Con nferenciass de divulgación ccientífica de la Rea al Sociedaad Españ ñola de Física a en cola aboraciónn con la Fundación n Ramón A Areces. Can n Futuree En nerg gy N Need ds b Met SSusttain be M nably ly? Chrris Llew wellyn Smith h, FRS Director o D of Energyy Researcch, Oxforrd Univerrsity P President of the SE ESAME CCouncil, fo former CE ERN Dire ctor Gen neral MIÉRCO OLES 16 dde marzo o de 2016,, 19.30 hh. Seede de la a Fundació ón Ramóón Areces,, calle Vittruvio 5, 20006‐M Madrid Abstracct Glob bal energgy consum mption is increasin ng rapidlyy, driven by risingg living stan ndards in developin ng countrries. The energy provided bby burningg fossil fuelss is also increasing i g, albeit nnot quite as fast ass total eneergy use. This is unsu ustainablee. Decarb bonisationn is impe erative ‐tto reducee air po ollution, rebaalance relaations bettween oil and producing and d importinng countries, and to moderatee climate change. It will be very hard: inndeed, prrobably ossible with today’’s technol ogy at a price society will bbe willing to pay. impo Afteer briefly rreviewing trends in energy demand, su upply andd efficiency, I will focu us on the potential and outloook for lo ow carbon n energy ssources, and a the tech hnical, eco onomic and politica l challenges that will have too be met in n order to m meet futurre needs sustainablyy.