¡Feliz día de los enamorados!

¡Feliz día de los enamorados!
Feliz Día de St. Valentín - Happy Valentine’s Day
Para empezar: (To Get Started):
querido/a - dear
mi querido/a - my dear, my love
mi amor (m)- my love
amor mío - my love
ángel mío - my angel
Palabras claves (Key Words):
Cúpido - Cupid
el Día de San Valentin, El día de los enamorados - Valentine’s Day
besos (m)- kisses
abrazos (m) - hugs
abrazos y besos - hugs and kisses
flechas - arrows
arco - bow
la pasión - passion
un corazón (m) - heart
una boda (f) - wedding
rosas - roses
flores - flowers
dulces, carmelos - candy (2 ways)
novio, novia - boyfriend, girlfriend
una carta de amor - a love letter
Verbos importantes (Important Verbs):
flirtear - to flirt
echar piropos a (alguien) - to flirt with someone
piropear - to flirt with
casarse con - to marry
ej. Cásate conmigo. - Marry me.
comprometerse - to get engaged
Te echo de menos - I miss you.
Bésame - Kiss me.
Para mostrar tu amor (To Show Your Love):
Te amo - I love you.
Te quiero - I love you.
Te adoro - I love you.
para siempre - forever
Pierdo la chaveta por ti. - I have a crush on you.
Ando amartelado/a por ti. - I have a crush on you.
Estoy enamorado/a de ti. - I'm in love with you.
Mis ojos sólo vean a ti - I only have eyes for you.
Piropos (Pickup Lines)
1. A veces no sale el sol, a veces no sale la luna, a veces no salen las estrellas, pero
todavía tengo a ti para iluminarme el mundo. - Sometimes the sun doesn’t shine,
sometimes the moon doesn’t shine, sometimes the stars don’t come out, but I always
have you to light up my life.
2. Sé que leche es buena para el cuerpo, pero dime, ¿cuánta leche has bebido? - I
know that milk does a body good, but geez, how much milk have you
been drinking?
3. Eres mi media naranja - You are my soulmate. (the other half of my orange).
Las rosas son rojas.
Las violetas, azules.
El azúcar es dulce
Y también eres tú. Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet and so are you.
5. No seas ligero(a) con mi corazón; es el único que tengo. - Don’t be fickle with my
heart. It’s the only one that I have.
Para terminar: (To Finish):
Con amor - with love
Con cariño - affectionately
Cariñosamente - affectionately
Besos - kisses
Un abrazo fuerte - a big hug
Valentines' Day Lesson Ideas 1. Assign each student a secret valentine (another student in class). If you assign each
student's valentine, it takes the pressure off them to pick someone. Students may be
shy, but just emphasize that these cards are supposed to be fun and cheesy - the
sappier, the better. They don't mean that you're really in love with your valentine. You
could even give prizes for the cheesiest, the prettiest, the most romantic, etc. Have
each student make a card for his/her valentine. When they are done, they can put the
cards on the teacher's desk and at the end of class, the teacher delivers the cards and
the students guess who their valentine is: Mi valentín secreto es . . .
Variation: Have students make valentines for the school secretary, principal, a
student who is sick, their favorite teacher, etc.
2. Have students write a mini love story/telenovela and then act it out for the class.
Bring in props to inspire them such as: a fake rose, chocolate, hearts, a Cupid picture,
mariachi hats, guitars, etc.
3. Have students retell a famous love story in their own words. (Romeo and Juliet, Brad
Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Ariel and Prince Eric (Little Mermaid), etc. Play Spanish love
songs while the students are working.
4. In groups, have the students learn different love songs and serenade other groups in
class or other classes in school. They could also serenade a favorite teacher. If you
want to get more elaborate, they can practice ahead of time for the big day and all wear
red, etc. You could give a prize for the best serenade.
5. Have students practice saying cheesy lines to each other. If they'd like, they can
write their own lines. Check them over if they write original lines (for grammar and
appropriateness). Then they see who can present their lines the best to win over
someone's heart (you could use a doll or puppet or another student). Have the class
vote on who did the best job.
** If some students finish their assignments early:
a. They can make hearts with messages to hang on a clothes' line (or tape to
the wall, put on a bulletin board, etc) in the classroom.
b. They can make another valentine for a friend/family member.
c. You can also leave out some books in Spanish with love/Valentines' Day
themes for them to read.
What You'll Need:
1. Construction paper
2. Markers/crayons/scissors
3. Glue/Tape
4. Scissors
5. Fun Romantic Props
6. Spanish love songs (with printed lyrics for
serenades) (optional)
7. Spanish books with love themes (optional)
Spanish Lesson: Valentines' Day, Dia de los enamorados, St. Valentin by Sherrill Schermerhorn is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">Spanish Valentines' Day, Dia
de los enamorados, St. Valentin</span> by <span
xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" property="cc:attributionName">Sherrill
Schermerhorn</span> is licensed under a <a rel="license"
href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/">Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial 3.0 Unported License</a>.