CUID – INGLÉS A1 UNIT 2.1 – 2.2 – 3.1
A2 UNIT 1.2
I / you / we /they + base form of the verb (infinitive)
E.g.: I play football every Sunday
He / she / it: we add –s or –es to the base form of the verb (infinitive)
E.g.: he works in an office
• If the verb ends –y preceded by a consonant, we change –y to –ies
E.g: to try > he tries.
• -o > + es
E.G.: to do > he does, to go > he goes
• - s, -sh, -ch, -x > + -es
E.g.: to miss > he misses, to wash> he washes, to watch > she watches,
to mix > he mixes
I / you / we / they + DON’T (DO NOT) + base form of the verb
E.g.: I don’t smoke.
He / she / it + DOESN’T (DOES NOT) + base form of the verb
E.g.: She doesn’t wear glasses.
DO + I / you / we / they + base form of the verb? (Auxiliary + subject + verb?)
E.g.: Do they get up at 7? Yes, I do / No, I don’t
DOES + he / she / it + base form of the verb? (Auxiliary + subject + verb?)
E.g.: Does he play football every Sunday? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t
[email protected]
CUID – INGLÉS A1 UNIT 2.1 – 2.2 – 3.1
A2 UNIT 1.2
Regular habits and daily routines (costumbres regulares y rutinas diarias)
E.g.: She doesn’t often go to the cinema.
When do they usually have lunch?
Facts or permanent truths. (Hechos o verdades permanentes)
E.g.: Summer follows spring
The Earth revolves around the Sun
Timetables and schedules (horarios y calendarios)
E.g.. The train leaves in an hour.
The plane doesn’t arrive until 10.35.
Stative verbs. Feelings (to love, to hate, to want, etc) opinions and
states of mind (to think, to agree, to like, to understand, to believe, to
know, etc), senses (to see, to hear, to smell, to taste and to touch) and
verbs of possession (to have, to own, to belong)
E.g.. She knows a lot of astrology
I like playing football
I can smell something burning
He owns a Rolls Royce
I hate getting up in the morning.
Stative Verbs. Verbos que expresan sentimientos (to love, to hate, to
want, etc), opiniones y estados de mente (to think, to agree, to like, to
understand, to believe, to know, etc), de los sentidos (to see, to hear, to
smell, to taste and to touch) y verbos de posesión (to have, to belong, to
belong to) van siempre en Present Simple y no pueden ir en las formas
continuas (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, etc).
Frequency adverbs (always, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, usually,
generally, occasionally, never…) go BEFORE the main verb but AFTER
the verb to be.
E.g.: He always walks to work
I am never late for school.
Los adverbios de frecuencia (always, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom,
usually, generally, occasionally, never, etc) se colocan ANTES del verbo
principal pero DESPUES del verbo to be.
[email protected]