God the Father, God of Love

“If You Knew the Gift of God (Jn. 4:10): The Gift of Prayer and the
Gift of Faith”
2016 Diocesan Catechetical Conference
Keynote Speaker
Rev. Paul F. deLadurantaye, Secretary for Religious Education & Sacred
Liturgy, Diocese of Arlington
The Two Shall Become One: God’s Plan for Love and Life - (Rev. Paul deLadurantaye, S.T.D., Director of Religious
Education & Liturgy, Diocese of Arlington)- Session 1 & Session 2
Why Would a Loving God Allow Evil, Pain, and Suffering?- (Steve Hemler, Catholic Apologetics Institute of North
America (CAINA)- Session 1 only
Islam and Christianity: A Comparison and Contrast -(Steve Hemler, Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America
(CAINA))- Session 2 only
Dimensión eclesiológica de la Catequesis: Conocer más de fondo la Iglesia y desde ahí realizar un mejor trabajo
catequético – (Rev. Alex Diaz, Holy Family Parish, Dale City) - Session 1 & Session 2
The Catechist As Prophet- (Sr. Clare Hunter, F.S.E., Respect Life Office, Diocese of Arlington) - Session 1 & Session 2
Advent & Christmas Fun and Faith With the Saints – (Colleen Rooney, Our Lady of Angels, Woodbridge) - Session 1
& Session 2
Sacraments: Gifts from God– (Colette Lienhard, Catholic Education Center) Session 1 only
Saints: Catholic Winesses and Why We Need Them! – (Colette Lienhard, Catholic Education Center) Session 2 only
How To Find Christianity Hidden In Stories- (Amy MacKinnon, Christ the Teacher College) Session 1 & Session 2
Intimacy with God through Lectio Divina- (John Knutsen, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, Office of Catechetics,
Diocese of Arlington) - Session 1 & Session 2
Tips and Strategies for the Serious Catechist – (Delores Nelson, Christ the Teacher College) - Session 1 & Session 2
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