1. International Labour Standards Relevant to Youth Employment

A pocket guide to ILO documents
This pocket guide provides the main recent resources, tools and publications realized by the ILO
on youth employment.
This guide is structured in different sections that contain publications, tools, electronic resources
and other material. For more information concerning ILO’s work on Youth Employment, please visit
the ILO Youth Employment website. In addition, please visit and join the Youth Employment
Knowledge Sharing Platform.
1. International Labour Standards
Relevant to Youth Employment
Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87)
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)
Workers’ Representatives Convention (No. 135) and Recommendation (No. 143), 1971
Forced labour
Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)
Forced Labour (Indirect Compulsion) Recommendation, 1930 (No. 35)
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105)
Elimination of child labour and protection of children and young persons
Minimum Age Convention (No. 138) and Recommendation (No. 146), 1973
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (No. 182) and Recommendation (No. 190), 1999
Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946 (No. 77)
Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention, 1946 (No. 78)
Medical Examination of Young Persons Recommendation, 1946 (No. 79)
Equality of opportunity and treatment
Equal Remuneration Convention (No. 100) and Recommendation (No. 90), 1951
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (No. 111) and Recommendation (No. 111),
Labour inspection and administration
Labour Inspection Convention (No. 81) and Recommendation (No. 81), 1947
Protocol of 1995 to the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81)
Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention (No. 129) and Recommendation (No. 133), 1969
Labour Administration Convention (No. 150) and Recommendation (No. 158), 1978
Employment policy and promotion
Employment Policy Convention (No. 122) and Recommendation (No. 122), 1964
Employment Policy (Supplementary Provisions) Recommendation (No. 169), 1984
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention (No. 159) and
Recommendation (No. 168), 1983
Private Employment Agencies Convention (No. 181) and Recommendation (No. 188), 1997
Employment Service Convention (No. 88) and Recommendation (No. 83), 1948
Job Creation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 (No. 189)
Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No. 193)
Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 (No. 198)
Vocational guidance and training
Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 (No. 142)
Human Resources Development Recommendation, 2004 (No. 195)
Protection of Wages Convention (No. 95) and Recommendation (No. 85), 1949
Minimum Wage Fixing Convention (No. 131) and Recommendation (No. 135), 1970
Working time
Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 1)
Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30)
Night Work Convention (No. 171) and Recommendation (No. 178), 1990
Part-Time Work Convention (No. 175) and Recommendation (No. 182), 1994
Occupational safety and health
HIV and AIDS Recommendation, 2010 (No. 200)
Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187) and
Recommendation (no.197), 2006
Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No. 155) and Recommendation (No. 164), 1981
Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155)
Safety and Health in Agriculture Convention (No. 184) and Recommendation (No. 192), 2001
Social security
Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102)
Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention (No. 168) and
Recommendation (No. 176), 1988
Maternity protection
Maternity Protection Convention (No. 183) and Recommendation (No. 191), 2000
Migrant workers
Migration for Employment Convention (Revised) (No. 97) and Recommendation (Revised) (No. 86),
Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143)
Migrant Workers Recommendation, 1975 (No. 151)
Indigenous and tribal peoples
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169)
Domestic workers
Domestic Workers Convention (No. 189) and Recommendation, 2011 (No. 201)
Employment Relationship
Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 (No. 198)
ILO Resolutions on Youth Employment
The ILC Resolution to tackle the youth employment crisis: A call for action (Deutsch, English,
Spanish, French, Magyar, Italian) (2012)
Resolution concerning youth employment: Resolutions adopted by the International Labour
Conference at its 93rd Session (Geneva, June) (2005)
3. Advocacy
Youth Employment Newsletter (2012)
World of Work Magazine No.74, May 2012 - Giving youth a better start (2012)
Youth employment : a global goal, a national challenge (update 2012)
Brief profile on Youth Employment (English, French, Spanish, Italian) (2012)
Youth Employment Newsletter in Africa (2012)
4. Publications
Decent work policies for youth (macroeconomic and
labour market policies)
Youth guarantees: a response to the youth employment crisis? (2013)
The youth employment crisis: Time for action: Report V, International Labour Conference, 101st
Session (2012)
The Youth Employment Crisis: Highlights of the 2012 ILC report (English, French, Spanish) (2012)
Tackling the youth employment crisis: A macroeconomic perspective (2012)
Skills Policies for Economic Diversification in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (English,
Macedonian) (2012)
Building an Asia-Pacific youth employment coalition: Reviewing past policies and the way forward
Giving youth a better start: A policy note for the G20 Meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers
Paris, 26–27 September (2011)
Youth Employment in Eastern Europe: Crisis within the crisis (2011)
Global Jobs Pack Policy Brief - Policy Options to support young workers during economic recovery
Decent Work and Youth in Latin America (2010)
In search of more and better jobs for young people of Serbia (2009)
Youth Labour Markets in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009)
Crecimiento económica y empleo de jóvenes en Chile. Análisis sectorialy proyecciones (2008)
Youth employment in Viet Nam: Characteristics, determinants and policy responses (2005)
Caractéristiques et déterminants de l’emploi des jeunes au Cameroun (2005)
Characteristics and determinants of youth unemployment, underemployment and inadequate
employment in Ethiopia (2005)
Chômage et conditions d’emploi des jeunes au Mali (2005)
Chômage et employabilité des jeunes au Maroc (2005)
Transition to decent work and employability
Youth poverty in Accra: urban livelihoods in informal apprenticeships (2013)
Young people in Azerbaijan: The gender aspect of transition from education to decent work (2012)
A better future for young people: What cooperatives can offer (2012)
Investing in youth for rural transformation (English, French) (2012)
Skills for Employment Policy Brief: Upgrading Informal Apprenticeship Systems (English, French)
Skills for Employment Policy Brief: Increasing the employability of disadvantaged youth (2011)
A Study on Informal Apprenticeship in Malawi (2011)
Characterizing the school-to-work transitions of young men and women: Evidence from the ILO
School-to-work transition surveys (2010)
Increasing the employability of disadvantaged youth: responding to the impact of the financial and
economic crisis (2010)
Understanding informal apprenticeship – Findings from empirical research in Tanzania (2009)
Improving skills and productivity of disadvantaged youth (2008)
School-to-work transition: Evidence from Nepal (2008)
Young people and their transition to decent work in the Western Balkans (2008)
Juventud y Trabajo Decente y las vinculaciones entre trabajo infantil y empleo juvenil: Centroamérica,
Panamá y República Dominicana (2008)
Young people's transition to decent work: Evidence from Kosovo (2007)
School-to-work transition: Evidence from Egypt (2007)
Apprenticeship in the informal economy in Africa: workshop (2007)
Enterprise development and entrepreneurship
South Africa SME Observatory: The state of youth entrepreneurship in the Free State (2013)
Promouvoir la création d’emplois pour les jeunes dans les entreprises multinationales et leurs chaînes
d’approvisionnement : Côte d’Ivoire (2011)
Promoting job creation for young people in multinational enterprises and their supply chains: Liberia
Stimulating Youth Entrepreneurship: Barriers and incentives to enterprise start-ups by young people
Being “Real” about Youth Entrepreneurship in Eastern and Southern Africa Implications for Adults,
Institutions and Sector Structures (2005)
Rights at work
The role of trade unions in workers’ education: The key to trade union capacity building (2007)
Global Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Youth Employment and Migration Final Report (English,
Spanish) (2013)
Decent work, youth employment and migration in Asia (2012)
Good Practices in Providing Integrated Employment and Social Services in Central and Eastern Europe
National action plans on youth employment
Egypt Youth Employment, National Action Plan (2010 ‐ 2015)
Macedonian Action Plan on Youth Employment (2015)
Youth Employment Action Plan Albania (2010 – 2013)
Youth Employment Policy and Action Plan Serbia (2009-2011)
National Youth Employment Action Plan Turkey (2011)
5. Tools and Guides
Decent work policies for youth
Guide for the formulation of national employment policies (English, French, Spanish) (2013)
Tackling youth employment challenges: an overview of possible actions and policy considerations : an
introductory guide for employers' organizations (2011)
Briefing guide: meeting youth employment, policy and action challenges (2009)
Guide for the preparation of National Action Plans on Youth Employment (English, French, Spanish,
Russian, Arabic, Albanian, Serbo-Croatian) (2008)
Transition to decent work and employability
Enhancing the employability of disadvantaged youth: What? Why? and How? Guide to core work
skills (2013)
Upgrading informal apprenticeship - A resource guide for Africa (2012)
Guidelines for school counsellors: supporting the job and education decisions of young Indonesians,
(English, Indonesian) (2011)
Minute guide for young jobseekers (English, French) (2011)
Guide to the design, monitoring and evaluation of innovative active labour market programmes
targeting individuals at risk of labour market exclusion (2009)
School-to-work transition survey: A methodological guide (2009)
Rural Skills Training: A generic manual on Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE-2009)
User's guide : how to prepare the "Safe work for youth" materials for local use (English, French,
Spanish) (2009)
Forging linkages between child labour and youth employment programmes across Asia and the
Pacific: handbook for ILO field staff (2008)
Asian decent work decade : introduction to the resource kit - Asian decent work decade resource kit:
The youth employment challenge (2008)
Guiding youth careers: a handbook for those who help young jobseekers (English, French) (2007)
Biz’up Self-employment skills for young people: Facilitator’s Guide and Toolkit (2007)
Biz-up: Self-Employment Skills for Young People (2006)
Career Guidance: A Resource Handbook for Low and Middle-Income Countries (English, French,
Spanish, Czech (2006)
Improving prospects for young women and men in the world of work. A guide to youth employment
Enterprise development and entrepreneurship
Know About Business (KAB) (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bahasa Indonesian, Chinese, English, Farsi,
French, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Kurdish, Lao, Mongolian, Russian, Portuguese, Sinhala, Spanish,
Swahili, Tajik, Tétum, Uzbek, and Vietnamese)
Start and Improve Your Business (English, Spanish) (SIYB)
YEN Fund for Evaluation in Youth Employment
YEN Evaluation Clinics
Financial education for youth: trainee's guide (English, Nepali) (2011)
Project Design Manual, A Step-by-Step Tool to Support the Development of Cooperatives and Other
Forms of Self-Help Organization (2010)
Working with youth : tips for small business owners (2008)
Guide to private employment agencies: Regulation, monitoring and enforcement (English, French,
Spanish, Russian) (2007)
Rights at work
Decent work: a common goal of youth and trade unions (English, French, Spanish) (2011)
Youth rights @ work : a facilitator's guide by and for Indonesian trade unions (2011)
Toolkit for Trade Unions on HIV and AIDS (2010)
Crecer protegido: manual para la protección del adolescente trabajador (2010)
Youth right @ work: a facilitator’s guide and toolkit, (2009)
Youth Employment: Making it happen, an electronic resource tool for employers (2008)
Estrategia para la eliminación del trabajo peligroso de personas adolescentes trabajadoras rurales: una
vía para desarrollar la responsabilidad social empresarial: Costa Rica (2008)
Towards a safer and more productive workplace: a practical guide for workshops with young workers
(Indonesian adaptation) (English, Indonesian) (2008)
National action plans on youth employment (Guide)
Guide for the preparation of national action plans on youth employment
Guía para la preparación de Planes de Acción Nacionales de Empleo Juvenil
Guide pour la préparation de Plans d’action nationaux pour l’emploi des jeunes
Водич за подготовка на национални акциски планови за вработување на младите,
Руководство по составлению национальных планов действий в области молодежной зан тости,
6. Partnerships
The call for action on the youth employment crisis: Technical cooperation portfolio (2013)
Mobilizing support for the call for action on the youth employment crisis (2013)
Breaking new ground: Partnerships for decent work for youth (2012)
United Nations World Youth Report: Youth perspectives on the pursuit of decent work in changing
times (2012)
High-level policy dialogue on youth employment at the 5th Global Youth Employment Summit (YES):
Rework the World 2010
Partnerships for youth employment, A review of selected community-based initiatives (2009)
(Youth Employment Network)
Youth Employment Network (YEN) brochure
YEN Business Booster in Sierra Leone: Supporting young entrepreneurs access the premium
export market (2013)
Taqeem Community of Practice: Monitoring, evaluation and impact evaluation for the youth
employment community (2011)
The Youth-to-Youth Fund in West Africa (2011)
Private Sector Demand for Youth Labour in Ghana and Senegal: Ghana and Senegal Study
Findings (2009)
Building the Case for Business Collaboration on Youth Employment: Good Practice from
West Africa
7. Global Employment Trends for Youth
Global employment trends for youth (2013)
Global Employment Outlook September 2012: Bleak Labour Market Prospects for Youth (2012)
Global employment trends for youth (2012)
Global employment trends for youth: 2011 Update (2011)
Global employment trends for youth (2010): Special issue on the impact of the global economic crisis
on youth
Global employment trends for youth (2008)
Global employment trends for youth (2006) (FR, ES)
8. Consultations with Young People
National Events March – May 2012
National Events Global Report EN
National Events Guidance Note EN
National Events - Regional Report Asia and Pacific EN
National Events - Regional Report Africa EN
Eventos Nacionales – Reporte Regional Americas ES
National Events - Regional Report Arab States EN
National Events - Regional Report Europe and Central Asia EN
National Event - Summary note Arab States EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Argentina ES
National Event - Summary note Armenia EN
National Event - Summary note Azerbaijan EN
National Event - Summary note Bangladesh EN
Evento Nacional – Sistemazação das discussões Brazil POR
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Chile ES
National Event - Summary note China EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Colombia ES
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Costa Rica ES
Evènement National – Note de Synthèse DRC FR
National Event - Summary note Egypt EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis El Salvador ES
National Event - Summary note Ethiopia EN
National Event - Summary note EU EN
Evènement National – Note de Synthèse France FR
National Event - Summary note Georgia EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Honduas ES
National Event - Summary note India EN
National Event - Summary note Indonesia EN
National Event - Summary note Jordan EN
National Event - Summary note Kenya EN
National Event - Summary note Macedonia EN
Evènement National – Note de Synthèse Madagascar FR
National Event - Summary note Pacific Islands EN
National Event - Summary note Pakistan EN
National Event - Summary note Palestine EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Peru ES
National Event - Summary note Philippines EN
National Event - Summary note South Africa EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis España ES
National Event - Summary note Sri Lanka EN
National Event - Summary note Tanzania EN
National Event - Summary note Thailand EN
National Event - Summary note The Caribbean EN
Evénement National – Note de Synthèse Tunisie FR
National Event - Summary note Turkey EN
National Event - Summary note Ukraine EN
Evento Nacional – Nota de síntesis Uruguay ES
National Event - Summary note Vietnam EN
National Event - Summary note Zambia EN
National Event - Summary note Zimbabwe EN
Video Contest March 2012
ILO video contest on Decent Work for Youth submissions
9. Electronic Resources
The Youth Employment Programme Website
Youth Employment Knowledge Sharing Platform
Youth Employment Inventory (YEI) (2012)
Good practices on youth employment – website
Youth Employment Network - website
Decent work for youth - website
VILO’s video database on youth employment
Asia-Pacific Youth Employment Network