Listones (género Synargis)

Listones (género Synargis)
N omb res comu n es: Jaguarinas (Español)
Si n ón i mos: género Nymula
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In trod u cti on :
A large neotrpical genus.
Discussion of phylogenetic relationships 1,2
View Synargis Tree
The tree is based on the analysis of adult morphology presented in Hall and Harvey (2002).
Statistics of barcoding coverage 3
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:46
Specimens with Sequences:45
Specimens with Barcodes:36
Species With Barcodes:3
Public Records:34
Public Species:1
Public BINs:1
1. Brower, Andrew V. Z.2008. Synargis Hübner 1819. Nymula Boisduval 1836 currently viewed as a
subjective junior synonym, Acystipoda Röber 1892 currently viewed as a subjective junior
synonym, Ematurgina Röber 1903 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym, Thysanota
Stichel 1910 currently viewed as a subjective junior synonym.Version 04 June 2008 (under
construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,
2. © <a href="">Andrew V. Z. Brower</a>, some rights reserved
3. © Barcode of Life Data Systems, some rights reserved