Past participle 1

Sentence Match Quiz for Category: past_participle_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) ¿ Han escogido ustedes el menú ?
- A: You have already arrived!
- B: Have you chosen the menu?
- C: He has stayed home.
- D: Luisa has received the plane ticket.
2) Yo he hablado con el gerente del hotel de la reservación.
- A: You have worked a lot.
- B: José has received the hiking equipment.
- C: José has received an e-mail from the company in Asia.
- D: I have spoken with the hotel's manager about the reservation.
3) ¿Te han presentado a Pedro?
- A: Have you applied for a sales position?
- B: They have stolen my purse.
- C: He has seen it all.
- D: Have they introduced Pedro to you?
4) Él ha recibido una invitación para asistir al congreso de publicidad.
- A: Luisa has received the plane ticket.
- B: I have taken the letter G bus.
- C: He has seen it all.
- D: He has received an invitation to attend the publicity conference.
5) Me han robado la cartera.
- A: They have stolen my purse.
- B: I have eaten in that restaurant and the food is bad.
- C: He has stayed home.
- D: Due to the current financial situation, unemployment is raising.
6) César ha comido hamburguesa.
- A: César has eaten a hamburger.
- B: I have read the newspaper advertisements.
- C: I have taken the letter G bus.
- D: Have they introduced Pedro to you?
7) ¿Alguna vez has estado enamorado?
- A: Have you ever been in love?
- B: José has received a guitar.
- C: I have lost my plane ticket.
- D: He has seen it all.
8) He perdido mi billete de avión.
- A: I have lost my plane ticket.
- B: I have taken the letter G bus.
- C: I have read the newspaper advertisements.
- D: He has stayed home.
9) Enrique ha hablado con Adriana del próximo viaje.
- A: Have you chosen the menu?
- B: I have read the newspaper advertisements.
- C: Have you applied for a sales position?
- D: Enrique has spoken with Adriana about the next trip.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: past_participle_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) Nosotros hemos recibido unos extranjeros en el campamento.
- A: We have received some foreign people in the camp.
- B: José has received the hiking equipment.
- C: You have worked a lot.
- D: Have you seen Maite? Yes, she's inside.
11) Hecho en México
- A: I have eaten in that restaurant and the food is bad.
- B: Enrique has spoken with Adriana about the next trip.
- C: I don't know if the boys have learned the words.
- D: Made in Mexico
12) ¿Nunca has visto actuar a Cantinflas?
- A: Haven't you ever seen Cantinflas act?
- B: Have you chosen the menu?
- C: Enrique has spoken with Adriana about the next trip.
- D: José has received an e-mail from the company in Asia.
13) ¿Has visto a Maite? Sí, está dentro.
- A: Have you seen Maite? Yes, she's inside.
- B: Have they introduced Pedro to you?
- C: I have lost my plane ticket.
- D: José has received a guitar.
14) José ha recibido el equipo para escalar.
- A: Made in Mexico
- B: I have spoken with the hotel's manager about the reservation.
- C: I have lost my plane ticket.
- D: José has received the hiking equipment.
15) José ha recibido una guitarra.
- A: You have already arrived!
- B: He has seen it all.
- C: César has eaten a hamburger.
- D: José has received a guitar.
16) Debido a la situación económica actual el paro está subiendo.
- A: Due to the current financial situation, unemployment is raising.
- B: They have been very nice.
- C: Have you applied for a sales position?
- D: They have stolen my purse.
17) ¿Has estado en casa de amigos?
- A: Have you been at friends' house?
- B: You have already arrived!
- C: Have you seen the church?
- D: Have they introduced Pedro to you?
18) Han sido muy simpáticos.
- A: They have been very nice.
- B: He has seen it all.
- C: Have you seen the church?
- D: I have eaten in that restaurant and the food is bad.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: past_participle_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Se ha quedado en casa.
- A: He has stayed home.
- B: I have lost my plane ticket.
- C: Have you been at friends' house?
- D: José has received an e-mail from the company in Asia.
20) ¡ Ya has llegado !
- A: Have you chosen the menu?
- B: You have already arrived!
- C: They have stolen my purse.
- D: Have you applied for a sales position?
21) Tú has recibido un regalo.
- A: I have lost my plane ticket.
- B: Made in Mexico
- C: You have received a gift.
- D: Haven't you ever seen Cantinflas act?
22) ¿Has visto la iglesia?
- A: Have you seen the church?
- B: José has received the hiking equipment.
- C: Have they introduced Pedro to you?
- D: I have lost my plane ticket.
23) ¿Te ha gustado la ensalada de lechuga?
- A: You have worked a lot.
- B: Have you liked the lettuce salad?
- C: We have received some foreign people in the camp.
- D: José has received an e-mail from the company in Asia.
24) Has trabajado mucho.
- A: Enrique has spoken with Adriana about the next trip.
- B: He has seen it all.
- C: You have worked a lot.
- D: Have you chosen the menu?
25) Lo ha visto todo.
- A: I have spoken with the hotel's manager about the reservation.
- B: He has seen it all.
- C: I have read the newspaper advertisements.
- D: They have stolen my purse.
26) ¿ Has solicitado el puesto de vendedor ?
- A: He has seen it all.
- B: I have spoken with the hotel's manager about the reservation.
- C: Have you applied for a sales position?
- D: César has eaten a hamburger.
27) Yo he comido en ese restaurante y es mala la comida.
- A: I have eaten in that restaurant and the food is bad.
- B: He has stayed home.
- C: I have lost my plane ticket.
- D: I have taken the letter G bus.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: past_participle_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Luisa ha recibido el boleto de avión.
- A: Have you applied for a sales position?
- B: Have they introduced Pedro to you?
- C: José has received an e-mail from the company in Asia.
- D: Luisa has received the plane ticket.
29) José ha recibido un correo electrónico de la compañía en Asia.
- A: José has received an e-mail from the company in Asia.
- B: Have you liked the lettuce salad?
- C: José has received the hiking equipment.
- D: Have you seen the church?
30) He leído los anuncios del periódico.
- A: Luisa has received the plane ticket.
- B: You have worked a lot.
- C: César has eaten a hamburger.
- D: I have read the newspaper advertisements.
31) He tomado el autobús letra G.
- A: José has received a guitar.
- B: I don't know if the boys have learned the words.
- C: He has stayed home.
- D: I have taken the letter G bus.
32) Yo no sé si los muchachos han aprendido las palabras.
- A: I don't know if the boys have learned the words.
- B: You have worked a lot.
- C: You have received a gift.
- D: I have taken the letter G bus.
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Answer Key for Worksheet 42056
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = B , 2 = D , 3 = D , 4 = D , 5 = A , 6 = A , 7 = A , 8 = A , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = D , 12 = A , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = D , 16 = A ,
17 = A , 18 = A , 19 = A , 20 = B , 21 = C , 22 = A , 23 = B , 24 = C , 25 = B , 26 = C , 27 = A , 28 = D , 29 = A , 30 = D , 31 =
D , 32 = A
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