Are His Errors-Russian Vietnamese Spanish.pptx

12/10/13 h
E nis
The influence of a first language on
English acquisition: A look at
Spanish, Russian, and Vietnamese
Assessment Outcomes
Difference vs. Disorder
•  DNQ
•  DNQ
for age
•  DNQ
are due
for age
•  Qualifies
1 12/10/13 Positive Transfer - Speech
•  [d] exists in English, Spanish, Russian, and
•  If a child can produce it L1, that skill transfers
well to English production
Positive transfer
Negative transfer
Negative Transfer - Speech
In the L2 acquisition process children often use the
closest sound/combination in their repertoire.
▫  [z] exists in English but not in Spanish
▫  Voiceless [th] exists in English but not Russian,
Vietnamese, or Spanish
•  0-1 month – crying and vegetative
•  1-6 months – cooing, laughter,
squealing, growling
•  4-6 months – marginal babbling
•  6-8 months – reduplicated babbling
•  8-10 months – variegated babbling
•  8-12 months – echolalia*
•  9-12 months – phonetically*
consistent forms
•  9-12 months – jargon*
Language Influenced*
2 12/10/13 •  For parents:
(Lynch, Brookshire & Fox, 1980)
▫  18 months - ~25% intelligible
▫  2 year olds - 50-75% intelligible
▫  3 year olds - 75%-100% intelligible
•  For unfamiliar:
(Flipsen, 2006)
▫  18 months - ~25% intelligible
▫  2 year olds - ~50% intelligible
▫  3 year olds - ~75% intelligible
▫  4 year olds - 100% intelligible
•  Difficulty producing sounds in both languages,
even with adult assistance
•  Family history of speech-language impairment
•  Slower development than siblings
•  Difficulty interacting with peers
•  Difficulty with speech production in many routines
and settings
•  Speech production unlike others with similar cultural/
linguistic experiences
Bilingual Speech Evaluation:
3 important things
The differences and shared
characteristics of two sound
•  Shared and unshared sounds/processes
•  Developmental acquisition within each language
•  Phonotactics of each language
▫  The set of permissible sequences of sounds in a
given language
3 12/10/13 How to use the Venn Diagrams
•  ESL learner errs on sounds unique to English =
least concern
•  ESL learner errs on sounds across both English
and L1 = most concern
/ð/ /dʒ/
/b/ /d/ /ɡ/
/h/ /ŋ/
/p/ /t/ /k/
/m/ /n/
/s/ /tʃ/ /r/ /ʃ/
/j/ /l/
/v/ /w/
/z/ /ʒ/
Spanish Phonotactics
/æ/ /ɔ/ /ʊ/
/u/ /ʌ/ /ɛ/
/ɪ/ /ə/
•  S-clusters are not allowed in word initial
•  Clusters are not permitted in word final position
•  Few words end in consonants
•  Only [l, n, d, s, r] are allowed in word final
4 12/10/13 Venn$Diagrams$–$Speech/Language/Phonological$processes$
/mj/ /nj/ /pj/
/bj//fj/ /vj/ /nj/!!!!!!!!!!/b/ /d/*
/ɡ/ !
/tj/!/dj/!/sj/!/zj/!!!!!! /p/ /t/*
/n/* !
/s/ /z/
/j/ /l/*
/ʃ/ /ʒ/
/tʃ/ /f/
/v/ /ts/!
/ɑ/ /e/$
/i/ /o/ /u/
/æ/ /ʊ/
/ɛ/ / /!/$
Russian Phonotactics
•  [ng] is not permitted in final position
•  No voiced stops are permitted in word final
position unless the word begins with a voiced
•  Consonant clusters of up to 4 consonants are
•  Palatization is phonemic
/th / /ʈ//c//p/ /b/ /t/ / /ð/ /dʒ/
/ŋ/ /θ/
/ʔ/ /ɲ/ d/ /k/ /ɡ/
/x/ /ɽ/
/m/ /n/
/j/ /w/ /f/ / /v/ /s/
z/ /h/
/l/ /r/
5 12/10/13 VIETNAMESE
/ɑ/ /æ/
/ɔ/ /ʊ/
/ɛ/ /i/
Vietnamese Phonotactics
•  In addition to consonant and vowel consonants,
tones are also phonemic
•  Words are monosyllabic (except borrowed
words). Thus, no medial consonants.
•  Final consonants can only be nasals or voiceless
•  There are no consonant clusters
Difference vs. Disorder
The differences and shared
characteristics of two
language systems
6 12/10/13 Cross-­‐linguistic Errors in Children with Typical Development Mean Errors Per Grade English
Number of Errors
Number of Errors
Mean Errors Per Grade Spanish
Positive Transfer - Language
•  SVO for English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese
•  L1 to L2
•  Note that in Russian and Spanish, other word
orders are permissible.
•  In English and Russian,
adjectives precede nouns.
•  Prepositional phrases are
similar in Vietnamese and
Negative Transfer - Language
0-1 month – crying and vegetative sounds
2-3 months eye gaze
6-9 months-- joint attention
9-12 months -- using gestures
12-15 months--following simple commands
18 months – symbolic play, pretend play
24 months – sequencing of activities
36 months – episodic play
In the acquisition process, ELLs will often use the
structure from their first language.
•  Adjective-noun order
•  Prepositions
•  Copula
•  Articles
•  Plurality
•  Verb differences
7 12/10/13 Preposition Differences
Adjective, noun order
•  English prepositions
▫  Satellite-framed (to look for)
•  Spanish and Vietnamese
•  Spanish prepositions
▫  Noun – Adjective
▫  vestido azul
▫  Fewer of them because direction information is
often included in verb
•  Russian and English
•  Russian prepositions
▫  Adjective- Noun
▫  blue dress
▫  Mark time and place
•  Vietnamese prepositions
▫  Similar to English
Prepositions Copula
Spanish Prepositions English Equivalent Spanish-­‐influenced Eng en “in” and “on” Put the food in the plate.*, Put the soup on the bowl.* Pensar en OR Pensar de To think about or think of I think on him every day.* Enojarse con/de Get mad at Get mad with/of* Decidir de To decide on Decide of what you want?* Casarse con To marry or be married to Is he married with her?* Enamorarse de To be in love with Is he in love of her?* Consistir en To consist of What does your plan consist in?* Buscar To look for I look my toy.* Subir To go up, to get on I go the stairs.* •  In Spanish the use of the copula is similar to
•  In Russian there is no copula.
▫  He teacher. I sick.
•  Vietnamese is a copula-drop language
▫  Copula is required before a noun but is dropped
before an adjective
▫  Mai is a student. Mai tall.
8 12/10/13 Articles
•  Spanish articles carry gender
▫  Definite: El, La, Los, Las
▫  Indefinite: Un, Una, Unos, Unas
•  Russian has no articles
•  Vietnamese
▫  Has definite and indifinite articles that change
depending on the type of reference being made by
the noun.
▫  The definite and indefinite articles are the same
for singular and plural
Verb Differences
•  English
▫  2 forms of verb person
▫  Many tenses
•  Spanish
▫  5-6 forms of verb person
▫  Many tenses
•  Russian
▫  6 forms of verb person
▫  Focused on aspect (completion or not), not tense
•  Vietnamese
•  Spanish
▫  No irregular plurals
▫  Add [s] for words ending in vowels
▫  Add [es] for words ending in consonants
•  Russian
▫  Plurals are marked by changing the flexion of the
▫  The plural markers are different for masuline and
feminine/neutral words
•  Vietnamese
▫  Plurals are marked by adding the concept “more
than one” before the noun
Negative Transfer – Semantics
•  Con xấu xí. "Xấu" means aesthetically ugly and
not complying. Literally translated for non
compliance: "You ugly.”
•  Quả bóng màu đỏ được xì hơi
“Ball color red X deflate.
•  Use of words close to target
▫  Moose for deer
•  Use of general terms not common
▫  One form of verb person
▫  4 tenses
9 12/10/13 Additional Resources
•  Difficulty learning both languages, even with adult assistance •  Difficulty producing sounds in both languages •  Family history of language/learning disabilities •  Slower development than siblings •  Difficulty interacting with peers •  Inappropriate pragmatic/social language skills (i.e., turn-­‐
taking, topic maintenance, considering listener needs, non-­‐verbal communication) •  Difficulty with language in many routines •  Idiosyncratic error patterns •  Speech and language performance unlike others with similar cultural/linguistic experiences Link to Live Site
IM’s language sample
Atypical and Typical Bilingual Development
The kid (is) buy a frog and the dog see the frog.
Now the frog and the boy fell asleep, was sleepy.
And the frog go away. [verb error]
(And the) and the kid and the dog gray up.
And the old one wasn’t there.
And the frog is no more allí, not there.
(And the, and the) and the kid [said], “Where are you, frog?
(And the) and the dog pull a bucket, house, dog.
And a dog fall in the window.
And the kid was bad for the dog.
And the kid say woooo.
And some bees come.
And the dog smell the bees.
(And the) and the kid say, “kooook.”
And there was the dog.
10 12/10/13 IM’s language sample (cont’d)
And the dog was catching the house bees.
And there was there was a squirt.
And the dog [was] catching the bees’ house.
And the bees’ house fall.
And the, and he, the kid check in the tree.
And he, it was (a) a cole (eagle?).
And the kid fall.
And the bee follow the dog.
And the dog was running fast.
And the eagle put, and the eagle hit the kid.
And the kid say, “kooook.”
And then come a deer.
(And the deer) and the deer walk.
And the dog was following him.
And the dog and the kid fall in the water.
And the kid then said there under the water.
IM’s Spanish language sample
Había una vez (in imitation) la niño tenía un sapo and el perro (es*)tá mirando un sapo.
Y ya era niña X.
Y la niño y el perro se (des*)pertó.
En uh en uh [el] sapo no estaba.
And the niño se pona en the bota en the cara.
Y ahora la perro, “tooo toooo.”
Caja, caja.
La perro brincó.
Y la niño, ooooh ooooh.
Sapo, dónde estás?
Y la perro llores.
En una arbole.
Yo (la) la perro corrió.
Y ahora la niña di, “ooooh ooooh.”
La niño se sentó.
Errrr, errrr.
Y la niño cae.
Y el perro también.
Y el niño y el perro buscarlos.
Allí está sapos. Ya
IM’s language sample (cont’d)
•  And the dog and the kid fall in the water and he said
he hears a log in the log.
•  It was a frog.
•  And the and the and the kid say, “Shhhh.”
•  And the dog and this kid see him.
•  It was two frogs.
•  And the dog come.
•  And the kid see him.
•  And the dog and the kid [verb] it was two frog.
•  And there you go frog.
•  There’s all your dog, um frogs.
ES English Language Sample
The kid was looking at the frog with his dog.
Or looking at the frog too, frog too.
He uh, the frog got out and the um the kid went to sleep.
He woke up (and) with the dog and saw the frog.
(He put) he put something over his head and that the dog was
uh put his head.
And the frog [??] where he was and his head was still in there
and the kid got open the window and yelled to the frog.
But the dog fell down and the kid went outside to get the dog.
And the dog and the kid was calling the frog.
Early in the hole the dog was playing with the flies.
And the he got uh the kid got out of the hole.
That’s uh, where the flies live.
11 12/10/13 ES English Language Sample (cont’d)
The, it it fell down of the (out) out of the tree.
The kid was looking for a tree.
The kid fell down.
And the flies was chasing the, the dog.
The kid was, was climbing a rock.
He got up on it.
He found, he found something.
What he found he got on it. [The log, he got on it: word order]
The dog was right in front of it.
The dog and the kid fell down and got wet.
They found a tree.
They were hided (in) in a tree.
The kid found the frog and the dog
The kid and the dog was looking at the frog.
He call to the, the frogs.
ES Spanish Language Sample
El está mirando a la, a la rana.
El perro también.
La rana se fue y se fue.
El niño fue a dormir.
Él se dio cuenta que no era la rana.
El perro estaba en la, adentro de la jarra, donde estaba la rana.
El niño está gritando que venga la rana.
Pero el perro se cayó.
Y el niño se fue afuera para agarrar al perro.
Allí está buscando el niño a la rana que no encontró.
Aquí está el niño, digo, adentro de un hoyo y el perro estaba ladrando las
Y que el niño se levantó del hoyo.
Y la casa donde viven las moscas, se cayó del arbol.
El niño estaba buscando la rana en un arbol.
El niño se cayó.
ES Spanish Language Sample
Quiere agarrar el perro.
Y la casa de moscas se cayó.
El niño estaba subiendo una piedra.
El niño estaba encima de la piedra.
Está llamando a la rana.
Pero encontró algo más
Se subío arriba de la esa cosa (deer antlers).
Y se cayó en el agua con el perro.
Allí, es donde encontró la rana.
Ya sí salió del agua.
Oyó algo, está atrás de un arbol.
Y está la rana allí con alguien, otra rana.
El niño está viendo a las otras ranas que vengan.