Revision of the Erodium species of Palestine.

Revision of the Erodium species of
A . E i g , Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
(With 3 figures in the text.)
The Palestinian species of the genus Erodium after Dinsmore
Jerusalem Catalogue of Palestine plants (1912) are: E. romanum,
E. cicutarium, E. moschatum, E. cichonium, E. gruinum, E. botrys,
E. laciniatum var. genuinum and var. pulverulentum, E. malacoides, E. hirtum, E. glaucophyllum.
In 1923 N a b e l e k (Iter Turc.-Persic. I, 1923, p. 58) published
a new form of Erodium from Palestine E. cicutarium (L.) L'Her.
var. viscidum Nab., which he found in the environs of the Dead Sea.
So far 10 species and 2 varieties have been known in all. For the
majority of these species only a number of localities in Palestine
have been published. The present revision (based on the material
of the herbarium of the Hebrew University) adds considerably
to the knowledge of Palestinian Erodium species. We report here
16 species, 1 subspecies and 4 varieties, of which 2 species, 1 ssp.
and 2 varieties are newly described.
I. Special Part.
Erodium bryoniaefolium Boiss. — Diag. PI. Or. ser. I, 1
(1842), p. 61.
Cisjordania: ca. 20 km. south of Beersheba, 5. V. 29 (leg.
E i g ) ; El Arish, 2. V. 25 (leg. E i g et Z o h a r y). Transjordania:
betw. el Hessa and Aneze, 15. IV. 29 (leg. E i g et Z o h a r y ) ;
ca. 40 km. south of Maan, 18. IV. 29 (leg. E i g et Z o h a r y ) .
Erodium hirtum (Forsk.) Willd. — Sp. PI. Ill (1800), p. 638.
Negueb: envir. of Beersheba, 16. IV. 28 (leg. E i g et Z o ­
h a r y ) ; betw. Beersheba and Tel-Melah, 3. IV. 27 (leg. E i g ,
F e i n b r u n et Z a h o r y ) ; Tel-Melah, 3. IV. 22, andTel-Arad,
8. IV. 22 (leg. E i g ) ; betw. Asludj and Hafir, 17. IV. 28 (leg.
E i g et F e i n b r u n ) ; ElArish,2. V. 25 (leg. E i g et Z o h a r y ) .
Judean desert and envir. of Dead Sea: Wadi Ror, 24. III. 23 (leg.
A v i z o h a r) ; betw. Mar-Saba and Bir Ruweir, and betw. the
latter and Wadi Shukf, 23. III. 26 (leg. E i g , F e i n b r u n et
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