110°E 10°S 120°E 130°E 140°E 150°E 160°E Sedimentary Basins 10°S 20°S 20°S 94°E 96°E 98°E 100°E 102°E 104°E 106°E 108°E 10°S 10°S 12°S 12°S 164°E 166°E 168°E 170°E 2. Norfolk Island 14°S 26°S 26°S 28°S 28°S 30°S 30°S 14°S 1. Cocos Keeling Islands and Christmas Island 1:6 000 000 16°S 94°E 96°E 98°E 100°E 102°E 104°E 106°E 108°E 16°S 30°S 30°S 32°S 32°S 1:6 000 000 164°E Outer limit of Australia's Water Column Jurisdiction Cato Basin Kenn Plateau Moore Basin Queensland Basin Challenger Plateau Lord Howe Basin Nambour Basin Queensland Plateau Dampier Ridge Lord Howe Platform Naturaliste Plateau Roebuck Basin Eastern Plateau Marion Plateau New Caledonia Basin Sorell Basin Eucla Basin Maryborough Basin Norfolk Basin South Tasman Rise Fairway Basin Mellish Rise Norfolk Ridge Southern Carnarvon Basin Fairway Ridge Mentelle Basin Northern Carnarvon Basin Stansbury Basin Faust Basin Middleton Basin Offshore Canning Basin Styx Basin Gippsland Basin Monawai Basin Otway Basin Townsville Basin Gower Basin Monawai Ridge Perth Basin West Norfolk Ridge Hillsborough Basin Money Shoal Basin Polda Basin Yallingup Shelf 166°E 168°E 170°E Arafura Basin 40°S 40°S Bamaga Basin Bass Basin Bellona Trough Bight Basin 154°E 156°E 158°E 160°E 162°E 164°E Bonaparte Basin Browse Basin Capel Basin 52°S 52°S 54°S 54°S 56°S 56°S 58°S 58°S 60°S 60°S Capricorn Basin Carpentaria Basin LOCALITY MAP 0 1 500 km Geographic Datum WGS84 2 1:6 000 000 © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 This work is copyright. Apart from any fair dealings for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Inquiries should be directed to the Communications Unit, Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra City, ACT, 2601. 3 3. Macquarie Island Geoscience Australia has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or complete. THEREFORE YOU SHOULD NOT RELY SOLELY ON THIS INFORMATION WHEN MAKING A COMMERCIAL DECISION. 50°S 110°E 154°E 120°E 130°E 140°E 150°E 156°E 158°E 1:8 000 000 160°E 162°E 160°E 164°E 50°S ASPD BIO-9