EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Crazy Man Restaurant Group (Classic Coldspring North, LLC T/A Miss Shirley’s Café, Roland Park, Pratt Food LLC T/A Miss Shirley’s Café, Inner Harbor, Last Corner, LLC T/A Roland Park Bagel Co., and Classic Coldspring West LLC T/A S’ghetti Eddie’s) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate against applicants or employees based on their age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or any other basis prohibited by law. (No discriminamos contra applicantes o empleados por su edad, raza, color, religion, origen nacional, sexo, o cualquier otra cosa prohibida por la ley.) PERSONAL INFORMATION (INFORMACION PERSONAL) Full Name (Nombre)___________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address (Domicilio)_______________________________ City (Ciudad)_________State (Estado)___Zip (Codigo Postal)_______Home Phone (Numero Casa)______________ Work Phone(Numero Trabajo)_________________________ Cell Phone (Celular)____________Email Address _________________________ Date(Fecha)_______________ POSITION DESIRED (POSICION DESEADO) What Location (Que Lugar)?________________________________Position (Posicion)? _________________________ Salary/Wage Desired (Sueldo Deseado) $ _______________ Tiempo ❏ Full Time (Completo) ❏ Part Time (Partido) ❏ Temporary (Provisional) ❏ Are you at least 18 years old? (Tiene mas de 18?) Crazy Man Restaurant Group requires day, evening, night and weekend work. Please list any days of the week or shifts that you will be unable to work (Tiempo del dia o los dias que no puede trabajar)______________________________________ EXPERIENCE (EXPERIENCIA- EMPIEZA CON MAS RECIENTE) Name of Employer (Nombre de Compania)_________________________________________________________________ Address of Employer (Domicilio de Compania)______________________________________________________________ Starting Position/Salary (Sueldo de Empiezo)__________________ Ending Position/Salary (Sueldo Terminado)__________ Supervisor Name (Nombre de Patron)__________Title (Titulo)__________ Phone Number (Telefono)__________________ Employed From (Trabajo de) ________ To (A) _______Duties (Deberes) ________________________________________ Reason for Leaving (Razon for Irse) _______________________________________________________________________ EXPERIENCE (EXPERIENCIA- EMPIEZA CON MAS RECIENTE) Name of Employer (Nombre de Compania)_________________________________________________________________ Address of Employer (Domicilio de Compania)______________________________________________________________ Starting Position/Salary (Sueldo de Empiezo)__________________ Ending Position/Salary (Sueldo Terminado) __________ Supervisor Name (Nombre de Patron)__________Title(Titulo) __________ Phone Number (Telefono) _________________ Employed From (Trabajo de) ________ To(A) _______Duties (Deberes) ________________________________________ Reason for Leaving (Razon for Irse) ______________________________________________________________________ EXPERIENCE (EXPERIENCIA- EMPIEZA CON MAS RECIENTE) Name of Employer (Nombre de Compania)_________________________________________________________________ Address of Employer (Domicilio de Compania)______________________________________________________________ Starting Position/Salary (Sueldo de Empiezo) __________________ Ending Position/Salary (Sueldo Terminado):_________ Supervisor Name (Nombre de Patron)__________Title (Titulo):__________ Phone Number (Telefono):_________________ Employed From (Trabajo de) ________ To (A) _______Duties (Deberes) ________________________________________ Reason for Leaving (Razon for Irse) _______________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION High School (Preparatoria) _____________________Yrs Completed (Años Completado) _____ ❏Graduated (Graduaste)? College (Universidad)_________________________ Yrs Completed (Años Completado) _____ ❏Graduated (Graduaste)? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (MAS INFORMACION) Have you ever worked for us in the past (A trabajado por nosotros en el pasado, en donde, cuando)? ____________________ Were you referred to us? If so, please list (quien te dijo de nosotros?) _________________ ______________________ Have you ever been a member of the Armed Forces of the United States ( Fue militar en el pasado)? ❏ Yes ❏ No Indicate any special job related training received (Indica instruccion especial)______________________________________ Can you show proof of authorization to work in the United States (Puede dar probanza que puede trabajr en este pais)?_____ PERSON TO NOTIFY IN EMERGENCY (PERSONA QUE CONTACTAR EN CASE DE EMERGENCIA) Name (Nombre)___________________Phone Number (Telefono)____________Relationship (Relacion)________________ Name (Nombre)___________________Phone Number (Telefono)____________Relationship (Relacion)________________ You must have at least one of the following documents on file plus Social Security card or birth certificate before working. (Debe tener al menos uno de los siguientes documentos archivo además de la tarjeta de seguro social o certificado de nacimiento antes de trabajar). A. B. C. D. Passport (Pasaporte) Driver’s License (Licencia de conducir) Age of Majority Card (Edad de ayoritario Card) U.S. Military I.D. Card (Tarjeta de identificación militar estadounidense) And (Y) Work Permit, fully completed if under 18 (Permiso de trabajo, plenamente completado si menores de 18 años) Classic Coldspring North, LLC, Pratt Food LLC, Last Corner LLC, Classic Coldspring West, LLC (Herein referred to as Crazy Man Restaurant Group) At-Will Employment Statement (Declaración de empleo de al-will) Your employment with Crazy Man Restaurant Group is a voluntary one and is subject to termination by you or Crazy Man Restaurant Group at will, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time. Nothing in these policies shall be interpreted to be in conflict with or to eliminate or modify in any way the employment-at-will status of Crazy Man Restaurant Group employees. (Su empleo con Man Crazy Grupo de restaurante es un voluntario y uno está sujeto a terminación por usted o Crazy Grupo de restaurante de hombre a voluntad, con o sin causa y con o sin aviso, en cualquier momento. Ninguna de estas políticas deberá ser interpretada como en en conflicto con o para eliminar o modificar de ninguna manera el empleo-en-voluntad Estado de los empleados Crazy Man Restaurant Group.) This policy of employment-at-will may not be modified by any officer or employee and shall not be modified in any publication or document. The only exception to this policy is a written employment agreement approved at the discretion of the owners of Crazy Man Restaurant Group. (Esta política de empleo-en-voluntad no puede ser modificado por ningún funcionario o empleado y no modificarse en cualquier publicación o documento. La única excepción a esta política se aprueba un acuerdo de empleo por escrito a discreción de los propietarios de Crazy Man Restaurant Group.) These personnel policies are not intended to be a contract of employment or a legal document. (Estas políticas de personal no son pretende ser un contrato de empleo o de un documento legal.) _____________________________________________ Employee’s Signature (Firma del Employee) _____________________________________________ Employee’s Printed Name (Nombre impreso del Employee)