Countries and regions that do NOT require a visa to travel to Mexicoi Effective November 9, 2012 Nationals of the following countries or regions do not require a visa to travel to Mexico and apply for admission as a Visitor without permission to undertake paid activities. At the immigration filter, they must submit: 1. A passport or valid identification and travel document that is valid under international law. 2. A duly completed FMM (Multiple Migratory Form). 3. Immigration authorities may ask the foreigner to prove the reason for his or her trip, be means of one of the following documents: a) Hotel reservation, return ticket (itinerary), tour tickets (itinerary). b) Mandate letter in Spanish language from the foreign parent, affiliate or subsidiary firm indicating that the foreigner is in its employment and that it will cover payment for the services he or she will provide within Mexico. c) Copy of the contract for technology transfer, patents and trademarks, purchase or sale of machinery and equipment, technical training of staff, or any other related to the production process of a company established in Mexico or which links the foreign party to the Mexican party, or proof of appointment by the shareholders’ assembly of companies legally established in Mexico. d) Letter from the public or private organization inviting the foreigner to participate in an unpaid activity in Mexico, stating the purpose of the visit and estimated length of stay. If the organization or institution is to cover the costs of the foreigner's trip and stay in the country, a waiver must be provided. e) Letter of invitation or acceptance of any institution belonging to the National Education System to pursue courses, studies or research projects or training for a maximum of one hundred and eighty days. A Alemania Antillas Holandesas Australia Andorra Argentina Austria 1 Anguila Aruba B Bahamas (Comonwealth) Bélgica Brasil Barbados Belice Bulgaria Canadá Colombia Croacia Chile Corea del Sur Chipre Costa Rica C D Dinamarca E Eslovaquia Estados Unidos de América Eslovenia Estonia España 2 F Finlandia Francia G Gibraltar Guadalupe Grecia Guayana Francesa Groenlandia H Hong Kong Hungría I Irlanda Islas Guam Islas Reunión Islandia Islas Malvinas Islas Vírgenes de los EUA Islas Azores Islas Marianas Islas Wallis y Futura 3 Islas Bermudas Islas Marshall Islas Vírgenes Británicas Islas Caimán Islas Navidad Israel Islas Cocos Islas Niue Italia Islas Cook Islas Islas Norfolk Islas Faroe Islas Islas Pitcairn J Jamaica Japón L Letonia Lituania Liechtenstein Luxemburgo M Macao Martinica Mahore Micronesia 4 Malasia Mónaco Malta Montserrat N Noruega Nueva Caledonia Nueva Zelanda O Omán P Países Bajos (Holanda) Paraguay Polonia Palau Perú Portugal Panamá Polinesia Francesa Puerto Rico R Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña 5 República Checa Rumania S Samoa Americana Santa Helena Suecia San Marino Singapur Suiza T Territorio Británico del Océano Índico Trinidad y Tobago Tokelau Turcos y Caicos U Uruguay V Venezuela i Source: 6