Using Adjectives to Describe

Using Adjectives to Describe
Adjectives describe nouns. Just like articles, they match the gender
(masculine/feminine) of the nouns they describe.
Things we need to know about how adjectives work:
1. Most adjectives follow the noun they describe.
Ex. la casa blanca = the white house
2. Adjectives must agree in gender with the noun. Only have to worry
about the adjectives ending in “o” or “a”.
Ex. la pluma roja = the red pen
el lápiz rojo = the red pencil
3. Adjectives ending in a consonant will usually match both genders. (Also
the case for adjectives ending in an “e” .
Ex. la pluma azul = the blue pen el lápiz azul = the blue pencil.
Ex. la chica paciente= the patient girl el chico paciente= the patient boy
4. Adjectives must agree in plurality with the noun.
Ex. The white houses- las casas blancas
the blue pencils- los lápices azules
Find the meaning of the following adjectives using p.75 in textbook:
For appearance
For personality
Who’s Your Toon?
Dev. 1/ 04
Use Soy (I am) or
Me considero (I consider myself) when describing
La Ropa
la blusael calcetín –
(los calcetines)la camisala chaquetala faldalos jeanslos pantaloneslos pantalones cortosla gorrael sombreroel suéterel vestidoel zapato(los zapatos)Yo llevo- I am wearing
Él/ ella lleva- He/she is wearing
Completa el parrafo corto, describiendo tu aparencia física, tu
personalidad y tu ropa.
Me llamo _________. Tengo _______ años. Soy ________________
Tengo los ojos_________ . Tengo el pelo _________ y ___________. También
soy ____________. Me considero una persona _____________ y ____________.
Hoy llevo _______________________________________________________.
Tengo zapatos ________.
Who’s Your Toon?
Dev. 1/ 04