251 TREATY SERIES. 1913. No. 16. PROTOCOL. BETWEEN THE UNI'T`ED KINGDOM COSTA AND RICA RESPECTI NG T'I3E APPLICATION OF THE TREATY OF COMMERCE OF NOVEMIELL 27, 1549, TO CERTAIN PARTS OF FILS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S DOMIN[ONS. Signed at Panama, August 18, 1913. Prexented to Loth lloflRe x of Parliam ent by Command of His dfajexly. $121tember 1913. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER TILE AUTHORITY OF II IS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY HARRISON AND SONS, 45-I7, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. W.C., I'EI?TEE.I; IN ORDINARY TO HIS MJESTY. 'Po be; purr,Lased either dirwUy or tIrongl any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LTD.. TRITER LANE. E.G., :INd o:, AEINOTON STREET, S.W., • .Old 5I, ST. MARY STEPRT, CARDIFF; o V I I F F I O E SCOTTISH IiRAxcit), :1, FORT'' SrIIEET, EIONIWI loIl; or II. M. S'I'.l •I'IONEl IL PONSONIY. LTO., 116, (:RARION S TREET, DUBLIN; or L,na tr _1t.a¢ies iE tho British U,donirs mid I),gi^•nd.•uri. s, the Ulliwd SCLL.•S of .AR.rricl. th„ U. mti mmt if En rope and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN, LosnoN, W.C. 1913. [Cd. 7097.] Pr ice id. 5 PROTOCOL BETWEEN THE UNITED .KINGDOM. AND COSTA RICA RESPECTING THE APPLICA'T'ION OF THE TREATY OF COMMERCE OF NOVEMBER 27, 1849, TO CERTAIN PARTS OF 11IS BRITANNIC MAJESTY ' S DOMINIONS. Si/led at .l 'aal(t9lii, Aug rtst 18, 1913. Protocol between the United Kingdom and Costa Rica respecting the application of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of November 27, 1849, to certain parts of His Britannic Majesty ' s Dominions. Protocolo entre el Reino Unido y Costa Rica respecto a la aplicacidn del Tratado de Amistad, Comercio y Navegacion de 27 de noviembre de 1849 , en ciertas partes de los dominios de Su Majestad Britanica. WIIEItEAS the commercial relations I etweel the British Empire and the Republic of Costa Rica are regulated by the Treaty of .Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of November 27,1849; aml whereas it is desirable to i alo! fitrthe- provision with regard to the application of the said 'treaty to certain parts of 11is Rritam lie Majesty's dolmillions, viz., the Iloluiuiou of Canada, the Conuuonwealth of Australia, the Doalinilm of New Zoalaod, tile Uuiou of South Africa, and the Colony of Newlbuudland; the Government of His I,'rit;umic Majesty and the Government of Costa Rica hereby agree that either of the Contracting Patties shall have the right to terminate the said 'Treaty with respect to ally or all of the above-mentioned dominions at any time oil giving [71] Poll cnanto las relaciones comerciales cutre el Iulperio Britfmico y in Iieptiblica de Costa Rica est;in rcgularlas per el Tratado (lo- Amistad, Comercio y Navegaeibn do 27 de noviembre the 1849, y per cnanto es couvonieoto eelehl:ar Iiuevo acuerlo respecto A la aplicaeiGn de dicho Tratadn en eiertas pastes do los dominios he Sit A1a.jestad Itrit;iuica, it saber : e1 Doloiuio de Canada, la Coofederaci611 de Australia, el Domiaio de Nueva Zelandia, la Union del Africa del Sur y la Colonia de Terranova, el Gobierno de Su Majestad Pritfmica y el Gobieroo de la Republica do Costa Rica, por el prescute, convienel que enalquiera de las PartosContratautes to ndni dereeho ;i goner fin it diclto Tratado C(111 rospocto it algallo li it todos los douliiiios arriba nlcu- 51 254, twelve months' effect. notice to that It is further agreed that should the said Treaty cease,in pursuance of this Protocol, to be applicable to the Commonwealth of Australia, it shall also cease to be applicable to Papua and Norfolk Island, if so desired by either of the Contracting Parties. In witness whereof, we, Claude Coventry Mallet, Knight, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St . Michael and St. George, Minister Resident of His Britannic Majesty to Costa Rica, and Humberto Vaglio M., ConsulGeneral of Costa Rica in 1'anamfi, duly authorized by our respective Governments , have signed and scaled the present Protocol in the city of Pananut, on the eighteenth day of August , in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. (L.S.) (L..) cionados, on cualquier tiempo, dando para ello aviso con doce meses de anticipaci6n. Se conviene ademfis quo si, en virtud de este Protocolo llegare fl caducar dicho Tratado en lo quo so refiere h su aplicaci6n on Is Confederation do Australia, caducartt tambibn y dejarA per lo tanto de aplicarse en Papua y en la Isla do Norfolk, si asi lo deseare eualquiera de las Partes Contratantes. En fe de lo cual, nosotros, Claude Coventry Mallet, Caballero, Compaficro de la ,4fuv Distinguida Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge, Ministro Ilesidento de Sit Majestad Pritinica on Costa Rica, y don Humberto Vaglio M., Consul General de Costa Rica on Pananui,debidamente antorizados per nuestros respectivos Go •biernos, homes firmado el presente Protocolo on la ci ulad de PammmS., .t los diez y echo dins de agosto de mil novecientos trece. C. MALLET. HUM. VAGLIO AT. I