Skagit Family Centers We are Catholic Community Services Catholic Community Services of Western Washington and Catholic Housing Services serve over 79,000 people each year through more than 140 programs, including: n n n n n 12 Family Centers with programs to strengthen and stabilize families and individuals For nearly a century people have entrusted Catholic Community Services to help children, families, individuals, elderly and people with disabilities in need throughout Western Washington. How can you help? 45 Emergency shelters and transitional housing programs Over 1.9 million hours of home care for the elderly and people with disabilities Become a Volunteer Each year over 13,000 volunteers serve food to the hungry, tutor youth struggling in school, assist staff at CCS day care/early learning centers and help elderly and disabled persons live independently. To learn more about the hundreds of volunteer opportunities available please contact the CCS Family Center listed below or visit Over 1.4 million meals prepared and served each year at meal sites, food pantries and through other programs 1,900+ affordable permanent housing units, including housing for seniors and farmworkers n Over 139,000 hours of Volunteer Chore Services n Homelessness prevention n Addiction recovery services n Catholic Immigration Legal Services n Join us in our 92nd year of ministry. Make a Donation In addition to gifts of cash, stock, real estate and vehicles, you can also designate CCS/CHS through your local United Way Campaign. To learn more, call 800-499-5979, Ext. 5707 or visit Arrange a Matching Gift Double the impact of your gift by asking if your company provides matching funds for your donation. Professionals in Family Preservation offering intensive support services to families of children with complex needs n Foster care n Statewide adoption services n Pregnancy support and Project Rachel n Children’s mental health programs n Literacy and early learning programs Rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospel imperative, Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services are outreaches of the Catholic Church in Western Washington, under the leadership of the Archbishop of Seattle and the Boards of Trustees. CCS and CHS answer the Gospel call to loving and compassionate service with particular concern for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and the dignity of the human person. Our employees and volunteers come from many faith traditions to serve and support poor and vulnerable people through the provision of quality, integrated services and housing. Our focus is on those individuals, children, families and communities struggling with poverty and the effects of intolerance and racism. We actively join with others to work for justice. Support CCS Week Support CCS Week at your parish, by mail, online and/or become a CCS Week speaker. Call 800-499-5979, Ext. 5649 to learn more. Leave a Legacy Join the CCS Good Samaritan Society by leaving a legacy through your will, trust or estate. To learn more call 800-499-5979 Ext. 5706 or e-mail [email protected]. Every Dollar Makes a Difference As good stewards of your gifts, we are pleased to report that 92¢ of every dollar spent goes directly to those in need. Children & Families...34¢ Capital & Reserves......4¢ Administration, ..........8¢ Fundraising & Advocacy Shelter & Housing.....17¢ Aging & Disabled......37¢ Many Many photos photos courtesy courtesy of of Catholic Catholic Charities Charities USA, USA,Alexandria, Alexandria,VA VA Skagit Family Centers Serving Skagit County 160 Cascade Place, Ste. 201 Burlington, WA 98223 360-856-3054 320 Pacific Place P.O. Box 2909 Mount Vernon, WA 98273-7909 360-416-7546 or 888-504-9992 CODE En Español: Para más información en programas y servicios que ofrece CCS visite Serving Skagit County Our Work in Your Communit y Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Services 360-856-3054 CCS offers specialized ADHD assessments. Catholic Adoption Services of Washington State 1-877-865-5944 Whether a birth mother decides to parent or place for adoption, CCS provides adoption services throughout Washington State. Catholic Housing Services 360-424-3883 Provides permanent housing for farm workers and their families at 4 properties in Skagit County: La Casa de San Jose, Santa Rosa, Padre Miguel and Villa Santa Maria. Catholic Immigration Legal Services 206-725-2090, Ext. 10 Provides quality legal immigration assistance to low-income residents of Washington. Services are provided in multiple languages including Spanish, Somali, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kmhmu, Laotian, Thai and Burmese. Children’s Hospitalization Alternative Program (CHAP) 360-856-3054 Provides intensive mental health treatment and treatment foster care services to children with multiple and complex needs. Children in the Middle 360-856-3054 CCS provides a twice-monthly workshop for parents on the impact of divorce on children. Offered in Spanish regularly. Community Mental Health Services 360-856-3054 CCS is a licensed mental health agency providing services to Medicaid-eligible children and their families. CCS also provides counseling and mental health services to individuals, couples and families on an individual or insurance-funded basis. Self-pay services are available on a sliding fee scale. Services are also available in Spanish. Home Care for Elders and People with Disabilities 877-870-1582 CCS provides affordable non-medical assistance to aging persons and those with disabilities living in their own homes. Training for care givers is provided in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Somali, Russian, Cantonese and Korean. Bilingual staff is available to serve Latinos. Critical Needs Assistance 360-856-3054 Critical Needs Assistance provides assistance to program clients and parish referrals for basic needs, especially food. Kinship Care Support 360-856-3054 Assistance for non-parent relatives raising children. Family Immigration Services 360-416-7095 CCS offers basic immigration and citizenship services and information for immigrants and refugees. Services include assessment, and miscellaneous services such as assisting people in obtaining records, performing case status checks and replacement of residency permits. Services are also available in Spanish and Russian. Parent Education and Support Services 360-856-3054 Classes and individual coaching in effectively parenting children with high needs. Project Rachel 1-800-822-HOPE 206-450-7814 En Español Provides healing and support in a confidential environment for women and men who have been involved in an abortion. School-Based Mental health Program 360-416-7546 or 888-504-9992 Provides mental health services to students in the Skagit County schools, grades K-8. Mental health services are also available in Spanish. SWIFT: Skagit/Whatcom Intensive Family Treatment 360-856-3054 A high-intensity program for high-need children that provides in-home and in-community services using a Wraparound model of assessing and meeting needs with family involvement. Therapeutic Foster Care Licensing 360-856-3054 Recruit, train and license foster parents to work as fulltime or respite foster parents with the CHAP program. Servicios Comunitarios Católicos les ofrece algunos programas y servicios en español, incluyendo los siguientes: Servicios de Vivienda Católicos 360-424-3883 Provee vivienda permanente para trabajadores granjeros y sus familias en 4 propiedades en el condado Skagit: La Casa de San José, Santa Rosa, Padre Miguel, y Villa Santa María. Servicios Legales de Inmigración Católicos 206-725-2090, Ext. 10 Provee asistencia legal de calidad para residentes de Washington de bajos recursos. Los servicios son proveídos en idiomas múltiples incluyendo el español. Cuidado en el hogar para personas mayores y con disabilidades 877-870-1582 Servicios Comunitarios Católicos provee asistencia nomedica asequible para personas mayores y aquellos con disabilidades viviendo en sus hogares. El entrenamiento para los cuidadores es proveído en múltiples idiomas incluyendo español. Personal bilingüe esta disponible para servir a los latinos. Poyecto Rachel 1-800-822-HOPE 206-450-7814 En Español Proyecto Rachel provee sanamiento y apoyo en un ambiente confidencial para mujeres y hombres que han estado involucrados en un aborto. Para mas información sobre estos programas y servicios al igual que otros ofrecidos a través de Servicios Católicos Comunitarios, por favor visite nuestra pagina en la web o llámenos a los teléfonos localizados al reverso de este folleto. Niños en el Medio 360-856-3054 Servicios Comunitarios Católicos provee talleres para padres dos veces al mes acerca de el impacto que el divorcio tiene en los niños. Regularmente ofrecidos en español. Servicios de salud mental comunitarios 360-856-3054 Servicios Católicos Comunitarios es una agencia con licencia para proveer servicios de salud mental para niños y su familias que son elegibles para medicaid. Servicios Católicos Comunitarios también provee servicios de conserjería y salud mental a individuos, parejas y familias en base a fondos individuales o con seguro medico. Servicios de pago están disponibles sobre escala de tarifas. Los servicios también están disponibles en español. Servicios familiares de inmigración 360-416-7095 Servicios Comunitarios Católicos ofrece servicios básicos de inmigración y ciudadanía , también ofrece información para inmigrantes y refugiados. Los servicios incluyen asesoramiento y otra variedad de servicios como asistir a personas obtener registros, y revisión de caso sobre estatus y remplazo de permisos de residencia. Los servicios también están disponibles en español. Programa de salud mental basado en la escuela 360-416-7546 o 888-504-9992 Provee servicios de salud mental a estudiantes de K-8 en las escuelas en el condado Skagit. Servicios de salud mental también están disponibles en español.