Apia, Resolutions

Este documento está disponible sólo en inglés. Ce document n’est disponible qu’en anglais
That this meeting strongly urges the Participation Programme section of UNESCO
Headquarters to honour the requests already approved by immediately dispersing to the
Governments concerned the total funding of approved projects. Further, the Participation
Programme section is asked to speed up the appraisal of the Participation Programmes so
that any requested changes can be made without delay, and also is requested to notify
National Commissions when reports of expenditure are received.
That the Pacific Member States of UNESCO, gathered in Apia for consultation and
training, strongly support the ASP Congress and therefore ask the Director-General to
send a personal request to all nations to attend. The Director General is also requested,
through his good offices, to facilitate the travel of participants to the Congress.
That there should be a pool of seed funding for the UNESCO, Apia, Office so that small
amounts of money can be provided to assist and support with bigger proposals.
The meeting asked the Director of the UNESCO, Apia, Office to write to the author of
the paper on the media to compliment him on its contents. The meeting especially
appreciated the setting out and accessibility of the language.