
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
10719: Infection de pois d'angole
10719: encore image du plant infecté
10719: toujours image montrant la
10719: Infection de pois d'angole
10719: Les feuilles du haut du pois
d'angole infecté
10719: Le producteur
10719: Infection de pois d'angole
10719: Le champ du pois d'angole
associé avec le coton
10719: toujours vue du champs
10573: Thrips are becoming a menace
in pegion pea
10719: Infection de pois d'angole
10719: Le promoteur du champ de
pois d'angole avec sa réponse
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
10385: Big populations of pegion pea,
drying and falling off i the field due to
pests attack on the root zone.
10385: premature drying
10385: Big populations of pegion pea,
drying and falling off i the field due to
pests attack on the root zone.
10385: Infestation by ants
10385: Termite attack
10385: Part of the crop is healthy
10385: Drying from the roots zone
10385: Roten tap root
10385: Big populations of pegion pea,
drying and falling off i the field due to
pests attack on the root zone.
9654: Preventing Pod borers in Peas
10385: Big populations of pegion pea,
drying and falling off i the field due to
pests attack on the root zone.
10385: Farmer with an amswer
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
9653: Overcoming Alternaria Blight in
9030: Improving the productivity of
pigeon peas
8648: Pois d'angole, improductif
8648: Pois d'angole, improductif
8648: Gousses Pois d'angole
8648: Fleurs
8648: Pois d'angole, improductif
8648: Culture
8648: Champs
8648: Pois d'angole, improductif
8648: Feuilles
8648: Plants
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
8648: Pois d'angole, improductif
8648: Evaluation de la paysanne
8564: Control of podborers on pigeon
8374: wilting of the pigeon pea due to 8157: wilting of the pigeon pea due to 8157: White pests attacking the pigeon
manifestation of some pest like
manifestation of some pest like
pea stem
structures attacking them
structures attacking them
8157: wilting of the pigeon pea due to
manifestation of some pest like
structures attacking them
8157: The soil where the crop was
8157: Crop Field
8157: wilting of the pigeon pea due to
manifestation of some pest like
structures attacking them
8157: Maize trash
8157: The underside of pests
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
8157: wilting of the pigeon pea due to
manifestation of some pest like
structures attacking them
8081: pigeon pea infected with
Fusarium wilt
8070: A devastating condition affecting
pegion pea in parts of lower eastern
8070: Wilting of the pigeon pea
8070: crop field
8070: Base stem of the pegion plant
8070: The area
8070: pegion pea farmer
8070: pegion pea farmer
8070: A devastating condition affecting
pegion pea in parts of lower eastern
8070: A devastating condition affecting
pegion pea in parts of lower eastern
8070: A devastating condition affecting
pegion pea in parts of lower eastern
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
7231: Overcoming Powdery Mildew in
Pigeon Pea
6876: Unyielding Pegeon peas
6876: Another affected plant
6876: Unyielding Pegeon peas
5284: Controlling the Pigeonpea Pod
borers and aphids
5181: Peace plants under atack.
5181: Peace plants under atack.
5181: The farmer
5181: Another affected plant.
4279: Pigeon Peas Drying Up After
5181: Peace plants under atack.
3410: Pigeon Peas Drying Up After
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: Guandul
3410: Pigeon Peas Drying Up After
2846: Réf N 2319 : Pois d?angole :
perte de production
2319: Pois d'angol: Perte de
2319: Pois d'angol: Perte de
2319: Gousse pratiquement sans
2319: La paysane sous une plante de
poil d'angol
1835: Cas N° 29 : Pois d'engol
1835: Dr. AIYOU Kouessi explique le
1835: D
1835: Cas N° 29 : Pois d'engol