Ficha de investigador MOURAD BAGHOUR Grupo de Investigación: DIAGNOSTICO NUTRICIONAL DE LAS PLANTAS CULTIVADAS EN CONDICIONES ADVERSAS (Cod.: AGR161) Departamento: Universidad de Granada. Biología Vegetal Código: 21182 Ficha del Directorio Producción 28 Artículos (23) Libros (2) Capítulos de Libros (3) Tesis dirigidas (0) Evolución producción 8 Tesis Capítu… 6 Libros Artículos 4 2 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Año Proyectos dirigidos 0 Proyectos (0) Contratos (0) Convenios (0) Actividades 0 Titulo publicación Fuente Tipo Fecha Effect of nutrient solution salinity and ionic concentration on parsley (petroselinum crispum mill.) essential oil yield Journal of plant nutrition and content Articulo 2016 Expression of lenhx isoforms in response to salt stress in salt sensitive and salt tolerant tomato species Plant physiology and biochemistry Articulo 2012 Calefaccionado del fertirriego en horticultura Lap lambert academic publishing gmbh Libros & co. kg Methane production from ruminants. a review. Colloque international sur les energies renouvelables Capítulo 2007 de libro Effect of root zone temperature on accumulation of molybdenum and nitrogen metabolism in potato plants Journal of plant nutrition Articulo 2003 Influence of root temperature on uptake and accumulation of ni and co in potato Journal of plant physiology Articulo 2002 Influence of thermal regime of soil on the sulfur (s) and selenium (se) concentration in potato plants Journal of environmental science and health. part a: toxic hazardous substances and environmental engineering Articulo 2002 Journal of environmental science and Root zone temperature affects the phytoextraction of ba, health. part a: toxic hazardous cl, sn, pt, and rb using potato plants (solanum tuberosum substances and environmental l. var. spunta) in the field. engineering Articulo 2002 Root-zone temperature influences the distribution of cu and zn in potato-plant organs Journal of agricultural and food chemistry Articulo 2002 The influence of the root zone temperatures on the phytoextraction of boron and aluminium with potato plants growing in the field Journal of environmental science and health. part a: toxic hazardous substances and environmental engineering Articulo 2002 Influence of root temperature on phytoaccumulation of as, ag, cr, and sb in potato plants (solanum tuberosum l. var. spunta) Journal of environmental science and health. part a: toxic hazardous substances and environmental engineering Articulo 2001 Influencia de la temperatura radicular sobre la concentración del b, sus bioindicadores y fitoacumulación en los órganos de patata (solanum tuberosum l. var. spunta). Nutricion mineral en una agricultura mediterranea sostenible. Capítulo 2001 de libro Influencia de la temperatura radicular sobre la fitoacumulación en plantas de patata Luis romero Libros Metabolism and efficiency of phosphorus utilization during senescence in pepper plants: response to nitrogenous and potassium fertilization Journal of plant nutrition Articulo 2001 Phytoextraction of cd and pb and physiological effects in Journal of agricultural and food potato plants (solanum tuberosum var. spunta): chemistry importance of root temperature Régimen térmico y relación k:rb en col china Nutricion mineral en una agricultura mediterranea sostenible. 2011 2001 Articulo 2001 Capítulo 2001 de libro Efficiency of the different genotypes of tomato in relation to foliar content of fe and the response of some Journal of plant nutrition bioindicators Articulo 2000 Forms of sulfur in mature leaves of capsicum (capsicum annuum l.) as affected by supplies of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate Communications in soil science and plant analysis Articulo 2000 Metabolism and efficiency in nitrogen utilization during senescence in pepper plants: response to nitrogenous fertilization Journal of plant nutrition Articulo 2000 fertilization The effect of external n and k concentrations on the leaf content of monovalent cations and their forms in capsicum plants Communications in soil science and plant analysis Articulo 2000 Fruit production in twelve tomato cultivars Phyton Articulo 1999 Optimum range in leaves of potato grown under plastic mulches iv bioindicators of micronutrients Phyton Articulo 1999 Optimum range in leaves of potato grown under plastic mulches: ii. bioindicators of macronutrients Phyton Articulo 1999 Optimum range in potato tubers grown under plastic mulches: ii.micronutrients Phyton Articulo 1999 Optimum range in twelve tomato cultivars: ii. micronutrients Phyton Articulo 1999 Role of cacl2 in nitrate assimilation in leaves and roots of Plant science tobacco plants (nicotiana tabacum l) Articulo 1999 Nitrogen metabolism in tobacco plants (nicotiana tabacum l.): role of boron as a possible regulatory factor International journal of plant sciences Articulo 1998 Relationship between boron and phenolic metabolism in tobacco leaves Phytochemistry Articulo 1998 Titulo proyecto Tipo Inicio Fin Actividades 0 Titulo actividad Fuente Colaboradores LUIS MARÍA ROMERO MONREAL (24) DIEGO ÁNGEL MORENO FERNÁNDEZ (16) Mª GEMA VÍLLORA GÓMEZ (12) JUAN MANUEL RUIZ SÁEZ (11) ESTEBAN SÁNCHEZ CHAVEZ (2) ROSA MARÍA RIVERO VARGAS (1) SAMIR ANANOU JALED (1) Tipo Fecha