Leathery-leaved Fig-Tree. Nat. of the East Indies. Introd. 1772, by Mr

Leathery-leaved F i g - T r e e .
Nat. o f the East Indies.
Introd. 1772, by M r . W i l l i a m M a l c o l m .
S . ij .
7. F . foliis ovatis c o r d a t i s : sinu profundo a n g u s t o ;
integerrimis glabris acutis utrinque viridibus.
Willden. sp. pi. 4. p. 1 1 3 6 .
Rib-leaved F i g - T r e e .
Nat. of the East Indies.
Introd. 1 7 6 3 , by John B u s h , E s q .
S. 5 .
8. F . foliis ovatis cordatis integerrimis glabris o b t u - lucida.
sis basi trinerviis, ramis erectis. Willden.
pi. 4 . p. 1137.
Shining-leaved F i g - T r e e .
Nat. o f the East Indies.
Introd. 1 7 7 2 , by M r . W i l l i a m M a l c o l m .
9. F . foliis oblongo-lanceolatis integerrimis: apice martinicenattenuatis a c u t i s ; basi rotundatis; supra albo- sis.
punctatis. IVillden. sp. pi. 4.'p. 1137.
Ficus indica m a x i m a , folio o b l o n g o , funiculis e
summis ram^s demissis radices agentibus se
propagans, fructu minore sphserico sanguineo.
Sloan, jam. 2 . p. 140. t. 2 2 3 .
Round-fruited F i g - T r e e .
Nat. of the W e s t Indies.
Cult. 1 7 5 9 , by M r . P h . M i l l e r . Mill. diet. ed. 7.
n. 6 .
S. J j .
10. F . foliis oblongis integerrimis apice attenuatis infectoria.
a c u t i s : basi rotundatis subcordatis; supra i m presso-punctatis, receptaculis globosis sessili•bus calyculatis. Willden. sp.pl. 4 . p. 1 1 3 7 .
Tsjakela. Rheed. mat. 3 . p. 87. t. 6 4 .
Veiny-leaved F i g - T r e e .
, Nat. o f the East Indies.
Introd. 1 -