Los Mandatos

Commands are a part of everyday life. How we make commands in Spanish depends upon whom we are
speaking to. Let’s start with informal commands first. These are the types of commands we give to
friends and family.
Informal commands (affirmative)
These are very simple to form. Just take the ____________ form and drop the _________.
(This is the same thing as just using the _______________ form if that’s easier for you.)
Informal commands (negative)
To make a negative tú command, start with the _________________ form of the verb, drop the
________________, and add the _______________ ending.
Opposite endings means that verbs which end in –ar, won’t take the –as ending but instead will take the
___________ ending.
Verbs which end in –er or –ir won’t take the –es ending but instead take the _________ ending.
1. cantar + ___________________
2. mirar + ___________________
3. beber ___________________
4. escuchar + ___________________
5. hablar ___________________
6. escribir 7. comer +
8. salir 9. hacer 10 perder -
Don’t forget the –car, -car, -zar verbs!
Remember that when we make negative commands from a verb that ends in –car, -gar, or –zar, we make
some spelling changes to keep the original sound. You remember this!
For verbs that end in –car, the ____ changes to _______ and then we add the opposite ending which will
always be ________ since these are –ar verbs! For verbs that end in –gar, the ______ changes to
________, and for verbs that end in –zar, the _____ changes to a _______.
And remember this rule applies to _______________ commands!
1. buscar ___________________
2. pagar
3. empezar ____________________
4. tocar
What about the irregular affirmative commands?
These are the verbs that are used over and over again as they have been shortened down through the
centuries. They’re pretty easy to remember since they are almost all –go verbs.
ser _________________
venir ________________
decir ________________
salir ________________
hacer ________________
tener _______________
poner _______________
*Say Vin Diesel has ten weapon.
sé ven di sal haz ten vé pon
Negative commands with ir and ser
As you might imagine, ir and ser are almost always irregular! This is true for them as negative commands
ir becomes no _______________
ser becomes no ______________
What are the negative forms of these commands? (Hint: They are regular as negative commands. Just
follow the rules to make negative commands!)
Los Mandatos Reflexivos Informales
Las Reglas
+ Positive
Pronoun ______ is placed ____________ the command.
- Negative
1. Start with _______
2. Drop the _____
3. Add ________
Pronoun _______ is placed _________________ the command.
2. secarse
3. ducharse
4. acostarse
1. No levantarse
2. No ponerse
3. No vestirse loco
Common expressions using commands:
1. ¡Ten Cuidado!
2. ¡Ven acá! or ¡Ven aquí!
3. ¡Dime la verdad!
4. ¡No te vayas!
5. ¡No me digas!
6. ¡Despiértate!
7. ¡Quítate el sombrero!
8. ¡Vete!