July 17, 2016 - St. Cecilia Church

A very important aspect of our call, whether it is to marriage,
single life or the priesthood, is faithfulness. When a husband
says “yes” to marry his wife, he is at the same time saying “no”
In the gospel this weekend, we are
to all the other women in the world no matter how beautiful or
presented with the story of Martha
smart the women whom he will be meeting in the future. When
and Mary. This particular gospel is
I said “yes” to God and the Church to embrace the priesthood, I
oftentimes used to talk about our own
was saying “no” at the same time to all the other things that
unique vocation, which is our sharing
would distract me to keep the promise I made during my
in the life and work of God. Mary and Martha personify the two
ordination. The things that we give up when we commit
indispensable attitudes in any vocation: work and
ourselves to a particular relationship actually free or liberate us
contemplation. If there is one reason why Christianity exists, it
to be the best person we can be as a husband, wife, priest, nun,
is to bring us back to the Father in heaven, and the way we
or as a single person. It helps us to remain faithful with and
accomplish that is to live out our baptismal commitment. But in
focus on our commitments, while at the same time
order for us to respond fully to the demands of our baptism, we
transforming ourselves into what God wants us to be. It is
have to know first our own vocation, our calling in life.
when we are not sure of what we want in life that we fall into
Oftentimes when we hear the word vocation, we immediately
the temptation to lead a double life. There can be nothing more
connect it with the priesthood or religious life. But that is only
harmful in any relationship than having a double life. It not only
one side of the coin; when we speak of vocation, we also refer
breeds deceit, but it also harms the integrity of any relationship.
to marriage and single life— they are of equal value and
As what one of the priests in my seminary used to say to the
importance. Each one of us is called to a particular way of life:
seminarians when he speaks of honesty and integrity of life,
many are called to married life, some into single blessedness
“we are as sick as our secrets.” Looking at our own unique
and others, like me, are called to the priestly or religious life.
vocation in life at this very moment, can we say that we have
Each of these vocations is not greater than the other— the
done our very best? If not, what else is lacking? – Fr. Cary
difference lies in how we respond to the call of God.
St. Cecilia warmly welcomes Chloe Jodia Mostales, daughter of Joey and Kate, and
Charlotte Elizabeth Cunningham, daughter of Brendan and Erin, baptized in Christ on July 9th!
SUNDAY, JULY 31ST — 8:30AM TO 12:00PM
Place your items for
St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the
main entrance to the church and
the West annex door:
Needed this week:
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus affirms that to be a
disciple we must also sit at his feet and listen to
him. St. Vincent de Paul taught that it is only in
prayer that we can give selfless loving service to
those who are poor.
This week, please say a special prayer each day for
the poor and forgotten in our parish.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Come experience Jesus’ mercy
as we pray The Chaplet of Divine
Mercy on Monday evenings at 7pm
in the Adoration Chapel.
Who: For NEW and CURRENT Altar Servers
When: Saturday, July 30th 11:00AM to 1:30PM
Where: Meet in the Church with lunch provided at
Noon—please email with any diet restrictions.
Parents: The Altar Server section of the parish
website has been updated http://
Please: Fill out the online form so that we have
the most accurate information; watch the formation
videos with the your child(ren); signup on
Flocknote for the Altar Server group https://
??’s Contact Jeff Flaig ~ [email protected]
Go to http://formed.org —
Enter Our Parish Code 664558
PLACE (Programs, Movies, Audios, Books)
Saturday, July 16th
5:00pm †Paul Trask—Kathleen & Family
7:00pm †Marina Flores—Erika Ascencio
Sunday, July 17th
7:30am †Dick Stahl—Arlene Welter
9:00am †Fred “Sean” Deghuee—Judith Stumpf
10:45am †Shirley Windhorst—Ruth Marie Dobratz
12:30pm †Fernando Pekson—Francine Noles
2:30pm People of St. Cecilia
Monday, July 18th
8:00am Int. Social Concerns
Tuesday, July 19th
8:00am †Jennifer Cardenas—Cardenas Family
Wednesday, July 20th
8:00am †Dick Stahl—Arlene Welter
Thursday, July 21st
8:00am Int. SVDP Members
Friday, July 22nd
8:00am †Mario Torres—Torres Family
Saturday, July 23rd
8:00am †Emanuel Gusman—George Gusman
David Hoff, Rene Lacambra,
Amber Ramsdell,
Irma Rodriguez
Contact: Tom Eyer, (503) 804-0398
We ask each parishioner to pray the following
Petition to God:
“That like Mary of Bethany, all the priests,
deacons and men and women in the consecrated
life will listen to the Lord in the silence of prayer,
faithful to their choice of that better part,”
We pray to the Lord.
Update: 2016 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal (ACA)
Through July 8, 2016, St. Cecilia Parish is at 71% of our
$90,010 goal. Thank you to the 323 donors
who have already contributed to this
ACA appeal!
Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9am
Kindergarten on Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am
Betsy Willing, ext. 163
[email protected]
If you wish to have your child baptized,
please send an inquiry to
[email protected]
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the
9am Sunday Mass. Children process to the
Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word
and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass.
Adult/Youth Volunteers interested in helping, please call
Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745.
Bring your kids to Little Blessings!
Little Blessings Early Childhood Faith Formation explores the Sunday readings with crafts and
activities for your little ones.
First Eucharist Preparation
SEEKERS Grades 2-5,
English Program
Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am
Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172
[email protected]
Believers grades 1-2
Disciples grades 3-5
Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am
Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172
[email protected]
What a great Vacation Bible School we had!!!
Thank you to all who came and participated.
Fall info: Watch for our online registration coming soon!!!
Save the Date: Elementar y Family Day kick off is Sept. 25
contact Amy if you are feeling the Holy Spirit prompting you to
volunteer ☺
All the information for this First Communion prep
program is on our website ☺
www.stceciliachurch.org under Sacraments tab.
Please check out the prerequisites and expectations
for this program.
You can print out the registration form and turn it in
at the office ☺
Online registration coming soon!!!
When Calendars are finalized, you will find them on
our website as well ☺
Coordinator: Mary Kiefer
[email protected] ~ 503-644-2619 x 171
Summer Happenings in Life Teen — Off the Beaten Path:
How about?..... Mt. An gel T o ur and Silver Falls Hike ~ B each Da y at the Orego n Co ast ~
St. Mary’s Cat hed r al Visit via Max ~ Hiki ng at t he Go rge ~ Mo vie Night ~ B o wlin g
Al so . . Ignite Y o ur T orch Yo uth Co nference at St. Martin’s U niversit y Aug ust 4 -7 ma y still hav e o p enings.
Are you interested in these or have other ideas? Contact: Mary x 171
M iddle Scho o l – EDG E - UPCOM ING EVENT S :
Higher Calli ng Ro p es Camp Aug ust 1 -5 . As o f thi s p o sting, there are still sp o ts availab le. Check o ut p ro mo
vid eo o n the web site. Co ntact Mar y fo r info r mati o n o r to register.
Vo lunteer O ppo rt unit ies
B o tt le a nd Ca n Redemp t io n … is o n g o in g t h r o u g h t h e y ea r . M a n y t h a n k s t o t h o se w h o d o n a t e t h eir
b o ttles and cans to o ur yo uth mi nistr y p r o gr a m. Can yo u help by taking a weeke nd o r wee k this summer?
T her e is a ne w B o ttle Dr o p Center in T igard o n 99 W where yo u can q uick l y p ro cess the b o ttles and cans.
Adults to H elp w it h Summer O f f ering s... W o u ld y o u p r a yer fu lly co n sid er b ein g a lea d /h o st o f a n Alp h a
gr o up ? Chap ero ne a su mmer “O ff t he B eaten P ath” trip ? Co ntact Mary x 1 7 1 .
The New Ev a ng eliza t ion - The Life Teen Co re Tea m – H ere!
Man y p ar ishio ner s —yo u ng, o ld and in b et ween —are need ed to d o so meTHING(s) in relatio nal
mini str y to r aise up the next ge neratio n o f Cat ho lics. Co uld yo u say ye s to any o f these?
T ech Gur u – Catechist – P ing P o ng Cha mp – Sto ry T eller - Mento r - Ho st/Ho stess – Driver –
Musician – Lo ve b eing Catho lic – T eacher – Creative – Co o k – B ib le Teacher – Mento r –
T eammate – J o yo us – B aker – Vo lunteer Co o rd inato r – Flier Designer
July 17, 2016
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading
Second Reading
Genesis 18:1-10a
Psalm 15:2-5
Colossians 1:24-28
Luke 10:38-42
Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry
Joye Boone, ext. 170
Contemplative Prayer Group
Meets on July 9th and 23rd in the Parish Center—
NE Conference Room from 3:15 to 4:45pm.
Includes periods of silent centering prayer and
Lectio Divina.
For additional information, contact Marylyn Klesh at
503-866-2478 or [email protected]
Respect Life
Mary Rigert, 503-888-8179
Natural Family Planning
If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to
Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences
or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office.
We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish
to keep in contact and provide Sacraments.
We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish
bulletin. But we need your help!
Please call or email Joye Boone with your names
(John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and
how many years (12) you’ve been married!
Dave & Judy Nearman, July 1, 55 years
Bill & Janet Motter, July 1, 11 years
Jerald Paul & Arockia Henishia, July 4, 12 years
Steve & Eileen Rosko, July 7, 37 years
Sean & Melanie Nygaard, July 9, 11 years
Jim & Anne Galbraith, July 10, 40 years
Bob & Madelain Westermann, July 11, 35 years
Ian & Mary Gamble, July 11, 18 years
Steve & Tania Rhein, July 12, 13 years
Geethana Kattar & Agnita Rayen, July 12, 8 years
Raymond & Bonnie Dibb, July 14, 26 years
Jordan & Betsy Willing, July 15, 10 years
Bill & Gini Snyder, July 16, 28 years
Dave & Nancy Andresen, July 19, 58 years
Bob & Virginia Casono, July 20, 42 years
Dave & Peggy Brown, July 21, 54 years
Curt & Angela Fingal, July 22, 10 years
Mark & Mary Donovan, July 28, 37 years
Rick & Colette Evers, July 31, 35 years
Matt & Chrissy Horne, July 31, 23 years
Andy & Jenise Van Pelt, July 31, 12 years
Couples across the country are discovering Natural Family
Planning! This simple, natural, and effective means of
understanding a couple's fertility goes beyond the decision
to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Through incorporating
NFP into their lives, married couples have found a new
depth of intimacy and understanding. Their
communication as a couple grows, which builds a deeper
level of trust, commitment, and fidelity. It's no wonder that
couples who practice NFP are less likely to divorce than
the general population. Up to 99% effective and 100%
natural, NFP extends the mutual care of the woman's
fertility into the faithful and life-giving love of man and
woman in all aspects of their marriage. (USCCB)
For more information, brochures are available in the
vestibule of the church.
Upcoming Events in the Archdiocese:
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, 7/24-7/30
Knights of Columbus General
Council Meeting on Monday, July 18
6:00pm Social & Dinner
7:00pm Meeting
Haven't attended a meeting in a while?
Interested in membership?
34th Annual St. Cecilia Parish 9-Hole Golf
Tournament and BBQ
Sponsored by the St. Cecilia Men’s Club
Sunday, August 21, 2016—12:30PM
At McKay Creek Golf Course
BBQ will be held in the St. Cecilia Parish Center.
This is a scramble format. All levels of golfers are
welcome: put together your team of four or join
individually to be added to a team.
Cost: $30 per person for golf and BBQ; $5 per guest for
BBQ only.
Please contact Mike Meadows, 503-642-4421
Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson
Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Anthony Ahamefule
Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio
Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176
Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM
El Evangelio de hoy nos presenta a las hermanas Marta y
María, quienes reciben con mucho entusiasmo a Jesús y a sus
discípulos en su hogar. Cada una de las hermanas quiere
aprovechar este tiempo con Jesús al máximo, pero cada una
haciendo algo diferente.
Marta, la mayor, se preocupa por dejar todo bien
ordenado y preparado para sus invitados, haciendo muchas
cosas que considera de buena hospitalidad. En un momento,
sin embargo, se enoja con su hermana, puesto que considera
que le ha dejado todo el trabajo a ella, sin ayudarla. Le pide a
Jesús que la corrija.
Jesús, a su vez, los sorprende a todos, incluyendo a Marta,
con su respuesta. Lejos de culpar y corregir a María, quien
estaba sentada a sus pies y atenta a lo que había estado
diciendo Jesús, le hace ver a Marta que eso es precisamente lo
que ella, Y TODOS, deberían hacer cuando Él está con ellos.
Su hermana María ha entendido que lo más importante no
es hacer muchas cosas, por buenas y necesarias que
normalmente las consideremos, sino UNA SOLA: escuchar
con atención al Maestro. El trae LA palabra que nos da
La semana antepasada dimos la bienvenida en Misa a
nuestro nuevo vicario parroquial, el Padre Anthony
Ahamefule. Nacido en Nigeria, Africa, en 1984, el padre fue
ordenado al sacerdocio por nuestro arzobispo el 4 de junio en
la catedral en Portland, habiendo concluido sus estudios con
maestría en teología en el seminario de Monte Angel, Oregon.
El estará con nosotros en Santa Cecilia durante este año
asistiendo al Padre Cary.
Estamos invitados a consagrarnos a Jesucristo, nuestro
Salvador, a través de la Santísima Virgen María, Su Madre y
nuestra madre. A través de una serie de ejercicios espirituales
y oraciones, los que están con el deseo de profundizar su vida
espiritual de esta manera, nos iremos preparando para esta
consagración en un proceso muy hermoso.
TODA LA COMUNIDAD está invitada a participar en
esta jornada familiar que tomará lugar en nuestra parroquia
vecina de St. Anthony, el sábado, 13 de agosto.
Celebraremos para honrar a nuestra Madre, la Virgen.
Dará comienzo a las 9 y concluirá a las 4 PM, después de
celebrar la EUCARISTÍA. Tendremos una PROCESIÓN con
los niños, daremos un trono a la Virgen María,
consagración de nuestras familias a la Virgen, un almuerzo,
PRESENTACIONES sobre temas marianos, y MÚSICA
proporcionada por un coro excelente del estado de
VENGA con su familia entera.
Habrá actividades
especiales para los niños.
Retiro de Fin de Semana para Familias Católicas
Tomará lugar el 2, 3, y 4 de septiembre en un local de
retiros cerca de Salem (Aldersgate). Es una gran
oportunidad para que las familias disfruten juntas de la
belleza natural de nuestros campos; para que conozcan
otras familias con niños con discapacidades; para
compartir y celebrar nuestra fe; para tomar un tiempo
para descansar y relajarnos.
Si desea obtener más información, o tiene preguntas,
siéntanse en confianza de llamar a Kelsey Rea al
503-233-888395, o [email protected].
Tenemos un excelente programa para la preparación de
ADULTOS en nuestra comunidad. Para todas las
personas mayores de 18 años que por diversas razones no
han recibido los sacramentos de BAUSTISMO, o
CONFESIÓN, les podemos ayudar.
Comenzando ahora en septiembre, vamos a iniciar un
nuevo método de formación que dura un año. Las clases
coinciden, más o menos, con el año escolar (desde
septiembre hasta junio). Si se completa ese año completo,
y se cumplen los otros requisitos, celebraremos los
sacramentos con ustedes en la primavera.
En la oficina parroquial puede encontrar mas informacion.
Las sesiones de preparación son los domingos de
12 a 1:30 PM.
“!Queridos hijos! En este tiempo de gracia, los invito a
acercarse más a Dios a través de vuestra oración
personal. Aprovechen el tiempo de reposo y den a vuestra
alma y a vuestros ojos reposo en Dios. Encuentren en la
naturaleza la paz y descubrirán a Dios Creador a quien
podrán agradecer por todas las creaturas y entonces
encontrarán el gozo en vuestro corazón. ¡Gracias por
haber respondido a mi llamado!” 25 de julio, 2001.
Estas cantidades abajo son las que aportamos en nuestras
Misas de español. No se olviden de ofrecer LA PRIMERA
HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana al Señor.
7/3/16 $1,532
6/26/16 $1,876
6/19/16 $2,059
6/12/16 $1,600
GRACIAS por su continua generosidad y participación en
el trabajo del Señor.
Can We Talk?
Conversations for a more satisfying
Presented by Martin Gay, MS, LPC, NCC
St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Beaverton
Parish Center
7:00 - 8:30pm
5105 SW Franklin Ave.
Beaverton, OR 97005
Betsy Willing
[email protected]
Tuesday, July 19, 2016, What Makes Talking So Difficult? In this presentation
we’ll examine the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and past experiences that
make communicating with our loved ones (and others) so difficult.
Strategies for more effective communication will be presented.
Who should attend? Couples or individuals, unmarried, engaged, married, or
remarried any number of years; and individuals separated, or divorced; who would
like to invest an evening in learning how to sustain and strengthen their relationships.
Registration: There is no fee for this presentation.
Martin J. Gay, MS, LPC, NCC is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in
marriage and family therapy, in private practice in Salem, Oregon since 1990. He has
been a pastoral minister for over 31 years, serving and training in youth and young
adult ministry, as well as marriage and family ministry. He has written articles for
Family Works (Center for Ministry Development) and Today’s Liturgy (Oregon
Catholic Press). Martin is an experienced presenter on issues affecting couples, young
adults, youth and families. Martin is married 33 years and has two grown daughters.