XáÖâ|äxÄ YtÅ|Äç XáÖâ|äxÄ YtÅ|Äç TÅutáátwÉÜá

XáÖâ|äxÄ YtÅ|Äç TÅutáátwÉÜá |Ç
|Ç \áÜtxÄ
! Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the
time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it"
it" Jer. 30:7
In Israel
Tel: 972526689785
Sending Church
Monte Hebron
Monterrey, Mex.
Dr. Tommy Ashcraft
Serving also with
P.O. Box 1386
Hixson, TN
November - 2009
Dear brethren:
Partial view of the Lake of Galilea
Thanks be to God who allows us to see the power of His saving hand. The hand of
Jehovah is not shortened to save! IN this month we have been in the streets in the
city of Bat Yam passing out gospel tracts. An orthodox religious Jew came up to me
(those whom I was trying to evade). He made me very nervous but I was friendly
with him. He carried a can in his hand of the kind that the Red Cross uses in their
solicitation campaign. He asked if I would like to donate money for an orphanage.
Now, a bit less nervous, I gave him a donation. As he left, grateful, I handed him a
tract that had on the front a menorah with the title: “The Truth About Hanukah”
which presents Jesus the Messiah as the Light of the world. He looked at it, and he
looked back at me. He was confused that a gentile would give out a tract about a Jewish feast. My
wife said to him in Hebrew: “Jesus, the Messiah, loves you.” He thanked us and left. I could not talk to
him more. Thanks be to God, he didn’t throw the tract in the street as some others had done. Pray
that God use the written message and that man and his family may be saved. My wife and I passed out
more than 100 tracts.
We met with Raquel whom we mentioned in the last letter. She was hungry for the Word of God. She tood the iniciative asking
about the Person of Jesus. Is it true that his “father” was a Roman soldier? When did he die? What was the purpose of His
teachings? Why do we say He is God? Can we prove the resurrection? Why is He the Messiah of Israel? and so forth. It was a joy
to talk with her. She was discussing with us until two in the morning. At certain questions, Candy, the Jewess who invited
Raquel to our house, answered her showing how the beliefs that they held were traditional and not Biblical. When Raquel
doubted what we said, Candy argued in favor of what we see in the Old Testament. My wife and I were surprised that Candy,
who is not saved, was giving the gospel to her friend. We finished and I invited her to receive Jesus as Savior. She told me, “I
believe in Jesus, but I need to assimilate what we have studied tonight.” We gave her a Bible in Hebrew. She thanked us, and
promised to read it, and we agreed to meet another time. She also wants us to talk with her husband. So we will see them
again. Pray for Raquel. The next day Candy called saying that Raquel told them she felt as if a veil had been removed from her
understanding about Jesus. For Candy’s part, she has not wanted to receive Jesus although she recognizes that He is the
Messiah of Israel. But God is working in her heart. We have organized couples meetings in the church and Candy and her
husband attended. It was the first time she had come to church. Later she returned on Wednesday for the Bible study and has
returned for a service on the weekend also. She and Carlos are not married; they have lived together nine years and have
many problems. After the couples meeting they talked with me and said the wanted to have a happy home. I told them that they needed to be
married first, and that Candy needs to be saved. Then I can show them how to have a happy, Christian home. Carlos is saved but not baptized. I
showed him that he needed to obey the Lord in the step of baptism, and he agreed. So we went to the River Jordan to baptize him. His wife, Candy,
went with us. It is the first time she had seen a Biblical baptism. All the way home we talked about the meaning of baptism, giving the gospel again.
Please pray for them.
We celebrated the first wedding in our church: Brother Winter and Sister Snow White. They invited their Jewish employers. Eleven Jewish visitors
came and received a clear presentation of the gospel. During the banquet I spoke with them, and they told me they liked the church and our “order
of service”. We gave them Bibles in Hebrew and agreed to meet again to speak about what we believe.
Thank you for praying for my family’s health. We took our son Israel to the hospital for an emergency. Thanks be to God, they saw us immediately.
The Doctor, Shlomo Bilavsky, who attended him speaks English. He asked what we were doing in Israel and what I do for a living. I told him I was a
pastor in the church in Tel Aviv. He told us that he respects the believers in Jesus. I answered that it was interesting that being a Jew he should talk
to us of Jesus. He smiled and said that he has read the New Testament and knows the life of Jesus. He asked if Jesus were a Jew. I answered that he
was, and is, a Jew since he was resurrected and lives today. I asked if he was sure of going to Heaven if he should die today, and he told me he
doesn’t believe in eternity, he is an Athiest. He believes in neither God nor the Bible. I asked if he were Jewish and he said yes. I asked him from
where he got his Jewish identity if not from the Bible and the election that God made of them. He smiled but did not answer. I gave him the gospel
there in the emergency room, and his nurse was also listening. He did not want to make a decision for Christ. But we continued to talk with him.
Please pray for his salvation. Miss Kereen of the Ivory Coast visited us in a service, invited by Sister Cleodine, a member of the church. At the end of
the service Brother Pascal gave her the gospel and she was saved. Glory to God! Later he told her she needed to be baptized, and she agreed. The
following week we went to the Jordan to baptize her.
We began a monthly meeting for couples. Seven couples attended. We had games, a delicious and very elegant dinner which my wife prepared, and
Bible teaching about marriage. The brethren were very happy and want us to continue with the meetings. In fact they have invited their friends to
come to the next meeting. Pray for these meetings, please. Thank you for your prayers and your faithful economic support. May God bless you
Prayer requests: 1. Protection on the field. 2.
That more people may be saved. 3. For my
health. 4. For freedom to preach the góspel in
Your servants:
Samuel and Alicia Esquivel
Is. 62:1
YtÅ|Ä|t XáÖâ|äxÄ XÅut}twÉÜxá xÇ
xÇ \áÜtxÄ
!Ah, cuan grande es quel dia! Tanto, que no hay otro
semejante a el; tiempo de angustia para Jacob;pero de
ella sera librado.
Jeremias 30:7
En Israel
Tel: 972526689785
Iglesia Enviadora
Monte Hebron
Monterrey, Mex.
Dr. Tommy Ashcraft
Serving also with
P.O. Box 1386
Hixson, TN
Noviembre - 2009
Vista parcial del Mar de Galilea
Estimados hermanos. Gracias a Dios porque nos deja ver el poder de su mano salvadora. !No se ha acortado la mano de
Jehova para salvar! En este mes estábamos en la calle en la ciudad de Bat Yam, repartiendo tratados con el evangelio. Se
me acerco un judío religioso ortodoxo (a los cuales estaba yo evitando). Me puse nervioso y fui amable con él. Traía un
botecito en la mano como los que usa la cruz roja para su campana de solicitar
dinero. Me pregunto si yo quería donarle algún dinero para un orfanatorio. Ya
menos nervioso, le di algo de dinero. Al marcharse agradecido le di un folleto, tiene
la portada de una menora (candelabro judío) con el título: "La verdad acerca de
Januka" en donde presenta a Jesús como Mesías la Luz del mundo. Él lo miro y me
miraba a mí, estaba confundido de que un gentil repartiera un tratado acerca de
una fiesta judía, mi esposa le dijo en hebreo: "Jesús el Mesías te ama" lo agradeció y
se fue. No pude hablarle más. Gracias a Dios no lo tiro a la calle como lo hicieron
otras personas. Oren para que Dios use el mensaje escrito y este hombre y su
familia pueda ser salvo. Repartimos mi esposa y yo más de 100 folletos.
Tuvimos la reunion con Raquel quien les mencioonamos la carta anterior. Ella estaba hambrienta de la
Palabra de Dios. Tomo la iniciativa preguntando acerca de la Persona de Jesus. Que hay de que su
"papa" era un soldado romano? En que fechas murio? Cual fue el proposito de sus ensenanzas? porque decimos que es Dios?
Como probamo que resucito? Porque es el Mesías de Israel? Etc. Fue un gozo hablar con ella. Estuvo argumentando con
nosotros hasta las 2 de la madrugada. En ciertas preguntas, Candy, la judía que invito a Raquel a nuestra casa. Le contestaba
mostrándole que las creencias que ellas tienen son tradicionales y no Bíblicas. Cuando Raquel dudaba de lo que le decíamos
Candy le argumentaba a favor de lo que veíamos en el Antiguo Testamento. Mi esposa y yo estábamos sorprendidos de que
Candy sin ser salva aun estuviera "dando el evangelio" a su amiga. Terminamos y le invite a recibir a Jesús como Salvador, y me
dijo, creo en Jesús, pero necesito asimilar todo lo que estudiamos esta noche. Le regalamos una Biblia en Hebreo, ella
agradecida prometió leerla y quedamos de verla en otra ocasión y también quiere que le hablemos a su esposo. Así que le
veremos nuevamente. Oren por la salvación de Raquel. Al siguiente día nos llamo Candy, dijo: que Raquel les comento que
sentía como que un velo se le había removido de su entendimiento acerca de Jesús. Por su lado Candy no ha querido recibir a
Jesús, aunque reconoce que EL es el Mesías de Israel. Pero Dios está obrando en su corazón. Organizamos en la iglesia
reuniones de matrimonios y ella y su esposo asistieron, fue la primera vez que asiste a la iglesia. Luego volvió el miércoles para
el estudio Bíblico en la iglesia y ha regresado para un culto del fin de semana. Ella y Carlos no son casados, viven juntos desde
hace 9 años y tienen muchos problemas. Luego de la reunión de matrimonios hablaron conmigo y me dijeron que querían tener
un hogar feliz. Les dije que tenían que casarse primero y ella tenía que ser salva. Luego les seguiríamos enseñando como tener
un hogar cristiano y feliz. Carlos es salvo pero no bautizado. Le enseñe que el tenia que obedecer al Señor en el paso del
bautismo y accedió. Así que le llevamos al rio Jordán para bautizarle. Su esposa Candy nos acompaño. Es la primera vez que veía
un bautismo Bíblico. Todo el camino de regreso hablamos del significado del bautismo, dándole el evangelio nuevamente. Oren por ellos por favor.
Celebramos en nuestra Iglesia la primera boda. Los hermanos Winter y Snow White de Burma. Ellos invitaron a sus patrones judíos. Llegaron once
visitantes judíos quienes recibieron una presentación clara del evangelio. En el tiempo del banquete hable con ellos y me comentaron que les gusto
la iglesia y la forma de nuestra "orden en el servicio." Les obsequiamos Biblias en Hebreo y quedamos de vernos nuevamente para hablar acerca de
lo que creemos.
Gracias por orar por la salud de mi familia. Llevamos a nuestro hijo Israel al hospital por una emergencia. Gracias a Dios nos atendieron de
inmediato. El pediatra Dr. Shlomo Bilavsky, quien le atendió, habla ingles, nos pregunto qué hacíamos en Israel y a que me dedicaba. Le dije que era
pastor de una Iglesia en Tel Aviv. El nos dijo que respetaba a los creyentes en Jesús. Le respondí que como siendo judío nos hablaba de Jesús. Sonrió
y dijo que había leído el Nuevo Testamento y conocía la vida de Jesús. Me dijo que Jesús era judío? Le conteste que no era, sino que es, judío, ya que
resucito y vive hoy. Le pregunte si estaba seguro de ir al cielo si moría el día de hoy, dijo que no creía en la eternidad, que era ateo, no creía en Dios
ni en la Biblia. Le pregunte si era judío, me dijo que sí. Le pregunte que de donde obtuvo su identidad judía sino era de la Biblia y de la elección que
Dios hizo de ellos? Sonrió y no me contesto. Le di el evangelio en la sala de emergencias y su enfermera estaba escuchando también. No quiso hacer
una decisión por Cristo. Pero seguiremos hablando con él. Por favor oren porque sea salvo. Nos visito en el servicio la señorita Kereen de Costa de
Marfil invitada por la hna. Cleodine miembro de nuestra Iglesia, al fin del culto el hermano Pascal le dio el evangelio y ella fue salva !Gloria a Dios!
Luego le enseño que debía bautizarse y accedió. La semana siguiente fuimos al rio Jordán para bautizarle.
Comenzamos una reunión mensual de matrimonios; asistieron siete parejas. Tuvimos juegos, una cena muy elegante y sabrosa que mi esposa
preparo y enseñanza Bíblica acerca del matrimonio. Los hermanos estuvieron muy contentos y deseosos de que tengamos la siguiente reunión. De
hecho han invitado a sus amigos para la siguiente reunión. Oren por estas reuniones por favor. Gracias por sus oraciones y su fiel apoyo económico.
Dios les bendiga generosamente.
Peticiones de oración: 1.Proteccion en el campo
2. Por más gente salva. 3. Por mi salud. 4. Por
libertad para predicar el evangelio en Israel.
Sus siervos:
Samuel y Alicia Esquivel
Is. 62:1