
App’n talk Catalan and Up’n see Catalonia
“SERLET” (SupportEuropean Regional Languages in Education and Tourism) programa per alsacià, bretó, català, cors, cretense, sard i sicilià és desenvolupat per
una col·laboració entre socis i co-fundat per la Comissió Europea.
Serlet promociona llengües regionals dels nostres estats membres (FR, GR, ES, IT) per
facilitar els contactes culturals i l’entesa mútua.
Serlet empra un material innovador per a smartphones, tablets i una pàgina web interactiva per incentivar la difusió i la visibilitat en la societat de la llengua catalana creant
vincles entre el món de l’educació i el sector turístic.
“SERLET” (Support European Regional Languages in Education and Tourism),
programme for alsatian, breton, catalonia, corsican, cretan, sardinian and
sicilian, is developed by a partnership co-funded by the European Commission. SERLET
promotes regional Languages from four Member states (FR, GR, ES, IT) to facilitate cultural contacts and mutual understanding.
Serlet uses an innovative material for smartphones, tablets, and interactive website to increase the dissemination and social visibility of the catalan language and create links between
the world of education and tourism sector.
“SERLET” (SupportEuropean Regional Languages in Education and Tourism) programa para alsaciano, bretón, catalán.corso, cretense, sardo y siciliano es desarrollado por una colaboración entre socios y co-fundado por la Comisión Europea.
SERLET promociona lenguas regionales de nuestros estados miembros (FR,GR,ES,IT) para
facilitar los contactos culturales y el entendimiento mutuo.
SERLET emplea un material innovador para smartphones, tablets y una página web interactiva para incentivar la difusión y la visibilidad en la sociedad de la lengua catalana creando
vínculos entre el mundo de la educación y el sector turístico.
App’n talk Catalan and Up’n see Catalonia
Available for free from January 2016
available on
European Project
Support European
Regional Languages
in Education
and Tourisme
What is SERLET all about ?
An innovative tool for supporting 7 Regional languages.
A facility to non speakers of the regional languages to get
motivated and familiarized with the regional languages.
A user-friendly way to understand the cultural significance of RLs
and enable the regional community to benefit from the cultural
activity in that more widespread language.
A mean to increase the tourist attractiveness of the Regions.
SERLET: The regions
App’n talk Catalan and Up’n see Catalonia
Smartphone application and website the
Catalan language, Integrating concepts like
language and heritage.
SERLET for who?
Tourist and people of all ages (from students to seniors).
Educational institutions and language schools.
Teachers of regional languages.
Institutionals Tourism :
Regional agencies for tourism, Tourist office boards, etc...
Socio- tourism professionals :
Travel agencies, Holiday resorts, Hotels, Tour operators, etc...
Serlet: What tools?
7 apps (Alsatian , Breton, Catalan, Corsican , Cretan , Sardinian , Sicilian).
7 books.
7 web versions (each one adapted to the regional language).
SERLET : 7 apps
Each Serlet App for iPhone and Android Smartphones and tablets will include:
Vocabulary with audio pronunciation.
Revision exercises and evaluation.
Useful phrases. Dialogues with Audio.
Short videos.
Historical and Cultural information for each of the 7 regions.
Virtual maps of the Regions.