Story Sara - Education Scotland

Intermediate 2
Listening Texts
Appendix: Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Appendix: Lifestyles
Family and Friends
Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Sara y Luis van a salir
Number 10 on CD
Sara y Luis van a salir
Page 1
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Sara y Luis van a salir
Listening Transcript
Hola, ¿Está Sara?
Sí, soy yo. Quién es?
Soy Luis.
¡Ah! Hola, Luis. Cómo estás?
Muy bien, gracias. Oye, ¿te gustaría ir a la discoteca este fin de
¡Claro! Me encantaría. ¿A qué discoteca vamos?
Podemos ir a la discoteca nueva. Se llama ‘El jardín’ y está muy
De acuerdo. Pero esa discoteca está muy lejos.
Sí, lo sé. Pero vamos con mi hermano Pedro. El tiene coche.
¡Qué bien! ¿Cuándo vamos a ir?
Podemos ir el viernes. ¿Qué te parece?
Estupendo. ¿Dónde quedamos?
Quedamos en la cafetería, enfrente de tu casa.
Vale. ¿A qué hora?
A las ocho y media. ¿De acuerdo?
Sí, muy bien. Entonces nos vemos en la cafetería enfrente de mi casa a las ocho y media este
viernes. Adiós y gracias.
Sara y Luis van a salir
Page 2
Sara y Luis van a salir
Stage 1 Comprehension
Luis phones Sara to make arrangements.
Listen to the conversation they have and supply the following information:
– where Luis suggests that they go
– her reaction to this
– the problem she foresees with the place suggested by Luis
– Luis’ solution
– when they decide to go
– where they meet
– at what time
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Sara y Luis van a salir
Stage 2 Language
Find the Spanish for the following expressions:
What do you think?
We’ll meet at the café
I’d love to
Language points arising from the text
¿Está Sara? This is a typical way of asking to speak to someone on the
telephone. Another one is…
¿Se puede hablar con Sara?
¿Se puede poner Sara al teléfono?
Soy yo/ Soy Luis.
Note that in Spanish you do not say “It’s me”, “It’s Luis” as you do in
English. You use the first person of the verb.
Following this logic, how would you say…”Is that you?”
‘Oye’, in this instance is an ‘opener’ to what Luis is going to say. We
would probably say in English “Look”.
‘está muy bien’ is an alternative way of expressing “es buena”
Note that you usually find that –
SER is used with bueno/buena/buenos/buenas
and ESTAR is used with ‘bien’
As in any straightforward conversation like this you will find several
question words. Note that all of them have accents.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
What are the meanings of these question words?
Can you think of other question words to add to the list?
Discuss these with your teacher.
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Sara y Luis van a salir
Stage 3 Speaking
Look at the transcript of this conversation and, using it as a model for your
own conversation, make up a couple of sample dialogues with a partner,
arranging to go out.
Stage 4 Writing
Problem!! Sara does not want to go out with Luis, so she decides to
make an excuse.
To make it easier, she sends him a note of about 50 words, saying why she
cannot go.
Write this note.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Sara y Luis van a salir
Stage 1 Comprehension
– to a disco
– she would love to go
– it is very far
– they are going with his brother, Pedro
who has a car
– Friday
– the café opposite her house
– 8.30
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Family and Friends
Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una visita cultural
Number 11 on CD
Una visita cultural
Page 7
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una visita cultural
Listening Transcript
José María
¿Está Carmen, por favor?
Sí, soy yo.
José María
Soy José María. Oye, esta semana viene un amigo escocés a mi casa y vamos a visitar el
museo y la catedral. ¿Te gustaría venir con nosotros?
Sí, claro. ¿Cuándo vamos?
José María
El sábado por la mañana.
¿A qué hora quedamos?
José María
A las diez.
José María
En la parada del autobús. Vamos a coger un autobús hasta el museo. ¿Qué te parece?
Muy bien. Entonces, nos vemos el sábado a las diez, en la parada del autobús.
José María
Eso es.
Vale. Adiós.
José María
Una visita cultural
Page 8
Una visita cultural
Stage 1 Comprehension
Listen to the conversation between José María and Carmen and give the
following information:
– José María’s suggestion
– why he suggests this
– when they are to go
– what time they are to meet
– where they are to meet
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una visita cultural
Stage 2 Speaking
A group of Spanish pupils are coming to your school.
You are asked to give a small spoken presentation on the places of culture
they could visit in your town/city (or the nearest place of cultural interest).
Write a brief presentation of about 80–100 words, and show it to your teacher.
Then, using your headings as notes, give the presentation to the rest of your
Here are some expressions to help you:
es de gran interés cultural
es de las mejores colecciones de arte
merece la pena visitar
si te interesa el arte moderno, ve a…
la entrada es gratis
se puede pasar un día entero viendo…
para la gente que tiene interés en/le interesa/aprecia…
hay que ir a…
es estupendo/maravilloso/tremendo/impresionante…
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una visita cultural
Stage 1 Comprehension
– to go and visit the museum and the cathedral
– a Scottish friend is coming to his house
– Saturday morning
– 10 o’clock
– bus stop
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Family and Friends
Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una partida de golf
Number 12 on CD
Una partida de golf
Page 12
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una partida de golf
Listening Transcript
¿Está Martín?
Sí, soy yo. ¿Quién es?
Hola, soy Teresa. ¿Te gustaría ir a jugar al golf este domingo?
Mi padre nos lleva en su coche. ¿Vamos por la mañana o por la tarde?
Prefiero ir por la mañana, porque por la tarde me gustaría ir al cine.
Muy bien. Entonces quedamos a las once y media en mi casa. ¿De acuerdo?
Sí. Nos vemos el domingo. Gracias y adiós.
Una partida de golf
Page 13
Una partida de golf
Stage 1 Comprehension
Listen to the short telephone conversation between Teresa and Martín and
then answer the following questions:
What does Teresa suggest they do on Sunday?
How are they going to travel?
At what time of the day does Martín suggest that they play?
What else does he suggest?
At what time do they agree to meet?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una partida de golf
Stage 2 Speaking and Listening
With a partner make up a dialogue based on the transcript.
phone a friend
arrange an activity
arrange how to get there
decide when you will go
arrange an additional activity
say goodbye as you would to a friend.
When you have your dialogue ready, say it in front of the rest of your
group. They then should be able to repeat the above information in
English. You do likewise with the dialogues they have prepared.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Una partida de golf
Stage 1 Comprehension
play golf
Teresa’s father will take them in his car
that they go to the cinema in the evening
11.30 a.m.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Family and Friends
Leisure interests and leisure facilities
¿En qué quedamos?
Number 13 on CD
¿En qué quedamos?
Page 17
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
¿En qué quedamos?
Listening Transcript
¿Está Clara?
Sí, soy yo.
Oye, Clara, soy Javier. ¿Te gustaría salir hoy por la noche?
Sí, claro. ¿Adónde vamos?
Podemos ir a tomar algo a un bar nuevo.Se llama ‘El garaje’.
Muy bien.¿Cómo vamos allí?
Podemos coger el metro.
¿Dónde quedamos?
En el metro.
¿Y a qué hora?
A las ocho y media. ¿De acuerdo?
Sí, Muy bien. Hasta esta tarde.
¿En qué quedamos?
Page 18
¿En qué quedamos?
Stage 1 Comprehension
Listen to the conversation between Javier and Clara and give the following
– Javier’s suggestion
– where they are to go
– how they are to get there
– where they are to meet
– at what time
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
¿En qué quedamos?
Stage 1 Comprehension
to go out this evening
for a drink
to a new bar called ‘El garaje’
by Underground
at the Underground
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Family and Friends: Leisure interests and leisure facilities
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Personal achievements to date
Personal achievements to date
En la universidad –
grupo de teatro
Number 18b on CD
En la universidad – grupo de teatro
Page 21
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Personal achievements to date
En la universidad –
grupo de teatro
Listening Transcript
uando estaba en el colegio era muy tímido. Y nunca participaba de las actividades diarias. Es decir,
nunca participaba en las actividades culturales. Pero, al final, en el último año de secundaria decidí
pertenecer al grupo de teatro. Así que, me dije a mí mismo “quiero cambiar, quiero dejar de ser tímido
y quiero pertenecer a esas actividades culturales que tanto me gustan”.
Luego, en la universidad entré a un taller de teatro con los estudiantes de mi carrera. Más tarde llegó un
profesor y seguimos haciendo teatro. Participamos en muchas obras y, aparte de eso, empezamos a viajar que
eran las dos cosas que más me gustaban; hacer teatro, conocer gente y, aparte de eso, viajar por varias partes.
Luego fuimos a algunos festivales internacionales. Conocimos gente de otros países y esto ha sido muy bueno
para mí. Ha hecho que mi vida cambió bastante y me sienta muy bien. Creo que esto ha sido muy bueno para
mi vida y me siento muy orgulloso de eso’.
En la universidad – grupo de teatro
Page 22
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la universidad - grupo de teatro
Stage 1 Comprehension
Yulian joins the theatre group at University. Listen to what Yulian has to say
and then answer the following questions.
Describe what Yulian was like throughout his early school years
When did he overcome his reserve and in what way?
Describe how he managed to convince himself to change.
We are told that he joined a students’ drama workshop at university.
How did the workshop develop after the arrival of a teacher?
Yulian talks about the two things that he likes most, but mentions three.
What are they?
This led on to participation in other events.
What were they?
What effect did these have on Yulian?
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Check your answers.
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la universidad – grupo de teatro
Stage 2 Language
Stopping the tape as often as is necessary find the Spanish for:
apart from that
my life changed quite a bit
in my last year of secondary
it suits me
I want to give up being shy
the two things I liked most
Language points arising from the transcript
Use of the Preterite and the Imperfect Tenses
Look at the verbs in the first paragraph: ‘estaba’, ‘era’, ‘participaba’.
These are all in the Imperfect Tense and describe either continuous actions in
the past or descriptions in the past (hence the use of the Imperfect Tense).
This is then changed by a sudden single action in the past ‘decidí pertenecer’
The Preterite Tense is then used on a number of occasions which all refer to
single actions in the past (in the second paragraph).
In the final sentence the Perfect Tense is used. The narrator (Yulian) uses the
Perfect Tense as he is looking back from the Present. This is why he used the
Perfect Tense here.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
If you are unsure about the use or formation of any of these tenses you should
discuss them with your teacher.
Make a list of the verbs used in the transcript under tenses headings and ask
your teacher to check that you have them correct.
‘conocer gente’. Note that in Castilian Spanish you would usually use
the personal ‘a’. ‘conocer a gente’
‘que tanto me gustan’ Note how in English we would say ‘which I like
so much’
Note the stylistic use of the word order in Spanish.
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la universidad – grupo de teatro
Stage 1 Comprehension
he was shy
he never participated in cultural activities
in his last year of secondary school
he decided to join the drama group
he said to himself
‘I want to change
I want to stop being shy
I want to belong to those cultural activities
that I like so much
(or any similar way of expressing these points)
they did many productions
and began to travel
getting to know people
travelling all over
international festivals
it was good for him
changed his life quite a bit
and he feels quite proud of it
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la universidad – grupo de teatro
Stage 2 Language
Stopping the tape as often as is necessary find the Spanish for:
apart from that
aparte de eso
my life changed quite a bit
ha hecho que mi vida cambió bastante
in my last year of secondary
en el último año de secundaria
it suits me
me sienta muy bien
I want to give up being shy
quiero dejar de ser tímido
the two things I liked most
las dos cosas que más me gustaban
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Personal achievements to date
Personal achievements to date
En la asociación juvenil
Number 17 on CD
En la asociación juvenil
Page 27
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Lifestyles: Personal achievements to date
En la asociación juvenil
Listening Transcript
(Carolina talks about a useful hobby)
uando tenía catorce años, un amigo me dijo que había conocido un sitio donde podíamos ir a jugar,
a hablar, a pasar el tiempo libre. Se llamaba Asociación Juvenil Puertobosco.
Entonces, aquella tarde decidimos pasarnos por allí a ver cómo era la cosa. Fuimos y conocimos a
bastante gente y nos gustó muchísimo el ambiente. Así que seguimos yendo.
Volvimos el fin de semana siguiente y el siguiente y lo que más me llamaba la atención era la labor de los
monitores porque nos ayudaban en todo lo que necesitábamos, si teníamos problemas en casa, si teníamos
problemas con los estudios. Nos enseñaban a hacer teatro, tocar la guitarra y lo más curioso de todo es que lo
hacían sin que les pagaran. Lo hacían porque, sencillamente, querían estar con nosotros.
Así que, cuando pasó un año pensé que yo también quería hacer algo así y empecé a ir a cursillos para
formarme como monitora de tiempo libre. Me formé también en la faceta del teatro. Fui a cursos en la
universidad. Fui a cursos en escuelas de tiempo libre y así aprendí muchas cosas para poderles enseñar a los
chicos. Ahora tengo veintitrés años y llevo seis o siete años trabajando con adolescentes y es lo mejor que me
ha pasado en mi vida.’
En la asociación juvenil
Page 28
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la asociación juvenil
Stage 1 Comprehension
Who introduced Carolina to the Youth Association?
What could they do there?
What did they like about it on their first visit there?
How often did they go?
Who impressed Carolina so much?
What was their role?
What did Carolina do after her first year at the Youth Association?
What kind of courses did she attend?
How long has she been working as a youth leader and how has it affected
Why did they do this?
How much did they earn?
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Check your answers.
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la asociación juvenil
Stage 2 Language
Stopping the tape as often as is necessary find the Spanish for:
we went back the following week
I have been working for 6 or 7 years
they wanted to be with us
I also wanted to do something like that
when I was fourteen
we got to know quite a lot of people
we loved the atmosphere
the strangest thing of all
Language points arising from the transcript
‘llevo seis o siete años trabajando’
literally – ‘I carry 6 or 7 years working’
This is one of the ways of saying in Spanish
‘I have been working for 6 or 7 years.
Marta lleva seis meses estudiando en la universidad
Marta has been studying for six months at university
Los niños llevan mucho tiempo jugando en el patio
The children have been playing for a long time in the playground
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Llevamos tres meses saliendo juntos
We have been going out together for three months
Now make up three sentences of your own and show them to
your teacher.
‘cuando tenía catorce años’
‘when I was fourteen’
Note the use of the Imperfect Tense when saying what age someone was.
The Preterite Tense is used when talking about when someone reached a
certain age e.g. ‘cuando cumplí los dieciocho años, mis padres me hicieron
una fiesta’
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la asociación juvenil
Stage 3 Writing
Write a brief e mail to a friend in Spain, telling him/her about a hobby you
have started recently.
Say – who introduced you to the hobby
– how often you are involved
– what you like most about it
– whether you want to continue doing it
(80 words)
Here are some expressions to help you:
– No te puedes imaginar lo que estoy haciendo estos días
– No te imaginas en lo que ando ahora
– estoy super emocionado/a
– no tiene nada que ver con…
– ¡qué angustia!
– ¡qué locura!
– me parece..
– nunca me había pasado por la cabeza hacer algo así…
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la asociación juvenil
Stage 1 Comprehension
a friend
spend their free time
at the weekends
the youth workers/leaders
they helped in anything the young people needed
if they had problems at home
if they had problems with schoolwork
they taught drama
and guitar
she started to attend courses to train
as a youth leader for leisure activities
university courses
leisure courses
at college
6 or 7 years
it’s the best thing that’s happened in her life
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
they simply enjoyed being with the young people
they didn’t get paid
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
En la asociación juvenil
Stage 2 Language
we went back the following week
volvimos el fin de semana siguiente
I have been working for 6 or 7 years
llevo seis o siete años trabajando
they wanted to be with us
querían estar con nosotros
I also wanted to do something like that
yo también quería hacer algo así
when I was fourteen
cuando tenía catorce años
we got to know quite a lot of people
conocimos a bastante gente
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 :Lifestyles
we loved the atmosphere
nos gustó muchísimo el ambiente
the strangest thing of all
lo más curioso de todo
Personal achievements to date
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Daily routine
Education and Work
Daily Routine
El horario de
los colegios españoles
El horario de los colegios españoles
Page 34
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Daily routine
El horario de los colegios
Listening Transcript
n los colegios españoles, o más bien, en los institutos españoles, el horario es muy distinto al horario
escocés. Para empezar, entramos a las ocho y media de la mañana y desde las ocho y media hasta las
once hay clases seguidas. A las once tenemos la hora de recreo; es como nosotros le llamamos. Es
media hora, y en esa media hora solemos comer un bocadillo o tomar un café, charlar con los amigos o
sencillamente descansar. Hay otras tres horas de clase apróximadamente. Entonces salimos y vamos a casa a
comer. Como todos sabéis, el lunch en España, es decir, la comida no es pequeña, sino que es una gran
comida. Por eso, no podemos tomarla en el colegio.’
El horario de los colegios españoles
Page 35
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El horario de los colegios españoles
Stage 1 Comprehension
Listen to the tape. Write down as much information as you can, under the
following headings:
Start times of Spanish schools.
Details about interval/break times
What Spanish pupils do during break.
How much class time left after break
Arrangements for lunch
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El horario de los colegios españoles
Stage 2 Language
Language points arising from the transcript
‘Es muy distinto al horario escocés’
In English we say ‘it is very different from the Scottish timetable’
Therefore note the use of a different preposition and write out 3
sentences using this construction and show them to your teacher.
‘para empezar’
‘to start with’
‘para concluir’
‘para terminar’
to conclude
to finish up
‘Para’ is used for many similar expressions.
See if you can think of some and discuss them with your teacher. Then
write 2 or 3 sentences using them.
‘la comida no es pequeña sino que es una gran comida’
‘Sino’ is used as ‘but’ after a negative.
With your teacher, discuss the difference between
‘no es pequeña sino que es una gran comida’
‘no es pequeña sino muy grande.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
When you have done this and are quite clear about using these, make
up four sentences using ‘sino’ and ‘sino que’.
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El horario de los colegios españoles
Stage 3 Writing and Speaking
Listen again to the tape. When you have done this, prepare a similar
presentation, in Spanish, about Scottish schools. When you have completed
this, covering all the points of information given in the Spanish presentation,
show it to your teacher.
When you have your presentation to your satisfaction, record it on audiotape.
Exchange tapes with your classmates and compare how the same points are
covered in different ways.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
El horario de los colegios españoles
Stage 1 Comprehension
Spanish schools – 8.30
break is at 11 a.m. for half an hour
have a sandwich
or a coffee
chat with friends
or just generally rest
three hours approximately
lunch is a big meal
so they can’t have it at school
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Daily routine
Education and Work
Daily Routine
Anuncios en el instituto
Number 19 on CD
Anuncios en el instituto
Page 40
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Daily routine
Anuncios en el instituto
Listening Transcript
‘Buenos días, se le informa al equipo de volleyball que el entrenamiento de hoy será en el polideportivo del
instituto una vez terminadas las clases. Repito: el entrenamiento de hoy será en el polideportivo del instituto
una vez terminadas las clases.’
‘Buenos días. Recordamos a todos los alumnos y profesores del instituto que la asamblea general para
programar la semana cultural será hoy a la hora del recreo. Repito: la asamblea general para programar la
semana cultural será hoy a la hora del recreo. Buenos días.’
Anuncios en el instituto
Page 41
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Anuncios en el instituto
Stage 1 Comprehension
Listen to the first announcement made by a male voice and answer the
following questions:
Who is the announcement addressed to?
What is it about?
Give details of time and place.
Listen to the second announcement made by a female voice and answer the
following questions:
Who is the second announcement addressed to?
What is this announcement about?
When will it take place?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Anuncios en el instituto
Stage 2 Language
Language points arising from the transcript
‘Una vez terminadas las clases’
Once classes are finished
‘una vez terminado el recreo’
‘once interval is finished’
You will see that ‘terminado’ and ‘terminadas’ agree with the noun
they describe. Now look at a further example.
‘una vez hechos los deberes…’
You can use this construction with most past participles.
Now do so, and make three or four examples of your own.
Take note of the two ways in which these pieces of information are
‘se le informa…’
‘recordamos a…’
Find equivalents for these in English.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Anuncios en el instituto
Stage 3
Writing and Speaking
Make up three different announcements using the following headings and
write them out in Spanish.
They are to be based on the kind of things you usually hear on the school
tannoy or loudspeaker system.
Greeting and say who you are e.g Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher
Who the announcement is for.
What it is concerning.
If an event, say when and where it is to take place.
When you have done this and had it checked by your teacher, record it and
exchange tapes with a classmate to see if you understand each other’s
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Anuncios en el instituto
Stage 1 Comprehension
the volleyball team
today, once classes have finished/at the end of the school day
in the school’s sports pavilion.
all pupils and teachers
general assembly to plan/programme the cultural week
at interval
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Daily routine
Education and Work
Daily Routine
Normas que cumplir
desde el primer día de clase
Number 20 on CD
Normas que cumplir desde el primer día de clase
Page 46
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Daily routine
Normas que cumplir
desde el primer día de
Listening Transcript
ueno, para el primer día de clase es necesario saber las reglas que hay que cumplir. Primero, tienen
que llegar siempre puntual, mantener siempre el uniforme del colegio. Si no viene a clase, traer
justificante médico o de la familia. Es necesario traer siempre el material de clase. El que lo olvide no
podrá entrar y tendrá una amonestación. No se puede salir de clase si el salón se encuentra sucio o desordenado.
Las tareas y trabajos escritos se entregan puntualmente, de lo contrario tienen una baja calificación. Eso es
Normas que cumplir desde el primer día de clase
Page 47
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Normas que cumplir desde el primer día de clase
Stage 1 Comprehension
From when do these classroom rules apply?
What are the first two rules?
What do you have to observe if you are absent?
What does the teacher say about materials?
Under what circumstances are you not allowed to leave class?
What happens if you hand in work late?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Normas que cumplir desde el primer día de clase
Stage 3 Writing
Write about 100 words based on the rules in you own school and hand this in
to your teacher punctually. Failure to do so may result in a low grade!
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Normas que cumplir desde el primer día de clase
Stage 1 Comprehension
from the first day of class
always arrive punctually/on time
always wear school uniform
you have to bring in a doctor’s note
or a note from your family
you have to bring materials to class
if you don’t, you will not get in
and will be given a warning
if the classroom is dirty or untidy
you will be give a low mark/grade
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Daily routine
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Reasons for subject choice
Education and Work
Reasons for subject choice
Eleccíon de asignaturas en el
Number 22a on CD
Eleccíon de asignaturas en el instituto
Page 51
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and Work: Reasons for subject choice
Eleccíon de asignaturas
en el instituto
Listening Transcript
uando estaba en segundo de BUP tuve que hacer mi primera elección de asignaturas. Había dos ramas
para poder elegir: el bachillerato de letras y el bachillerato de ciencias. Y elegí el bachillerato de letras
por varias razones; la primera es porque se me daban fatal las matemáticas; no me gustaban nada. Y
la segunda es porque me encanta la literatura y las lenguas. Así que en tercero de BUP tenía asignaturas
como latín, griego, literatura española, inglés, historia, filosofía… Es decir, todo lo que me entusiasmaba.
En COU, que es el último curso del instituto seguí con la rama de letras y cuando llegué a la universidad, por
supuesto elegí una carrera relacionada con todo lo que había estudiado y que me gustaba. Elegí filología
inglesa. En esa carrera estudié linguística y literatura de mucho países; literatura americana, literatura inglesa,
irlandesa, escocesa y además, estudié idiomas: inglés, por supuesto, y francés…italiano. Toda mi vida he ido
eligiendo lo que me gustaba y en lo que me siento a gusto. Ahora mi vida está dedicada por completo a la
enseñanza de la literatura y la lengua.’
Eleccíon de asignaturas en el instituto
Page 52
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Eleccíon de asignaturas en el instituto
Stage 1 Comprehension
What choice was Carolina faced with in second year of BUP?
Which did she choose and why?
What were her subjects in third year of BUP?
How did she feel about them?
How does she explain what COU is?
What did she study in COU?
What did she choose to study at university?
What was this made up of?
What does she do now and is she happy with it?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Eleccíon de asignaturas en el instituto
Stage 3 Writing
In Scotland you choose subjects at an earlier stage than in Spain.
In Spanish, write about what decisions you had to make in S2.
Write what you chose to do and why you chose to do these subjects.
Was your choice was the correct one?
In a further paragraph, talk of the choices at the beginning of S5 and how
you chose.
How does this prepare you for what you want to do after school?
(100–120 words)
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Anuncios en el instituto
Stage 1 Comprehension
Arts or Sciences
she wasn’t good at Maths and didn’t like the subject at all
she loves literature and languages
Latin, Greek, Spanish Literature, English, History and Philosophy
very enthusiastic
the final year at school
she continued with Arts
English Philology
Linguistics and literature of many countries
American literature
English literature
Irish and Scottish literature
and she also studied languages
English, French and Italian
she teaches language and literature
and she likes it and feels at home with it
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Education & Work
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and work: Reasons for subject choice
Education and Work
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de asignaturas en la
secundaria: Colombia
No. 22b on CD
Elección de asignaturas en la secundaria: Colombia
Page 56
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: Education and work: Reasons for subject choice
Elección de asignaturas en la
secundaria: Colombia
Listening transcript
‘Bueno, mientras estuve en la secundaria, como estaba en un colegio muy pequeño, no pude
elegir mis materias porque no era un colegio técnico, aunque sí lo hay. Es decir, hay algunos
colegios de educación general y otros colegios de educación técnica, donde se puede escoger la
parte técnica o la parte de humanidades y la parte de letras. En mi caso no fue posible. Sin
embargo, hasta cuarto año di inglés, luego tuve dos años de francés y esto me gustó mucho.
Aunque no era el mejor para los idiomas, siempre lo encontré muy atractivo. Me parecía genial
poder comunicarme con personas de otros países y de otras culturas. Por eso, lo primero que
hice una vez terminé mi secundaria fue inscribirme a la universidad para el programa de
idiomas y estudié inglés, francés, literatura española y linguística. Además, estudié pedagogía
para ser profesor.’
Elección de asignaturas en la secundaria: Colombia
Page 57
Elección de asignaturas en la secundaria: Colombia
Stage 1: Comprehension
Why could Yulian not choose his subjects at secondary school?
Explain what you understand to be the differences between the two
types of schools in Colombia.
What foreign language experience did he gain at school?
How did he get on in languages?
What did he like so much about languages?
What did he then go to study at university?
What did he want to be when he finished his studies?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de asignaturas en la secundaria: Colombia
Stage 2: Language
Transcribe the following sections of the passage:
‘es decir… de letras’
‘sin embargo… mucho’
‘me parecía genial… culturas’
Stopping the tape as often as necessary, find the Spanish for:
I like this a lot
That is to say
it wasn’t possible
the first thing I did
you can choose
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de asignaturas en la secundaria: Colombia
Stage 3: Speaking
Prepare a two minute talk on the questions facing you when you
made your subject choice at the end of Fourth Year/beginning of
Fifth Year.
Talk about: what you wanted to do on leaving school
what subjects you had to pass in order to achieve this
any difficulties you had in joining these subjects
what advice you were given
whether you took the advice
Was it a good choice?
Do you enjoy your subjects?
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de asignaturas en la secundaria: Colombia
Stage 1: Comprehension
his school was small
it wasn’t a ‘colegio técnico’
general education schools: basic education without subject choice
colegio técnico: (senior secondary school) where you can choose between
Technical Education, Humanities or Arts.
he studied English for the first four years
and then he did two years of French
he really liked languages
but he wasn’t one of the best in languages
he liked being able to communicate
with people from other countries
English, French
Spanish literature and linguistics
he wanted to be a teacher
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Reasons for subject choice
Education and Work
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera
a estudiar en la universidad
No. 23 on CD
Elección de carrera a estudiar en la universidad
Page 62
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera a estudiar
en la universidad
Listening transcript
‘Siempre me he considerado un estudiante crítico. Entonces, cuando estaba en el colegio,
siempre tenía profesores muy buenos y otros profesores no tan buenos. Yo siempre estaba atento
a esto y siempre me decía ‘cuando vaya a la universidad quiero ser profesor para realmente
enseñar’, pues a veces consideraba que mis profesores no enseñaban mucho, lo cual no me
gustaba. Así que, siempre estaba en permanente discusión y en permanente crí tica. Esto hizo
que me decidiera a escoger una licenciatura y quisiera estudiar pedagogí a… a parte de estudiar
idiomas. Aunque las dos cosas están relacionadas, creí que era más conveniente estudiar algo
de lo cual siempre habia criticado, por considerarlo que no estaba hecho correctamente en
algunas ocasiones. Por eso elegí ser profesor, de lo cual me siento orgulloso.’
Elección de carrera a estudiar en la universidad
Page 63
Elección de carrera a estudiar en la universidad
Stage 1: Comprehension
What does Yulian have to say about his teachers at school?
Explain his reasons for wanting to be a teacher.
Apart from doing his teaching qualification, which subjects did he decide
to teach?
How does he now feel about the choice he made?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera a estudiar en la universidad
Stage 2: Languague
Stopping the tape as often as necessary, find the Spanish for:
the two things are related
when I go to university
this made me decide
so I was always arguing
I was always aware of this
Again stopping the tape as often as necessary, transcribe the section:
‘Aunque las dos cosas… en algunas ocasiones’
Discuss the meaning of this section with your teacher.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Elección de carrera a estudiar en la universidad
Stage 3: Writing
Think of a teacher you admired greatly in Primary or Secondary
Write a few sentences about the qualities of this teacher and why you admired
him or her so much.
(80 words)
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera a estudiar en la universidad
Stage 1: Comprehension
he always had very good teachers
and other teachers who were not so good
so that he could really teach/teach properly
because he felt that his teachers didn’t teach much and this
didn’t please him
Stage 2: Language
the two things are related
las dos cosas están relacionadas
when I go to university
cuando vaya a la universidad
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
this made me decide
esto hizo que me decidiera
so I was always arguing
siempre estaba en permanente discusión
I was always aware of this
siempre estaba atento a eso
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Reasons for subject choice
Education and Work
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera en la
universidad - Carolina
No. 24 on CD
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Page 68
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Listening transcript
‘Cuando estaba en la universidad algunos profesores hablaron conmigo. Me dijeron que, puesto
que estaba interesada en los idiomas, podía intentar hacer dos licenciaturas a la vez: es decir,
llegar a ser profesora de inglés y de francés,… licenciarme en filología inglesa y filología
francesa. Ellos también me dijeron que iba a suponer un esfuerzo muy grande porque tenía
que estudiar a la vez asignaturas muy fuertes de dos carreras. Aún así, no lo pensé demasiado
y quise hacerlo. Así que empecé el primer año con quince asignaturas muy muy fuertes y a
mitad de curso no pude con ellas. Me di cuenta que había sido demasiado ambiciosa en lo que
quería ser. Así que me centré en la carrera dirigida al inglés y dejé apartadas las asignaturas de
francés. Al año siguiente seguí con inglés y estaba un poco decepcionada conmigo misma.
Gracias a Dios, he terminado mi carrera, pero aun me siento con ganas de terminar aquella
carrera que dejé a medias.’
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Page 69
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Stage 1: Comprehension
What did Carolina’s lecturer’s at university advise her to do?
In addition, they gave her a word of caution. What was this?
Did she consider the situation well enough?
Give reasons for your answer.
When did she discover she had taken on too much?
How many subjects had she been studying?
What course of action did she then take?
How did she feel about doing English only?
How does she feel now that she has finished her degree?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Stage 2: Language
Stopping the tape as often as necessary, find the Spanish for:
I started First Year
I realised that
half way through the year
at the same time
I was a bit disappointed
that is to say
since I was interested in languages
the next year
Carolina used a lot of verbs in the Preterite Tense. Make a list of these
verbs and write them out in the 1st person singular, 3rd person singular
and third person plural as in the first example.
1st Person
3rd Person
3rd Person
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
If you are not sure of any of these verbs, look them up in your
grammar book and make sure that you learn them in all six
parts of the preterite Tense.
Check your answers
If you find this a useful exercise make a list of all other verbs in the transcript
and do the same with them.
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Stage 3: Discussion
¿Voy a poder conseguir lo que quiero hacer?
Discuss with your classmates what you wish to do in the future and
whether you think you will be able to do it.
What will the problems be?
Will you have to make a great effort?
Will you have to stop being involved in some social activities in order to achieve
Are you taking on too much or are you not prepared to work hard enough?
What do your classmates think of your goal?
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Stage 1: Comprehension
do two qualifications/degrees at the same time - English and French
it would require great effort
because she would have to study two heavy subjects
No, she says that she didn’t think much about it
and she wanted to do it - so she did it!
half way through her first year
she dropped her French subjects
and concentrated on English
disappointed in herself
she feels like finishing the degree that she left unfinished
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Reasons for subject choice
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Stage 2: Language
I started First Year
empecé el primer año
I realised that
me di cuenta que
half way through the year
a mitad de curso
at the same time
a la vez
I was a bit disappointed
estaba un poco decepcionada
that is to say
es decir
since I was interested in languages
puesto que estaba interesada en los idiomas
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
the next year
al año siguiente
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Elección de carrera en la universidad - Carolina
Stage 2: Language
1st Person
3rd Person
3rd Person
me centré
se centró
se centraron
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Reasons for subject choice
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Education and Work
Information about schools
in Spanish speaking countries
Los centros educativos
No. 26 on CD
Los centros educativos
Page 76
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Los centros educativos
Listening transcript
‘En mi país hay tres clases de colegios o de escuelas: las públicas, las privadas y las semipúblicas.
Casi todo el mundo quiere ir a las públicas porque son muy buenas y porque son muy grandes,
o a las privadas. Pero allí es muy caro. Sin embargo, muchos estudiantes tienen que ir a las
escuelas semipúblicas: es decir, tienen que pagar cierto dinero por sus matrículas y por supuesto,
no tienen ningún material gratis. Todo tiene que ser comprado por sus padres, ya que el gobierno
da una ayuda muy poca, sólo colabora pagando los profesores. Ni siquiera colabora con el
colegio, es decir, con el edificio. En las escuelas públicas hay algunas muy muy grandes, que
parecen una universidad. Hay escuelas que alcanzan a tener cinco mil o seis mil estudiantes.
Pero hay otras que no llegan ni a quinientos, entonces las diferencias son grandes.’
Los centros educativos
Page 77
Los centros educativos
Stage 1: Comprehension
In this passage Yulian describes the three different types of schools
in Colombia.
What does he call them?
Which type do most people want to go to?
Which other type of school is favoured?
Explain what Yulian has to say about ‘semi-public’ schools.
What does he have to say about the public schools?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Los centros educativos
Stage 2: Language
Listen to the tape again and find the Spanish for:
they have to pay
almost everyone
the differences are great
there are three type~ ~ ns of schools
it’s very expensive there
everything must be bought
‘sólo colabora pagando los profesores’
N.B. ‘solo’ means ‘alone’ (without an accent)
‘sólo’ is short for ‘solamente’ and means ‘only’
Make up two sentences using ‘solo’ and two others using ‘sólo’.
Show these sentences to your teacher
‘casi todo el mundo quiere ir a las públicas’
Note the use of ‘quiere’ in the third person singular. Most collective
nouns take a singular verb. e.g. ‘la gente quiere estar cómoda’
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Make up three sentences of your own using collective nouns and show
them to your teacher
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Los centros educativos
Stage 3: Writing and Speaking
If you were asked to explain to a Spanish-speaking person about the education
system in your country, how would you go about doing so?
It would be useful to prepare a written piece and then present it to your
classmates when your teacher has checked it for accuracy of language.
(80-100 words)
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Los centros educativos
Stage 1: Comprehension
public schools
private schools
and semi-public
public schools
private school
it is very expensive
students who have to go to semi-public schools have to pay a certain
amount of money to matriculate/register and they don’t receive any
materials free of charge.
the government gives little support to these schools
it only pays the teachers
it doesn’t even upkeep the building
some of them are so big that they are like universities
some of them have five or six thousand students
others don’t even have as many as five hundred
so the differences are great
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Los centros educativos
Stage 2: Language
they have to pay
tienen que pagar
almost everyone
casi todo el mundo
the differences are great
las diferencias son grandes
there are three types of schools
hay tres clases de colegio
it’s very expensive there
allí es muy caro
everything must be bought
todo tiene que ser comprado
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Education and Work
Information about schools
in Spanish speaking countries
El sistema de educación en España
No. 27 on CD
El sistema de educación en España
Page 83
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
El sistema de educación en España
Listening transcript
‘Me he quedado muy sorprendida cuando he llegado a Escocia y me he dado cuenta de que si
los alumnos suspenden un exámen o varios exámenes no pasa nada. Pasan el siguiente curso
y sencillamente se tienen que superar.
En España es completamente distinto. Hasta ahora los estudiantes tienen tres evaluaciones por
año y si suspenden alguna de esas evaluaciones en alguna asignatura suspenden el curso. Si
en junio no han logrado aprobar el curso, tienen la posibilidad de examinarse de nuevo en
setiembre. Pero si en setiembre suspenden más de dos o tres asignaturas, tienen que repetir
curso, lo que supone ir con gente más pequeña que tú a clase y no sé si eso es demasiado
En Escocia todo el mundo va con su edad y aun no comprendo la motivación que tienen. En
España tienen que estudiar porque no quieren estar en clase con gente más pequeña que ellos.
Creo que esto tiene que empezar a cambiar y buscar otras motivaciones para que los alumnos
estudien en clase.’
El sistema de educación en España
Page 84
El sistema de educación en España
Stage 1: Comprehension
What did Carolina find surprising about the Scottish education system
when she first arrived here?
How many assessments do Spanish pupils do every year?
What happens if they fail any of these assessments?
What can they do to remedy their failure?
If they are unsuccessful, what happens then?
What do pupils find unpleasant about this?
What does Carolina not understand about the motivation Scottish pupils
Is she happy with the Spanish system?
How do you know this?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El sistema de educación en España
Stage 2: Language
Listen to the tape again and find the Spanish for:
there isn’t any problem
if the pupils fail an exam
if they fail any of those assessments
which means/entails
they have not managed to pass the course/year
it is totally different
they go on to the next school year
this has to begin to change
‘tienen la posibilidad de examinarse de nuevo’
se presentan al examen de nuevo
se presentan al examen otra vez
vuelven a presentarse al examen
they sit the exam again
These all have the same meaning of ‘again’.
Now write two/three sentences of your own and express ‘again’
in three different ways in each of the sentences.
‘no han logrado aprobar el curso’
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
‘lograr’ means ‘to manage to’
‘conseguir’ has the same meaning
Now make up four sentences of your own, using these verbs show
them to your teacher.
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
El sistema de educación en España
Stage 3: Writing and Speaking
¿Qué opinas? ¿Crees que es una buena idea la de repetir curso si suspendes
varias evaluaciones?
¿Estudias más? ¿Estarías más decidido a aprobar el curso?
Pregunta a tus compañeros de clase qué piensan del sistema español.
Entonces escribe un resumen de unas ochenta palabras, hablando de las
diversas opiniones de tus compañeros de clase.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
El sistema de educación en España
Stage 1: Comprehension
if the pupils fail an exam or several exams
there is no problem
they go on to the next year
three assessments
they fail the school year
they can sit exams again/resit in September
they have to repeat the year
they have to join a class of younger pu pils
she knows that Spanish children have to study
to avoid having to be in a class with younger children
when they repeat a year
but she wonders what motivates Scottish children to study
no - she says that this should change
and there must be other ways of motivating pupils to work in class
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
El sistema de educación en España
Stage 2: Language
there isn’t any problem
no pasa nada
if the pupils fail an exam
con gente más pequeña que ellos
if they fail any of those assessments
si suspenden alguna de esas evaluaciones
which means/entails
lo que supone
they have not managed to pass the course/year
no han logrado aprobar el curso
it is totally different
es completamente distinto
they can go on to the next school year
pasan al siguiente curso
this has to begin to change
esto tiene que empezar a cambiar
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Information about schools in Spanish speaking countries
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Facts about school/college
Education and Work
Facts about school/college
El trabajo de una lectora de español
No. 28 on CD
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Page 90
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: Education and work: Facts about school/college
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Listening transcript
Dime, Inés, ¿En qué consiste tu trabajo?
Mi trabajo consiste en hablar con los alumnos en español y también hacerles hablar en español.
¿Qué tipo de actividades haces con ellos?
A veces cantamos en español y a los niños les gusta mucho.
Otras veces, los alumnos tienen que hablar de sus gustos e intereses, por ejemplo, lo que hacen
en su tiempo libre o sobre la televisión. A mis alumnos les encanta la televisión y hablan
mucho sobre sus programas preferidos.
¿Cuántas horas trabajas a la semana?
Trabajo doce horas a la semana, pero a veces voy a la escuela primaria también.
¿Te gusta más la escuela primaria o la secundaria?
Me gusta más la primaria porque los niños son más formales y les encanta el español. Con
ellos puedo hacer muchas más actividades y juegos.
¿Hasta cuándo vas a estar en este colegio?
Estaré aquí hasta mayo. Después me marcharé a España y seguramente empezaré a trabajar
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Page 91
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Stage 1: Comprehension
What are the two main aspects of Inés’ work?
What types of activities does she do with the pupils?
What does she have to say about her pupils and T.V?
How many hours per week does she work?
In addition to her work in secondary school, what else does Inés do?
Which type of school does she prefer and why?
When will she finish working here?
What will she do then?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Facts about school/college
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Stage 2: Language
Listen to the tape again and find the Spanish for:
per week
I will start working
until when?
to make them talk
what does your job entail?
Stopping the tape as often as necessary, transcribe the section:
‘Otras veces, los alumnos…………sobre sus programas preferidos’
Check the transcript and the Answer sheet
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Facts about school/college
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Stage 3: Writing
Use the transcript to write about Inés’ work (in the third person)
starting as follows:
‘El trabajo de Inés consiste en hablar con los alumnos y…
(100-120 words)
Show your work to your teacher
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Facts about school/college
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Stage 1: Comprehension
talking to the pupils in Spanish
and making them talk in Spanish
sometimes they sing in Spanish
other times they have to talk about their likes and interests
e.g. what they do in their free time
or about T.V.
they love T.V.
and talk a lot about their favourite programmes
12 hours
she goes to Primary schools sometimes
the children behave better
and they love Spanish
she will go back to Spain
and start working there
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Facts about school/college
El trabajo de una lectora de español
Stage 2: Language
per week
a la semana
I will start working
empezaré a trabajar
until when?
hasta cuándo
to make them talk
hacerles hablar
what does your job entail?
¿en qué consiste tu trabajo?
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: Education and Work
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Facts about school/college
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Making holiday and travel plans
The Wider World
Holidays and Travel:
Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
No. 31 on CD
Si me ganara la loteria
Page 97
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
Listening transcript
‘Si me ganara la lotería, lo primero que haría sería ir a una agencia de viajes y comprarme un tiquete para
recorrer todo el mundo. Pues éste ha sido mi sueño, ya que lo encuentro muy atractivo y sería fantástico. Sería
maravilloso viajar por cada una de las capitales de los diferentes países. Sé que es casi imposible, pero al
menos me sentiría feliz conociendo países en los diferentes continentes. Esto sería realmente maravilloso.’
‘Si yo ganara la lotería, es extraño, pero lo primero que haría sería un tour por todas las provincias de España.
Me cuesta creer lo que hago. Tengo sitios maravillosos en España y normalmente viajo al extranjero. No es
lógico, así que si tuviera dinero, seguramente pasaria mucho tiempo viajando por España y visitando cada
pequeño pueblecito en las montañas, cada río, cada castillo, cada monumento. Además, hay conventos preciosos
en el norte de España y los paisajes son maravillosos. Así que, por mucho que pueda sorprender, si ganara la
lotería pasaría mucho tiempo viajando por España.’
Si me ganara la loteria
Page 98
Si me ganara la loteria
Stage 1: Comprehension
Listen to the following two people talk about what they would do if
they won the lottery.
Write as much as you can under the following headings:
The first thing Yulian would do:
Why he would choose to do this:
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Any other details about his trip:
Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
The first thing Carolina would do:
Why would she choose to do this?
Any other details about her trip:
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Check your answers
Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
Stage 2: Language
Listen to the tape again and find the Spanish for:
at least
I can hardly believe what I do
the scenery is marvellous
to go round the world
if I had money
I know it’s almost impossible
this has been my dream
I would spend a lot of time travelling
Note the number of verbs in the Conditional Tense. By the nature
of the passages ‘if I were to win the lottery I would…’, there must
be a good number of the verbs in them Conditional Tense.
A timely revision of the formation of the Conditional Tense would
not go wrong here!
Notice how each person starts with the same opening sentence
although expressed in a different manner..
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Yulian ‘Si me ganara la lotería’ ‘If I won the lottery’
Note the use of ‘me’ as a reflexive pronoun. This is perfectly
acceptable in Latin America and occurs in Spain also but is classed
as careless. So, in Castilian Spanish it should not be used.
e.g. Carolina ‘Si yo ganara la lotería’
Making holiday and travel plans
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Si me ganara la loteria
Stage 3: Writing
Yulian and Carolina have told you what they would do if they won
the lottery.
Now it’s your turn. What would you do?
(100-120 words)
Show your work to your teacher
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
Stage 1: Comprehension
The first thing Yulian would do:
go to a travel agent
buy a ticket to go round the world
Why he would choose to do this:
it has always been his dream
he finds it appealing
and would be fantastic
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Any other details about his trip:
it would be wonderful to see the capitals of all the different
he knows it is almost impossible
but he would feel happy getting to know countries in the different
Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
The first thing Carolina would do:
she would do a tour of the provinces in Spain
Why would she choose to do this?
there are wonderful places in spain
yet she usually travels abroad
which doesn’t seem very logical
Any other details about her trip:
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
she would like to visit all the small villages in the mountains
see every river, castle and monument
the beautiful convents in the north of Spain
and the lovely scenery
Making holiday and travel plans
Si me ganara la loteria
Stage 2: Language
at least
al menos
I can hardly believe what I do
me cuesta creer lo que hago
the scenery is marvellous
los paisajes son maravillosos
to go round the world
recorrer todo el mundo
if I had money
si tuviera dinero
I know it’s almost impossible
sé que es casi imposible
this has been my dream
este ha sido mi sueño
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
I would spend a lot of time travelling
pasaría mucho tiempo viajando
Making holiday and travel plans
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Making holiday and travel plans
The Wider World
Holidays and Travel:
Making holiday and travel plans
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
No. 32 on CD
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
Page 106
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Making holiday and travel plans
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
Listening transcript
José Luis
¿Está Sonia?
Sí, soy yo.
José Luis
Soy José Luis. Estas vacaciones mis amigos y yo vamos de camping.
¿Te gustaría venir con nosotros?
Sí, claro. ¿Dónde está el camping?
José Luis
Está en la costa, en Benidorm. Hay una playa muy cerca.
¿Cómo vamos a ir?
José Luis
Vamos a ir en tren hasta Benidorm. Luego, allí, cogemos un autobús hasta el camping.
¿Qué te parece?
Muy bien. ¿Cuándo cogemos el tren?
José Luis
Este sábado a las diez de la mañana.
Entonces voy a buscarte a tu casa, a las nueve, ¿vale?
José Luis
Sí, estupendo. Hasta el sábado.
Sí, hasta el sábado. Adiós.
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
Page 107
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
Stage 1: Comprehension
What does José Luis invite Sonia to?
With whom?
What is near there?
How are they going to get there?
Does she agree to go?
When are they to set out?
What arrangements do they make to meet up?
Check your answers.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
Stage 2: Language
Points to note
‘a las diez de la mañana’
at ten in the morning
i.e. Use de after a specific time but por in other circumstances:
e.g. - Por la mañana ayudo a mi madre en casa.
But - A las diez de la mañana voy al mercado
Now make up two sentences for each example and show them
to your teacher.
N.B. ‘Voy a buscarte a tu casa’ Literal meaning is ‘look for you’
but this is the expression used in Spanish for ‘I am going to pick
you up’ (usually by car)
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Unas vacacaciones ecomómicas
Stage 1: Comprehension
on a camping holiday
with friends
a campsite in Benidorm
a beach
by train to Benidorm
Saturday. 10 a.m.
José Luis will pick her up at her house at 9.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Making holiday and travel plans
The Wider World
Holidays and Travel:
Making holiday and travel plans
Un fin de semana en el norte
No. 33 on CD
Un fin de semana en el norte
Page 111
Higher Still Intermediate 2 Spanish Language Pack: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Making holiday and travel plans
Un fin de semana en el norte
Listening transcript
Hola.¿Se puede poner Silvia?
Sí, soy yo.
¡Ah! Soy Esteban. Te llamaba porque este fin de semana me voy con una amiga a un albergue
juvenil en los Picos de Europa. ¿Te apetece venir?
Ah, sí, muy bien porque no tengo nada que hacer. ¿En qué vamos?
Cogemos el tren el viernes a las siete de la tarde en la estación de TEVE en Oviedo y volvemos el
domingo por la tarde a la hora que mejor nos venga. ¿Qué te parece la idea?
Muy bien. Nos vemos en la estación porque yo no salgo de clase hasta las cinco y tengo que ir
a casa a por la mochila. ¿vale?
Genial. Entonces hasta el viernes. Adiós, Silvia.
Adiós, Esteban.
Un fin de semana en el norte
Page 112
Un fin de semana en el norte
Stage 1: Comprehension
What is the purpose of Esteban’s phone call?
Does Silvia agree?
How are they to get there?
When will they leave?
What does Silvia have to do before leaving?
Check your answers
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Un fin de semana en el norte
Stage 2: Language
Stopping the tape as often as required, find the Spanish for:
at whatever time suits us best
we’ll meet at the station
Do you feel like coming?
I haven’t anything to do
How are we getting there?
Check your answers
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Un fin de semana en el norte
Stage 3: Discussion
Using the transcript as a model, you and your partner should now
make up a dialogue, planning a weekend somewhere in Scotland.
Make similar arrangements to those made by Silvia and Esteban.
where you are going
where you are going to stay
how you are going to get there
when you are going to go what you are going to do there
how and when you are going to get back
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Un fin de semana en el norte
Stage 1: Comprehension
to invite Silvia to go to a youth hostel
with himself and a friend
in the Picos de Europa
by train from Oviedo
Friday at 7 p.m.
she doesn’t get out of class until 5 p.m.
and has to go home for her rucksack/backpack
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Un fin de semana en el norte
Stage 2: Language
at whatever time suits us best
a la hora que mejor nos venga
we’ll meet at the station
nos vemos en la estación
Do you feel like coming?
¿te apetece venir?
I haven’t anything to do
No tengo nada que hacer
How are we getting there?
¿En qué vamos?
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2: The Wider World
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
Making holiday and travel plans
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Past holidays, trips and journeys
The Wider World
Holidays and Travel:
Past holidays, trips and journeys
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Page 118
Higher Still Spanish Intermediate 2 Listening Texts: The Wider World: Holidays and travel - Past holidays, trips and journeys
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
l viaje que jamás podré olvidar es el que hicimos tres amigos míos y yo el año pasado a Italia. En
principio el viaje estaba programado para mucha más gente, pero, al final, todo el mundo tenía algo
que hacer y nos quedamos tan sólo Jesús, Fernando, Kike y yo. Ellos tres son tres de mis mejores amigos
con lo cual no sólo visitamos un país extranjero sino que convivimos entre nosotros. Hicimos que nuestra
amistad creciera. Conocimos muchas cosas que no sabíamos antes y fue maravilloso tener esas experiencias
en común. Lo mejor de todo fue Turín. Turín es una ciudad grande y a la vez bastante triste. Pero la gente es
maravillosa. Nos acogieron fantásticamente bien y cada persona nos enseñaba algo nuevo que no sabíamos.
Nos dimos cuenta de que viajar es la mejor forma de aprender.’
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Page 119
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Stage 1 Comprehension
Listen to what Carolina has to say about her memorable trip and then write
as much information as you can under the following headings:
where she went
with whom?
why there were only a few travellers
how the friends’ relationship developed
the highlight of the trip
what the city is like
what the people are like
the conclusion Carolina comes to
Check your answers
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Holidays & Travel
Past holidays, trips and journeys
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Stage 2 Language
Stopping the tape as often as required, find the Spanish for:
we didn’t know before
everyone had something to do
they received us very well
I’ll never be able to forget
the best way to learn
something new
Again, stopping the tape as often as required, transcribe the
following section of the transcript:
“Hicimos que nuestra… en común”
Check your answers
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Holidays & Travel
Past holidays, trips and journeys
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Stage 3 Writing and Speaking
Prepare a talk based on a holiday you may have had which you remember
more than others.
Was it memorable because of a funny incident?
Prepare a talk of about 80–100 words describing the holiday.
After you have had this checked by your teacher, read it to your classmates
and see if they understand all the details.
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Holidays & Travel
Past holidays, trips and journeys
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Stage 1 Comprehension
3 friends
last year
there were more originally
but they had other things to do in the end
through spending their holidays together their friendship grew
they got to know things about one another
that they didn’t know before
a visit to Turin
it’s a big city
but it’s also quite sad
the people are wonderful
and everyone they met told them something they didn’t know
travelling is the best way of learning
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Holidays & Travel
Check your answers
Past holidays, trips and journeys
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2
El viaje que jamás podré olvidar
Stage 2 Language
Stopping the tape as often as required, find the Spanish for:
we didn’t know before
no sabíamos antes
everyone had something to do
todo el mundo tenía algo que hacer
they received us very well
nos acogieron fantásticamente bien
I’ll never be able to forget
jamás podré olvidar
the best way to learn
la mejor forma de aprender
something new
algo nuevo
Higher Still Spanish: Intermediate 2 : Holidays & Travel
Past holidays, trips and journeys