Highlights of NetBeans IDE 6.9 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code Templates Finding, Searching, and Replacing Ctrl-F3 F3/Shift-F3 Ctrl-F/H Alt-F7 Ctrl-Shift-F/H Alt-Shift-U Alt-Shift-H Ctrl-R Ctrl-U, then U Ctrl-U, then L Ctrl-U, then S Ctrl-Shift-V Ctrl-I Search word at insert point Find next/previous in file Find/Replace in file Find usages Find/replace in projects Find usages results Turn off search result highlights Rename Convert selection to uppercase Convert selection to lowercase Toggle case of selection Paste formatted Jump to quick search field Navigating through Source Code Ctrl-O/Alt-Shift-O Go to type/file Ctrl-Shift-T Go to JUnit test Alt-O Go to source Ctrl-B Go to declaration Ctrl-G Go to line Ctrl-Shift-M Toggle add/remove bookmark Ctrl-ShiftNext/previous bookmark Period/Comma Ctrl-Period/CommaNext/previous usage/compile error Ctrl-Shift-1/2/3 Select in Projects/Files/Favorites Ctrl-[ Move caret to matching bracket Ctrl-K/Ctrl-Shift K Next/previous word match Alt-Left/AltGo backward/forward/to last Right/Ctrl-Q edit Alt Up/Down Next/previous marked occurrence Opening and Toggling between Views Coding in Java Alt-Insert Ctrl-Shift-I Alt-Shift-I Alt-Shift-F Alt-Shift Left/ Right/Up/Down Ctrl-Shift-Up/D Ctrl/Alt-F12 Ctrl-/ Ctrl-E Generate code Fix all class imports Fix selected class's import Format selection Shift lines left/right/up/down Copy lines up/down Inspect members/hierarchy Add/remove comment lines Delete current line Coding in C/C++ Alt-Shift-C Ctrl-F9 Go to declaration Evaluate expression Coding in Ruby Ctrl-Shift-A Alt-ShiftPeriod/Comma Ctrl-Shift-Space Ctrl-Shift-T Jump Rails action > view Select Next/Previous element Show documentation Jump from test file to file Compiling, Testing, and Running F9 F11 Shift-F11 Ctrl-Q Ctrl-Shift-U Ctrl-F6/Alt-F6 F6/Shift-F6 Compile package/ file Build main project Clean & build main project Set request parameters Create JUnit test Run JUnit test on file/project Run main project/file Ctrl-Tab (Ctrl-`) Shift-Escape Ctrl-F4/Ctrl-W Ctrl-Shift-F4 Shift-F10 Alt-Shift-D Toggle between open documents Maximize window (toggle) Close currently selected window Close all windows Open contextual menu Undock window Debugging Ctrl-F5 Ctrl-Shift-F5 Ctrl-Shift-F6 Shift-F5/F5 F4 F7/F8 Ctrl-F7 Ctrl-Alt-Up Ctrl-Alt-Down Ctrl-F9 Ctrl-F8 Ctrl-Shift-F8 Ctrl-Shift-F7 Start debugging main project Start debugging current file Start debugging test for file (JUnit) Stop/Continue debugging session Run to cursor location in file Step into/over Step out Go to called method Go to calling method Evaluate expression Toggle breakpoint New breakpoint New watch When typing in the Source Editor, generate the text in the right-column below by typing the abbreviation that is listed in the left-column and then pressing Tab. Java Editor Code Templates En Ex Ob Psf Psfb Psfi Psfs St Enumeration Exception Object public static final public static final boolean public static final int public static final String String Highlights of NetBeans IDE 6.9 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code Templates ab as bcom bo br ca cl cn db df dowhile eq ex fa fcom fi fl forc fore fori forl forst forv fy ie ifelse iff im inst iof ir abstract assert true; /**/ boolean break; catch ( class continue double default: do { } while (condition); equals extends false // <editor-fold></editor-fold> final float for (Iterator it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object elem = (Object) it.next(); } for (Object elem : iterable) { } for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {} for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { Object object = lst.get(i); } for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(""); st.hasMoreTokens();) } for (int i = 0; i < vct.size(); i++) { Object object = vct.elementAt(i);} finally{ |} interface if (condition){}else { } if (exp) {} implements if (exp instanceof Object) { Object obj = (Object) exp; instanceof import le na newo pe pr psf psfb psfi psfs pst psvm length native Object name = new Object(args); protected private private static final private static final boolean private static final int private static final String printStackTrace(); public static void main(String[] args){ } pu public re return runn Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() {}}; serr System.err.println ("|"); sh short sout System.out.println ("|"); soutv System.out.println("Object = " + Object); st static su super sw switch (var) { case val: break; default: throw new AssertionError();} sy synchronized tds Thread.dumpStack(); th throws tr transient trycatch try {} catch (Exception e) {} tw throw twn throw new vo volatile wh while ( whileit while (it.hasNext()) { Object elem = (Object) it.next();} whilen while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Object elem = (Object) en.nextElement();} whilexp while (exp) {} JSP Editor Code Templates ag ap ar cfgi jspf jspg jspi jspp jsps jspu oup oupl pcg pcgn pcgs pcr pcs pg pga pgb pgc pgerr pgex pgie pgim pgin pgit pgl pgs rg sg sp sr tglb application.getAttribute("|") application.putAttribute("|",) application.removeAttribute("|") config.getInitParameter("|") <jsp:forward page="|"/> <jsp:getProperty name="|" property="" /> <jsp:include page="|"/> <jsp:plugin type="|" code="" codebase=""></jsp:plugin> <jsp:setProperty name="|" property=""/> <jsp:useBean id="I" type=""/> out.print("|") out.println("|") pageContext.getAttribute("|") pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope("|") pageContext.getAttributesScope("|") pageContext.removeAttribute("|") pageContext.setAttribute("|",) <%@page |%> <%@page autoFlush="false"%> <%@page buffer="|kb"%> <%@page contentType="|"%> <%@page errorPage="|"%> <%@page extends="|"%> <%@page isErrorPage="true"%> <%@page import="|"%> <%@page info="|"%> <%@page isThreadSafe="false"%> <%@page language="java"%> <%@page session="false"%> request.getParameter("|") session.getAttribute("|") session.setAttribute("|", ) session.removeAttribute("|") <%@taglib uri="|"%>