Los Pronombres Sujetos - The subject of the sentence identifies who

Los Pronombres Sujetos
The subject of the sentence identifies who is doing the action.
Family members are the subject of the following sentences:
Mi madre vive en Marathon.
Mi abuelo es de Milwaukee.
My mom lives in Marathon.
My grandpa is from Milwaukee.
Pronouns may replace these nouns in a sentence.
They are called subject pronouns.
Ella vive en Marathon.
Él es de Milwaukee.
She lives in Marathon.
He is from Milwaukee.
Fill in the chart with the correct subject pronouns in English.
usted (Ud.)
nosotros / nosotras
vosotros / vosotras (Spain)
ustedes (Uds.)
- In Latin America, use ustedes when speaking to two or more people
regardless of age. Ustedes is usually written as Uds.
- In Spain, use vosotros to talk to a group of people you would individually refer to as tú.
Use ustedes for a group of people you would individually refer to as Ud.
- If a group is made up of males and females, you always use the masculine
form of the pronoun: nosotros, vosotros, ellos.
- If a group is all females use the feminine forms only: nosotras, vosotras, ellas.
Write the correct subject pronouns that replace the name(s) when speaking/writing about the
following people:
1. Paco y yo_________________________ 7. tú y Pablo (in Mexico) _____________
2. yo ______________________________ 8. mi primo y Pedro _________________
3. Mi hermana y yo (f.) ________________ 9. Raúl ___________________________
4. la profesora _______________________ 10. Lola y su amiga __________________
5. Luisa y tú (in Spain) ________________ 11. El Sr. Reiche ____________________
6. los abuelos _______________________ 12. mi padre y yo (m.) ________________