1. Mobile Terminals: Décret n°2003

1. Ordinance and Decree.
2. Recommendation.
1. Ordinance and Decree Base station :
Décret 2002-775 du 3 mai 2002 regarding public exposure to radiocommunication setups
2. Recommendation: Interministerial Guideline as regards to mobile telephony base stations
(BTS) http://www.sante.gouv.fr/htm/dossiers/telephon_mobil/textes/circ_011016.htm
1. Mobile Terminals: Décret n°2003-961 du 8 octobre 2003 regarding the conformity
assessment of mobile terminals.
Two « arrêtés » (implementing law) written in application of this decree :
1st arrêté du 8 octobre 2003 determines the limit exposure values for mobile terminals
2nd arrêté du 8 octobre 2003 makes the information compulsory about the SAR of mobile
phones as well as the correct way of use
2. Recommendation: UTE C 99-111 - Recommendation concerning exposure of workers to
electromagnetic fields
1. Ministry of Industry
2. A. Government; b. AFNOR/UTE: French National Standard Body
1. A. May, 3, 2002 ; 1 b: October, 8, 2003
2.A - October, 16, 2001 ; 2.B- October, 2002
1. Yes (EC 1999/519)
2.Yes (EC 2004/40)
1. Base stations: measurements by ANFR (National Frequencies Agency) and/or agreed
measurement Societies. Arrêté 2003-961 du 3 novembre 2003: Evaluation of conformity of
telecommunications terminal equipment and radiofrequency equipment and their conditions to
be put in the service according to the Telecommunications Law.
Others: ECC recommendation (02)04 measuring non-ionising electromagnetic radiation (9 kHz
– 300 GHz
2. a. Base stations: measurements by ANFR
2. B.Minimum health and safety req. regarding workers exposure
1. 0 Hz - 300 GHz
2. A. - 900 MHz, 1800 MHz
2. B. - 0 Hz - 300 GHz
1. Basic restrictions and reference levels
2. A. Reference levels and distances to antennas
2. B. Basic restrictions and reference levels
1. Magnetic flux (mT), current density (mA/m²), SAR (W/kg)
2. A - EC 1999/519
2. B - EC 2004/40, ICNIRP
1. & 2. Periode
- 6 minutes
1. & 2.
- 10g
1. mobile phone: EN 50360-2001
EAS and RFID: EN 50364-2001
other radio: EN 50371:2002
other any: ECC REC (02)04
2. a.b. mobile phone: EN 50360-2001
EAS and RFID: EN 50364-2001
other radio: EN 50371:2002
other any: ECC REC (02)04
1.EC 1999/519
2. a.b. RMS electric and magnetic field strength at 900 and 1800 MHz
1. Base stations: National standard ANFR/DR-15
or CENELEC EN 50385-2002
other: ECC REC (02)04
2a. Base stations: National standard ANFR/DR-15 or CENELEC EN 50385-2002
other: ECC REC (02)04
Philippe Beaussire and Frédéric Jourdain
DGS - Bureau 7-B
8 Av. de Ségur
75 350 Paris SP07
E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
Union Technique de l’Electricité et de la Communication (UTE)
BP 23 92 262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex
Tel: +33 1 40 93 62 00
Fax: +33 1 40 93 44 08
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.ute-fr.com/
Resources available on the websites of the French Health Ministry
(http://www.sante.gouv.fr/htm/dossiers/telephon_mobil/index.htm) and of the French
Environmental Health and Safety Agency (http://www.afsse.fr/)Agence Française de Sécurité
Sanitaire Environnementale, AFSSE/Avis & Etudes/ Téléphones Mobiles : Santé & sécurité
(official reports & regulation), and of the Ecology Ministry represented by INERIS.
Leaflet : Mobile phones : health & security (Plaquette DGS : téléphonie mobile, santé et
sécurité), 2002
AFSSE Statement on mobile phone and health (English/French),
Press release about the statement on mobile phone and health (Communiqué de presse
concernant l’avis de l’AFSSE), 2003
1. Title: Les effets biologiques des rayonnements non ionisants
2. Authors: Annette DUCHÊNE et Jacques JOUSSOT-DUBIEN
3. Publisher: Flammarion Médecine-Sciences, Paris
4. Publishing Year: 2001
5. Number of Pages: 95
6. Basis on WHO Brochure? No
7. Language: French
8. Contact: http://medecine.flammarion.com/
9. Price: 12.00 €