INTERNATIONAL DOLPHIN CONSERVATION PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL REVIEW PANEL PERMANENT WORKING GROUP ON TUNA TRACKING MINUTES OF THE 8TH MEETING Cartagena (Colombia) 27 October 2001 Chair: Ms. Clara Gaviria (Colombia) AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Opening of the meeting Election of Chairman Adoption of the agenda Review of the implementation of the dolphin-safe documentation system Promotion and publicity for the AIDCP Dolphin Safe label Technical modifications to the System for Tuna Tracking and Verification National Tuna Tracking Plans Recommendations for the IRP and the Meeting of the Parties Other business Date and place of next meeting Adjournment DOCUMENTS TT-8-06 Technical modifications to the System for Tuna Tracking and Verification (attached) APPENDICES 1. List of attendees 2. Tuna Tracking Forms received by the Secretariat, 2001 The 8th Meeting of the Permanent Working Group on Tuna Tracking was held in Cartagena (Colombia) on October 27, 2001. The attendees are listed in Appendix 1. 1. Opening of the meeting The meeting was opened by Dr. Robin Allen, Director of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), which serves as the Secretariat to the Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP). Dr. Allen stated that he had been asked to inquire of the delegates whether they would be willing to open this meeting, which normally is restricted to IRP members and those on government delegations, to other interested individuals. The Working Group agreed to open the meeting. 2. Election of Chairman Ms. Clara Gaviria, of Colombia, was elected to chair the meeting, and delegated the task to Lic. María Eugenia Lloreda. 3. Adoption of the agenda The provisional agenda was adopted as presented. 4. Review of the implementation of the dolphin-safe documentation system The Secretariat presented a table showing the Tuna Tracking Forms (TTFs) received in 2001 as of 15 September (Appendix 2). After a discussion of the question of the TTFs, during which some members expressed their concern that the system was not working properly, the Working Group agreed that the Parties should make greater efforts in relation to their obligation of sending the TTFs to the Secretariat in a timely and efficient manner, and asked the Secretariat to write to governments emphasizing the importance of fully implementing the System for Tracking and Verifying Tuna and the procedures for AIDCP Dolphin Safe Tuna Certification. National authorities of the governments involved have significant responsibilities associated with these agreed tracking and certification processes, and the meeting recognized the importance of ensuring that the national authorities effectively discharge these responsibilities. The Working Group also asked that the Secretariat prepare a flow chart for the next meeting, illustrating how the system is supposed to work with regard to transmitting the TTFs to the Secretariat. 5. Promotion and publicity for the AIDCP Dolphin Safe label Regarding the trip to Europe to promote the AIDCP Dolphin Safe label, Colombia opened the discussion by referring to the document prepared by the Secretariat with suggestions on how to proceed with such a mission, and recommending that this approach be pursued. Costa Rica pointed out that it would be necessary to have the support of the EU Council of Ministers. The EU delegate responded that the EU supports the mission, but that no decision had been taken at the level of Ministers regarding the matter. There followed a discussion on the costs of the mission and of a publicity campaign in general. It was agreed that the costs should be borne by those Parties involved in exporting the tuna, and the Secretariat was asked to prepare for the next meeting of the Working Group a budget for the costs of two trips to Europe, plus the corresponding publicity and all the events that would be held as part of the same, and the cost of hiring a public relations firm for one year. The United States emphasized that any costs incurred as a result of the trip to Europe should not be covered by the IATTC budget. Minutes TTWG 8 – Oct 2001 1 6. Technical modifications to the System for Tuna Tracking and Verification As requested by the 7th meeting of the of the Working Group, the Secretariat presented document TT-8-06 (attached) containing a proposal for amending the System for Tuna Tracking and Verification to address the matter of the collection of TTF data during trips which occurred both inside and outside the Agreement Area. The document also contains data on catches outside the Agreement Area. During an extensive discussion of the matter, many delegations expressed their support for the proposal drafted by the Secretariat, but some noted the possibility of legal problems stemming from the proposals. It was pointed out that the proposal was drafted in a manner that did not require recording on the TTFs any information relating to catches outside the Agreement Area, specifically to address any possible legal problems. Some delegations expressed concern that if a vessel chose not to record information on such catches, none of its catch, including that inside the Agreement Area, could be considered dolphin safe. The suggestion was made that perhaps the vessel’s wells could be sealed to address this concern. In the end, no agreement on a modification could be agreed, and the Working Group asked the Secretariat to prepare a new proposal for its next meeting. 7. National Tuna Tracking Plans The Secretariat introduced this item by noting which countries had completed national tuna tracking plans and transmitted them to the Secretariat. No delegations had any comments or observations on the plans that had been transmitted and circulated. The European Union noted that its draft plan was awaiting approval by the Council of Ministers. Guatemala explained that its draft plan was awaiting final approval by the appropriate government Ministers. The Working Group instructed the Secretariat to send letters to those countries that had not yet submitted their national plans, reminding them once again of the importance of completing these plans, and asking them to send them to the Secretariat before the next meeting of the Working Group. 8. Recommendations for the IRP and the Meeting of the Parties The Working Group recommended that the IRP and the Meeting of the Parties endorse its proposals to ask the Secretariat to prepare a budget for promoting the AIDCP dolphin safe label and to prepare letters to the appropriate Parties regarding the tuna tracking and dolphin-safe certification systems, and national tuna tracking plans. 9. Other business Ms. Pat Donley, of the United States, was confirmed as Chair of the Working Group. 10. Date and place of next meeting It was agreed that the next meeting of the Working Group would be held in La Jolla on 31 January 2002. 11. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned on 27 October 2001. Minutes TTWG 8 – Oct 2001 2 Appendix 1. PROGRAMA INTERNACIONAL PARA LA CONSERVACIÓN DE LOS DELFINES INTERNATIONAL DOLPHIN CONSERVATION PROGRAM GRUPO DE TRABAJO PERMANENTE SOBRE EL SEGUIMIENTO DEL ATUN PERMANENT WORKING GROUP ON TUNA TRACKING 8ª REUNION–8TH MEETING 27 de octubre de 2001– October 27, 2001 Cartagena (Colombia) ASISTENTES - ATTENDEES BOLIVIA YERKO GARAFULIC Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural COLOMBIA FABIO AVILA ARAUJO IVAN DARIO ESCOBAR Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura CLARA GAVIRIA MARIA EUGENIA LLOREDA Ministerio de Comercio Exterior GONZALO JIMENEZ ANYURIVET DAZA Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores MARY LUZ CAÑON HECTOR LEAL ROSALBA VARGAS Dirección General Marítima ESTHER JULIA PROEXPORT ARMANDO HERNANDEZ ALVARO BUSTAMANTE S. COSTA RICA HERBERT NANNE ECHANDI ASDRÚBAL VASQUEZ JOSE LUIS ARAYA INCOPESCA ECUADOR RAFAEL TRUJILLO BEJARANO LUIS TORRES NAVARRETE CESAR ROHON Ministerio de Comercio Exterior, Industrialización y Pesca BERNARDO BUEHS DANILO COTRINO IVO CUKA EL SALVADOR SONIA SALAVERRIA CORALIA MOREIRA Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería EUROPEAN UNION – UNION EUROPEA ROBERTO CESARI European Commission JUAN IGNACIO ARRIBAS Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación JAVIER ARIZ TELLERIA Instituto Español de Oceanografía Minutes TTWG 8 – Oct 2001 3 GUATEMALA FRATERNO DIAZ UNIPESCA ODILO ROMERO MEXICO RICARDO BELMONTES PEDRO ULLOA Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación MAXIMO CARVAJAL LUIS FUEYO SEMARNAT/PROFEPA RIGOBERTO ROMERO Comisión de Pesca de la Cámara de Diputados ERNESTO ESCOBAR PANAMA ARNULFO FRANCO Autoridad Marítima PERU JULIO GONZALES Ministerio de Pesquería GLADYS CARDENAS Instituto del Mar del Perú UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA DAVID HOGAN Department of State VANUATU HUGO ALSINA LAGOS Office of Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs VENEZUELA ALVIN DELGADO Programa Nacional de Observadores JON CELAYA JUAN MORA CERDAS FRANCISCO ORTISI ORGANIZACIONES NO GUBERNAMENTALES--NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS NINA YOUNG The Ocean Conservancy INDUSTRIA ATUNERA -TUNA INDUSTRY ROBERTO AGUIRRE CARLOS CALERO GABRIEL SARRO SECRETARIADO – SECRETARIAT ROBIN ALLEN, Director DAVID BRATTEN MARTHA GOMEZ JOSHUE GROSS BRIAN HALLMAN BERTA JUAREZ NICHOLAS WEBB Minutes TTWG 8 – Oct 2001 4 Appendix 2. PROGRAMA INTERNACIONAL PARA LA CONSERVACIÓN DE LOS DELFINES INTERNATIONAL DOLPHIN CONSERVATION PROGRAM RSA recibidos por el Secretariado para viajes del PICD con zarpe en 20011 TTFs received by the Secretariat for IDCP trip departures in 20011 Parte – Party Viajes – Trips COL ECU EUR GTM HON MEX NIC PAN SLV USA VEN VUT Total 12 131 20 33 6 112 4 14 5 13 92 18 430 Autoridad nac.2 Nat. Authority 2 0 50 0 0 0 18 2 4 1 5 53 5 138 Recibidos - Received Totales – Totals 11 131 20 3 6 66 4 13 5 13 91 18 3814 Porcentaje Percentage 92% 100% 100% 100% 100% 59% 100% 93% 100% 100% 99% 100% 95% 1 Viajes completos al 15 de septiembre de 2001 – Completed trips as of September 15, 2001 Por parte de la autoridad nacional de cuya jurisdicción es el buque o de la nación de procesamiento - From national authority of flag of jurisdiction or tuna processing state. 3 Incluye solamente viajes desde el 17 de mayo (fecha de accesión al APICD) – Includes only trips that started since May 17 (date of accession to the AIDCP). 4 De los 98 viajes que comenzaron el 21 de julio o posteriormente y que arribaron al 15 de septiembre, la Secretaría ha recibido solamente un original – Of the 98 trips that started on or after July 21 and were completed by Sept. 15, only one original has been received by the Secretariat. 2 Minutes TTWG 8 – Oct 2001 5 INTERNATIONAL DOLPHIN CONSERVATION PROGRAM PROGRAMA INTERNACIONAL PARA LA CONSERVACION DE LOS DELFINES PERMANENT WORKING GROUP ON TUNA TRACKING TH 8 MEETING CARTAGENA (COLOMBIA) OCTOBER 27, 2001 DOCUMENT TT-8-06 TECHNICAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE SYSTEM FOR TUNA TRACKING AND VERIFICATION 1. COLLECTION OF DATA BY OBSERVERS OUTSIDE THE AGREEMENT AREA During the 7th meeting of the Permanent Working Group on Tuna Tracking, the matter of covering the collection of TTF data on trips by vessels that fish both inside and outside the Agreement Area was discussed but not resolved. The Working Group decided to discuss the issue further at its next meeting, and the Secretariat was asked to draft an additional proposal for consideration by the members. Following is a proposal for a new paragraph 4 bis, to be added to Section 3 of the AIDCP System for Tracking and Verifying Tuna: “If a Party determines that tuna caught outside the Agreement Area by a vessel under its jurisdiction which fishes both inside and outside the Agreement Area during a single trip should not be recorded on a TTF by the observer on board the vessel, and so notifies the Secretariat in a timely manner, such tuna will not be recorded on the TTF. Otherwise, observers shall record on the TTF all tuna caught by vessels both inside and outside the Agreement Area. Unless all the tuna caught by a vessel which fishes both inside and outside the Agreement Area during a single trip is recorded on the TTF, the TTF for that trip shall not reflect that the tuna in any of the vessel’s wells is dolphin safe." 2. DATA ON CATCHES OUTSIDE THE AGREEMENT AREA Number of trips, retained catches (YFT, SKJ, BET), and effort (days at sea) in the Agreement Area (AA) and in the Pacific west of 150°W by purse-seine vessels covered by the IATTC observer program. Data from IATTC database; excludes trips covered by national programs. All trips with effort west of 150°W also fished in the Agreement Area, and are included in both categories. Days in which a vessel was in both areas are also included in both categories. Number of trips West of AA 150°W 1999 640 21 2000 594 25 1 2001 326 3 1 To: 15 OCT 2001 Retained catch (mt) West of AA 150°W 456,562 10,400 411,798 12,295 242,803 976 Minutes TTWG 8 – Oct 2001 Days at sea West of AA 150°W 22,448 306 23,029 418 12,452 48 6