ANTONIO CABALLERO Born: 1940 in Mexico City As a young boy

Born: 1940 in Mexico City
As a young boy, he was introduced to the world of photography when he received a Brownie
Fiesta camera from his stepfather. Some years later he became part of a team of photojournalists
led by Héctor Garcia, the director of an important graphics agency. As a young man, Caballero
was influenced by crime scene photography, especially that of photojournalist, Antonio El Indio
Velázquez, a Mexican photographer from the 1950’s. Caballero worked with Velazquez on
several weekly publications including Guerra al Crimen, Revista de Policia, and Nota Roja. At the
same time he served as a sports photographer for the International News Service Agency.
From the world of morgues and penitentiaries, Caballero began to focus on Mexican politics. His
images of political events were published in widely popular journals and magazines such as La
Hora de México, La Calle, Crónica, Mañana, Revista de América, Revista de Revistas and Jueves de
Cine Mundial, a publication specializing in celebrity culture and events became his principle
forum in 1955. He made his most famous and widely published photograph for this magazine in
1962 during a press conference with Marilyn Monroe. Seated on the floor in front of the actress,
Caballero inadvertently captured the precise moment when she crossed her legs and accidentally
exposed her crotch. He continued to take pictures of celebrities both nationally and
internationally, and eventually began combining his work as a photojournalist with his work as
an artist.
In 1963 Caballero’s career changed when he began working in the world of the fotonovela, one of
the most popular publications in Mexico during the 1960’s and 70’s. Between 1963 and 1978 he
worked for a number of fotonovelas including Novelas de Amor y Capricho, and Nocturno y Rutas
de passion, as a producer, editor, director, and set photographer.
Currently, Antonio Caballero is dedicated to his work as a scientific photographer at the Institute
of Investigations of Materials at the Universidad Nacional Auteonoma de México.
2010 “Las Rutas de la Pasión, Mexico 1960s,” Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York
2010 “Fotonovelas Extension,” Galerie Polaris, Paris
2006 “Cite Novela,” Galerie Polaris, Paris
2005 “Fotonovelas y Retratos,” Glerie Polaris, Paris
2012 “La Colección, “Fotografía Moderna Mexican: Imagen, Procesos Vitales y Autonomía
Expresiva,” Museo de Arte Moderno de Mexico City, Mexico
2008 “L’Expérience Utile,” Galerie Polaris, Paris
2008 “Salta La Liebre,” Casa del Lago, Mexico City