CONFIRMATION OF ARRIVAL AND REGISTRATION/ CONFIRMACIÓN DE LLEGADA Host university (or Host Institution) Erasmus Code: Name of Institution: Student’s personal data Family name: First name: Student’s degree: CONFIRMATION OF ARRIVAL AND REGISTRATION We confirm that the above mentioned student has arrived at our institution on: ___/___/201__ And has been registered at FACULTY/DEPARTMENT: Name of signatory: Stamp Signature: Function: Date: ___/___/______ The student must submit to Universitat de València via ENTREU ( selecting the procedure Expediente Erasmus Estudios 2016-2017 Servei de Relacions Internacionas i Cooperació Palau de Cerveró, Plaça Cisneros, 4 - 46003 Valencia - España Tel: +34 96 386 49 53 Adreça: Palau de Cerveró. Pl. Cisneros, 4 46003 València Telèfons: +3496 386 40 16/ +3496 386 49 53 e-mail: [email protected] Web: