
Sat. 4:00pm Joyce Salisbury/Rick Salisbury/Karen Mathers
Sun. 8:00am Chris Probst/Dan Probst
Sun. 10:30am Argie Benavidez/Tammy Guerra
Last Week’s Collection: 6,022.73
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 06/30/16:
Young Women’s Group
The Young Women’s Group will meet
Sunday, August 28th at Casa St. John.
All girls in grade 6-12 are invited to
Thursday, August 11
8:00 AM
†Katy Mulvihill by Mike Mulvihill
Friday, August 12
8:00 AM
For an end to abortion and a greater respect
for Human Life at all stages by Sherry
Goelden & Lucy Krouskop
Saturday, August 13
4:00 PM
Pro Populo
Sunday, August 14
8:00 AM
†Sergio Bueno by Wife & Family
10:30 AM
†Ottie Lynch by Family & Friends
12:15 PM
†Francisco Luna de Castillo Int. de Jose Humberto Castillo
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the
departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be
offered, please visit the parish office or return to the office a
completed Mass intention card. Available cards are located in
the foyer of the church.
Anointing of the Sick
Because of the Privacy Act, hospitals and nursing homes are no
longer able to provide a list of the Catholic patients/residents for
the Churches use in order to visit and administer the Sacraments
of Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick. Therefore, I need
your assistance when you have a family member who is
hospitalized or in a nursing home. Please call Fr. Orosco at the
Church Office at (972) 563-3643 so that I may be of assistance.
Nineteenth Week of Ordinary Time
Monday, August 8
8:00 AM
Daily Mass
1:00 PM
Crochet Ministry at Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Grupo de Oración en la Casa St. John
Tuesday, August 9
8:00 AM
Daily Mass
Wednesday, August 10
6:30 PM
Hora Santa
Thursday, August 11
8:00 AM
Daily Mass
7:00 PM
Knights of Columbus meeting @ Parish
Friday, August 12
8:00 AM
Daily Mass
Prayer Requests
Richard Collier
Richard Lozano Sr.
Mike Gonzales
Amalia Ibarra
Lucy Krouskop
Deacon Leo Rener
Jennifer Whitehouse
John “Sonny” Jones
TJ Blankenship
Stanley Quist
Paul Gumler
Brenda Larsen
Rosario Rodríguez
Cindy Kinkaid
Rosann Kinkaid
Mayra Anguiano
Patti Sikors Garrett
Crystal Sanchez
Warren Terry
Barbara Sikors Hendricks
Nick Morales, Sr.
Lee Wilde
James Dean
Brenda Newburn
Henry Taft
Jesus Arteaga
Elaine Kasper
Mason Gumler
Felipa Garcia
Joe Wages
Erica Vargas
Margaret Wages
Sheila Wages
Marisela Vargas
Johnnie B. Malouf
Pascual Meza
Robert Repka, Sr.
Michelle Elliott
Jack Sikors
Theresa Lyon
Sunday is the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary
Time. In Luke's Gospel, Jesus cautions us to be
ready for the coming of the Lord. “Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour when
the thief was coming, he would not have let his house
be broken into.”
Monday is the Memorial of Saint Dominic,
Priest. Wednesday is the Feast of Saint
Lawrence, deacon and martyr. Thursday is
the Memorial of Saint Clare.
This week we begin reading from the Book of the
Prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet to the
people in exile in Babylon. He uses dreams and
powerful symbolic visions - at first denouncing their
infidelity and then offering hope for restoration and
In Matthew's Gospel this week we reflect upon
God's mercy and our call to imitate God's love. Jesus
predicts his passion and miraculously resolves a
conflict over temple tax. It is not the temple tax for
which he will be executed, but for what he reveals
about God's love and mercy to sinners. Jesus tells us
we should "become like children": innocent, loving,
trusting, humble. Jesus tells us the hard work we
should go through to reconcile with a sinner. He says
that whenever we are gathered together, in his name,
he is with us. He tells us to forgive - over and over
again - and tells the parable of the servant who is
forgiven but won't forgive a fellow servant. Jesus
speaks about the permanence of the marriage
commitment. Children were not regarded very highly
and the disciples tried to bar them from bothering
Jesus. Jesus welcomes them - and all the powerless
they represent: “for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
AUGUST 7, 2016
Grupo de Oración
El Grupo de Oración se reúnen cada lunes en la
casa San Juan.
Unción de los Enfermos
Si usted o alguien que usted conozca está
necesitado en recibir comunión o el Sacramento
de la Unción de los Enfermos favor de llamar al
Padre Orosco en la oficina de la Iglesia al
número 972-563-3643.
 En que va a venir el “ladrón”, como dice Cristo…
 En que nos pueda dar en el pecho ese dolorcito
que llaman infarto…
 En que el conductor atrabancado de un autobús
o un automobillista ebrio pueda echársenos
 En que se nos acabe el tiempo de vivir en la
Nota 1: El evangelio de hoy no es para que nos
asustemos, no precisamente para evitarnos, algún día,
un susto mayúsculo.
Nota 2: Cristo no se refiere al día de la muerte, sino al
día en que el Hijo del hombre (o sea él) vendrá a juzgar
a los vivos y a los muertos. Pero para efectos prácticos
da lo mismo, ya que después de la muerte no hay
tiempo para prepararnos.
Nota 3: La mejor forma de prepararnos nos la da
Cristo al decir: “Dichoso este siervo, si el amo, a su llegada, lo encuentra cumpliendo con su deber (de hijo,
de casado, de padre, de empleado, de ciudadano, de
Hora Santa
Todos están invitados a la Hora Santa cada miércoles a
las 6:30pm. Nos reunimos en la Iglesia para darle
honra a Jesús Sacramentado.
Clases Pre-Bautismales
Tenemos pláticas cada primer sábado de cada
mes a las 6:00pm en el Salón Parroquial. Favor
de llamar a la oficina (972-563-3643) para más
Recuerdo: No tenemos confesiones los martes y
jueves durante el mes de agosto.
1. Favor de notificar la oficina de la Iglesia
(972-563-3643) si tiene un cambio de
domicilio o cambio de número de
2. Recuerde que, durante los meses
de verano, aunque no tenemos
Doctrina, sí tenemos Misa cada
domingo. Tomen vacaciones del
trabajo, escuela, etc., pero no de la
Misa Dominical.
Rite of Christian
Initiation for Adults
Have you been attending Mass with
us and have some questions about
the Catholic Church, the Eucharist,
Confession, Mary, etc.?
Have you been away from the
Catholic Church…and have now
returned, but want to know more
about its teachings?
Have you been a Catholic
all your life, but for some
reason or another, have not
received the Sacraments of
Confirmation or the Eucharist?
Have you joined us from a different
faith tradition and would like to know
more about the Catholic Church?
If any of these questions apply to you, we would like to help you in your
journey! Or if you know of anyone who could answer “yes” to any of these questions, perhaps you could extend an invitation to them! RCIA is not a
program but a process that one goes through when becoming Catholic or
completing their Sacraments of Initiation.
Please contact Deacon Jim Starr @ 972-563-3643