COMANDO NET USER El ejemplo siguiente muestra la sintaxis del comando net user: net user [nombreDeUsuario [contraseña | *] [opciones]] [/domain] nombreDeUsuario {contraseña | *} /add [opciones] [/domain] nombreDeUsuario [/delete] [/domain] Puede utilizar el comando net user para crear y modificar cuentas de usuario. Al utilizar este comando sin modificadores de la línea de comandos, se muestran las cuentas de usuario del equipo. La información de las cuentas de usuario se almacena en la base de datos de cuentas de usuario. Este comando sólo funciona en servidores. Con el comando net user, puede utilizar los siguientes parámetros: •nombreDeUsuario Es el nombre de la cuenta de usuario que desea agregar, eliminar, modificar o ver. El nombre de la cuenta de usuario puede tener hasta 20 caracteres. •contraseña Asigna o cambia una contraseña para la cuenta del usuario. Una contraseña debe satisfacer la longitud mínima establecida con la opción /minpwlen del comando net accounts. Puede contener hasta 14 caracteres. •* Genera un mensaje que pide la contraseña. La contraseña no se muestra al escribirla en la solicitud de contraseña. •/domain Realiza la operación en el controlador de dominio principal (PDC) del dominio actual. Este parámetro sólo se aplica a equipos que ejecutan Windows NT Workstation que sean miembros de un dominio de Windows NT Server. De forma predeterminada, los equipos basados en Windows NT Server realizan las operaciones en el PDC. •/add Agrega una cuenta de usuario a la base de datos de cuentas de usuario. •/delete Quita una cuenta de usuario de la base de datos de cuentas de usuario. Opciones del comando net user •/active:{yes | no} Activa o desactiva la cuenta. Si la cuenta no está activa, el usuario no puede obtener acceso al servidor. El valor predeterminado es yes (sí). •/comment:"texto" Proporciona un comentario descriptivo sobre la cuenta del usuario (48 caracteres, como máximo). Asegúrese de colocar las comillas alrededor del texto que utilice. •/countrycode:nnn Utiliza el código de país del sistema operativo para implementar los archivos de idioma especificados para los mensajes de error y ayuda de un usuario. El valor 0 significa el código de país predeterminado. •/expires:{date | never} Hace que la cuenta caduque si se establece una fecha. La opción never establece que la cuenta no tiene límite. La fecha de caducidad está en el formato mm/dd/aa o dd/mm/aa, según el código de país. Los meses pueden ser un número, deletreado o abreviado con tres letras. El año puede tener dos o cuatro cifras. Use barras diagonales (/) sin espacios para separar las partes de la fecha. •/fullname:"nombre" Es el nombre completo de un usuario (en lugar de un nombre de usuario). Escriba el nombre entre comillas. •/homedir:nombreDeRuta Establece la ruta de acceso del directorio principal del usuario. La ruta de acceso debe existir. •/passwordchg:{yes | no} Especifica si los usuarios pueden cambiar su propia contraseña. El valor predeterminado es yes (sí). •/passwordreq:{yes | no} Especifica si una cuenta de usuario debe tener una contraseña. El valor predeterminado es yes (sí). •/profilepath[:rutaDeAcceso] Establece una ruta de acceso para el perfil de inicio de sesión del usuario. •/scriptpath:nombreDeRuta Es la ubicación del script de inicio de sesión del usuario. •/times:{times | all} Son las horas de inicio de sesión. La opción times se expresa como día[-día][,día[-día]],hora[hora][,hora[-hora]], y se limita a incrementos de una hora. Los días se pueden deletrear o abreviarse. Las horas pueden estar en notación de 12 o de 24 horas. En la notación de 12 horas, use am, pm, a.m. o p.m. La opción all especifica que un usuario siempre puede iniciar sesión, y un valor en blanco especifica que un usuario nunca puede iniciar sesión. Separe las entradas de día y hora con una coma, y separe varias entradas de día y hora con un punto y coma. •/usercomment:"texto" Permite que un administrador agregue o cambie el comentario para el usuario de la cuenta. •/workstations:{nombreDeEquipo[,...] | *} Muestra hasta ocho equipos en los que un usuario puede iniciar sesión en la red. Si la opción /workstations no tiene ninguna lista o si la lista es *, el usuario puede iniciar sesión desde cualquier equipo. •net help user | more Muestra la Ayuda pantalla por pantalla. NOTA Puede obtener toda la información contenida en este artículo escribiendo el comando siguiente: net help user NET.exe The NET Command is used to manage network security resources as follows: View user account password and logon requirements (also displays the machine type - NT Server or NT workstation) NET ACCOUNTS View password and logon requirements for the network domain. NET ACCOUNTS /DOMAIN Set the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire NET ACCOUNTS /FORCELOGOFF:minutes /DOMAIN Prevent forced logoff when user accounts expire NET ACCOUNTS /FORCELOGOFF:NO /DOMAIN Set the minimum number of characters for a password. NET ACCOUNTS /MINPWLEN:C /DOMAIN The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. Set the maximum number of days that a password is valid. NET ACCOUNTS /MAXPWAGE:dd /DOMAIN The range is 1-49710; the default is 90 days. Set passwords to never expire. NET ACCOUNTS /MAXPWAGE:UNLIMITED /DOMAIN Set a minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password (default = 0) NET ACCOUNTS /MINPWAGE:dd /DOMAIN Require that new passwords be different from 'x' number of previous passwords NET ACCOUNTS /UNIQUEPW:x /DOMAIN The range for 'x' is 1-24 Synchoronise the user accounts database (PDC and BDC) NET ACCOUNTS /SYNC /DOMAIN View user account details NET USER [/DOMAIN] Add a user account. NET USER username {password | *} /ADD [options] [/DOMAIN] Modify a user account. NET USER [username [password | *] [options]] [/DOMAIN] Delete a username NET USER username [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] Generate a random password: NET USER administrator /random Add a Workgroup NET GROUP groupname /ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] [/DOMAIN] Edit a workgroup NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] Delete a group NET GROUP groupname /DELETE [/DOMAIN] Add a user to a group NET GROUP groupname username [...] /ADD [/DOMAIN] Delete a user from a group NET GROUP groupname username [...] /DELETE [/DOMAIN] To View, Add or modify a local workgroup replace GROUP in the commands above with LOCALGROUP. Examples Create a group C:\>NET LOCALGROUP spud /add Add to guests C:\>NET LOCALGROUP guests spud /add Then remove C:\>NET LOCALGROUP guests spud /delete C:\>NET LOCALGROUP spud /delete Related: NET - Manage network resources NTRIGHTS - Edit user account rights (Logon Locally etc) DSADD - Add user (computer, contact, group..) to active directory (XP) DSMOD - Modify user (computer, contact, group..) in active directory (XP) GLOBAL - Display membership of global groups LOCAL - Display membership of local groups CmdKey - Edit smartcard username and password (XP) Cusrmgr - Console User Manager. (Win 2K ResKit) TSPROF - Copy Terminal Server User Profile WMIC GROUP - WMI access to Group membership. WMIC USERACCOUNT - WMI access to User info. Q149427 - Change Password from the CMD prompt Equivalent bash command (Linux): useradd - Add user account What is the Net User Command?: The net user command is used to add, remove, and make changes to the user accounts on a computer, all from the Command Prompt. The net user command is one of many net commands. Note: You can also use net users in place of net user. They're completely interchangeable. Net User Command Syntax: net user [username [password | *] [/add] [options]] [/domain]] [username [/delete] [/domain]] [/help] [/?] Tip: See How To Read Command Syntax if you're not sure how to read the net user command syntax above. Execute the net user command alone to show a very simple list of every user account, active or not, on the computer you're currently using. username = This is the name of the user account, up to 20 characters long, that you want to make changes to, add, or remove. Using username with no other option will show detailed information about the user in the Command Prompt window. password = Use the password option to modify an existing password or assign one when creating a new username. The minimum characters required can be viewed using the net accounts command. A maximum of 127 characters is allowed1. * = You also have the option of using * in place of password to force the entering of a password in the Command Prompt window after executing the net user command. /add = Use the /add option to add a new username on the system. options = See Additional Net User Command Options below for a complete list of available options to be used at this point when executing net user. /domain = This switch forces net user to execute on the current domain controller instead of the local computer. /delete = The /delete switch removes the specified username from the system. /help = Use this switch to display detailed information about the net user command. Using this option is the same as using the net help command with net user: net help user. /? = The standard help command switch also works with the net user command but only displays the basic command syntax. Executing net user without options is equal to using the /? switch. Additional Net User Command Options: The following options are to be used where I note options in the net user command syntax above: /active:{yes | no} = Use this switch to active or deactivate the specified useraccount. If you don't use the /active option, net user assumes yes. /comment:"text" = Use this option to enter a description of the account. A maximum of 48 characters is allowed. The text entered using the /comment switch is viewable in the Description field in a user's profile in Users and Groups in Windows. /countrycode:nnn = This switch is used to set a country code for the user, which determines the language used for error and help messages. If the /countrycode switch isn't used, the computer's default country code is used: 000. /expires:{date | never} = The /expires switch is used to set a specific date (see below) in which the account, not the password, should expire. If the /expires switch isn't used, never is assumed. date (with /expires only) = If you choose to specify a date then it must be in mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy format, months and days as numbers, fully spelled out, or abbreviated to three letters. /fullname:"name" = Use the /fullname switch to specify the real name of the person using the username account. /homedir:pathname = Set a pathname with the /homedir switch if you want a home directory other than the default2. /passwordchg:{yes | no} = This option specifies whether this user can change his or her own password. If /passwordchg is not used, net user assumes yes. /passwordreq:{yes | no} = This option specifies whether this user is required to have a password at all. If this switch isn't used, yes is assumed. /logonpasswordchg:{yes | no} = This switch forces the user to change his or her password at the next logon. Net user assumes no if you don't use this option. The /logonpasswordchg switch is not available in Windows XP. /profilepath:pathname = This option sets a pathname for the user's logon profile. /scriptpath:pathname = This option sets a pathname for the user's logon script. /times:[timeframe | all] = Use this switch to specify a timeframe (see below) that the user can log. If you don't use /times then net user assumes that all times are okay. If you do use this switch, but don't specify either timeframe or all, then net user assumes that no times are okay and the user is not allowed to log on. timeframe (with /times only) = If you choose to specify a timeframe you must do so in a particular way. Days of the week must be spelled out completely or abbreviated in MTWThFSaSu format. Times of day can be in 24-hour format, or 12-hour format using AM and PM or A.M. and P.M. Periods of time should use dashes, day and time should be separated by commas and day/time groups by semicolons. /usercomment:"text" = This switch adds or changes the User Comment for the specified account. /workstations:{computername[,...] | *} = Use this option to specify the computer names of up to eight computers that the user is allowed to log on to. This switch is really only useful when used with /domain. If you don't use /workstations to specify allowed computers then all computers (*) is assumed. Tip: You can store the output of whatever is shown on screen after running the net user command by using a redirection operator with the command. See How To Redirect Command Output to a File for instructions. Net User Command Examples: net user administrator In this example, net user produces all the details on the administrator user account. Here's an example of what might display: User name Administrator Full Name Comment Built-in account for administering the computer/domain User's comment Country code 000 (System Default) Account active No Account expires Never Password last set 7/13/2009 9:55:45 PM Password expires Never Password changeable Password required 7/13/2009 9:55:45 PM Yes User may change password Workstations allowed Yes All Logon script User profile Home directory Last logon 7/13/2009 9:53:58 PM Logon hours allowed All Local Group Memberships *Administrators Global Group memberships *None *HomeUsers As you can see, all the details for the administrator account on my Windows 7 computer are listed. net user rodriguezr /times:M-F,7AM-4PM;Sa,8AM-12PM Here's an example where I, presumably someone responsible for this user account [rodriguezr], make a change to the days and times [/times] that this account is able to log on to Windows: Monday through Friday [M-F] from 7:00am to 4:00pm [7AM-4PM] and on Saturday [Sa] from 8:00am to noon [8AM-12PM]. net user nadeema r28Wqn90 /add /comment:"Basic user account." /fullname:"Ahmed Nadeem" /logonpasswordchg:yes /workstations:jr7tww,jr2rtw /domain I thought I'd throw the kitchen sink at you with this example. This is the kind of net user application that you might never do at home, but you might very well see in a script published for a new user by the IT department in a company. Here I'm setting up a new user account [/add] with the name nadeema and setting the initial password as r28Wqn90. This is a standard account in my company, which I note in the account itself [/comment:"Basic user account."], and is for the new human resources executive, Ahmed [/fullname:"Ahmed Nadeem"]. I want Ahmed to change his password to something he won't forget, so I want him to set his own the first time he logs on [/logonpasswordchg:yes]. Also, Ahmed should only have access to the two computers in the Human Resources office [/workstations:jr7twwr,jr2rtwb]. Finally, my company uses a domain controller [/domain] so Ahmed's account should be setup there. As you can see, net user can be used for a lot more than simple user account adds, changes, and removals. I configured several advanced aspects of Ahmed's new account right from the Command Prompt. net user nadeema /delete And now we'll finish off with an easy one. Ahmed [nadeema] didn't work out as the latest HR member so he was let go and his account removed [/delete]. Net User Command Availability: The net user command is available from within the Command Prompt in most versions of Windows including Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server operating systems, and some older versions of Windows too. Note: The availability of certain net user command switches and other net user command syntax may differ from operating system to operating system. Net User Related Commands: The net user command is a subset of the net command and so is similar to its sister commands like net use, net time, net send, net view, etc. [1] Windows 98 and Windows 95 only support passwords up to 14 characters long. If you're creating an account that might be used from a computer with one of those versions of Windows, consider keeping the password length within the requirements for those operating systems. [2] The default home directory is C:\Users\username in Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. In Windows XP, the default home directory is C:\Documents and Settings\username. For example, my user account on my Windows 8 tablet is named "Tim" so the default home directory created when my account was first setup was C:\Users\Tim What is the Net Command?: The net command is a Command Prompt command that can be used to manage almost every aspect of a network and its settings including managing network shares, network print jobs, network users, and much more. Net Command Syntax: net [accounts | computer | config | continue | file | group | help | helpmsg | localgroup | name | pause | print | send | session | share | start | statistics | stop | time | use | user | view] Tip: See How To Read Command Syntax if you're not sure how to interpret the net command syntax shown above. Execute the net command alone to show information about how to use the command which, in this case, is simply a list of the net subset commands. Net Commands: The other options for the net command listed above act as commands in and of themselves, with several unique options: Net Accounts The net accounts command is used to set password and logon requirements for users. For example, the net accounts command can be used to set the minimum number of characters that users can set their password to. Net Computer The net computer command is used to add or remove a computer from a domain. Net Config Use the net config command to show information about the configuration of the Server or Workstation service. Net Continue The net continue command is used to restart a service that was put on hold by the net pause command. Net File Net file is used to show a list of open files on a server. The command can also be used to close a shared file and remove a file lock. Net Group The net group command is used to add, delete, and manage global groups on servers. Net Help The net help command is used to get detailed help on each of the net subset commands. For example, executing net help user shows detailed information about how to use the net user command. Executing net user /help or net user /h accomplishes the same thing. The standard /? help switch is also available for each net subset command but doesn't provide near the information that /help does. Net Helpmsg The net helpmsg is used to display more information about the numerical network messages you might receive when using net commands. For example, when executing net group on a standard Windows workstation, you'll receive a 3515 help message. To decode this message, type net helpmsg 3515 which displays "This command can be used only on a Windows Domain Controller." on screen. Net Localgroup The net localgroup command is used to add, delete, and manage local groups on computers. Net Name Net name is used to add or delete a messaging alias at a computer. The net name command was removed in conjunction with the removal of net send beginning in Windows Vista. See the net send command for more information. Net Pause The net pause command puts on hold a Windows resource or service. Net Print Net print is used to display and manage network print jobs. The net print command was removed beginning in Windows 7. According to Microsoft, the tasks performed with net print can be performed in Windows 8 and Windows 7 using the prnjobs.vbs and other cscript commands, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Net Send Net send is used to send messages to other users, computers, or net name created messaging aliases. The net send command is not available in Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista but the msg command accomplishes the same thing. Net Session The net session command is used to list or disconnect sessions between the computer and others on the network. Net Share The net share command is used to create, remove, and otherwise manage shared resources on the computer. Net Start The net start command is used to start a network service or list running network services. Net Statistics Use the net statistics command to show the network statistics log for the Server or Workstation service. Net Stop The net stop command is used to stop a network service. Net Time Net time can be used to display the current time and date of another computer on the network. Net Use The net use command is used to display information about shared resources on the network that you're currently connected to, as well as connect to new resources and disconnect from connected ones. In other words, the net use command can be used to show the shared drives you've mapped to as well as allow you to manage those mapped drives. Net User The net user command is used to add, delete, and otherwise manage the users on a computer. Net View Net view is used to show a list of computers and network devices on the network. Tip: You can save to a file whatever a net command shows on screen using a redirection operator with the command. See How To Redirect Command Output to a File for instructions or see Command Prompt Tricks for more tips. Net Command Availability: The net command is available from within the Command Prompt in all Windows operating systems including Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and more. Note: The availability of certain net command switches and other net command syntax may differ from operating system to operating system. Net & Net1: You may have come across the net1 command and wondered what it was, maybe even more baffled that it seems to function exactly like the net command. The reason it seems to act just like the net command is because it is the net command. Only in Windows NT and Windows 2000 was there a difference in the net command and the net1 command. The net1 command was made available in these two operating systems as a temporary fix for a Y2K issue the net command experienced. This Y2K issue with the net command was corrected before Windows XP was even released but you'll still find net1 in Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8 to maintain compatibility with older programs and scripts that used net1 when it was necessary to do so. Net Related Commands: The net commands are network related commands and so may often be used for troubleshooting or management alongside commands like ping, tracert, ipconfig, netstat, nslookup, and others. NETSH Cómo usar la herramienta Netsh.exe y modificadores de línea de comandos Id. de artículo: 242468 - Ver los productos a los que se aplica este artículo Nota acerca de su sistema operativoEste artículo se aplica a una versión de Windows distinta la que está utilizando. Puede que el contenido en este artículo no sea relevante para usted.Visite el Centro de soluciones de Windows 7 Expandir todo | Contraer todo En esta página Resumen Netsh.exe es una herramienta que un administrador puede utilizar para configurar y supervisar equipos basados en Windows en un símbolo del sistema. Con la herramienta Netsh.exe puede dirigir los comandos de contexto que especifica a la aplicación auxiliar apropiada y ésta realiza entonces el comando. Una aplicación auxiliar es un archivo de Biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos (.dll) que amplía la funcionalidad de la herramienta Netsh.exe proporcionando configuración, supervisión y compatibilidad con uno o más servicios, utilidades o protocolos. La aplicación auxiliar puede utilizarse también para extender otras aplicaciones auxiliares. Volver al principio | Propocionar comentarios Más información Puede utilizar la herramienta Netsh.exe para realizar las tareas siguientes: •Configurar interfaces. •Configurar protocolos de enrutamiento. •Configurar filtros. •Configurar rutas. •Configurar el comportamiento de acceso remoto para los enrutadores de acceso remoto basados en Windows que ejecutan el servicio Servidor de Enrutamiento y acceso remoto (RRAS). •Mostrar la configuración de un enrutador que se está ejecutando en cualquier equipo. •Utilizar la característica de secuencias de comandos para ejecutar una colección de comandos en modo por lotes en un enrutador especificado. La sintaxis para la herramienta Netsh.exe es: netsh [-r nombre de enrutador] [-a ArchivoAlias] [-c Contexto] [Comando | -f ArchivoComandos] Para mostrar una lista de subcontextos y comandos que se pueden utilizar en un contexto, escriba el nombre del contexto seguido de un espacio en blanco y de ? en el símbolo del sistema netsh>. Por ejemplo, para mostrar una lista de subcontextos y comandos que se pueden utilizar en el contexto /routing, escriba routing ? en el símbolo del sistema netsh> y presione ENTRAR. Contextos Las cadenas de contexto se anexan al comando de la herramienta Netsh.exe y se pasan a una aplicación auxiliar asociada. La aplicación auxiliar puede tener uno o más puntos de entrada que se asignan a contextos. He aquí algunos de los contextos disponibles en la herramienta Netsh.exe: Comando de contexto: /dhcp Resultado: Cambios al contexto Protocolo de configuración dinámica de host (DHCP). Comando de contexto: /ras Resultado: Cambios al contexto Servidor de acceso remoto (RAS). Comando de contexto: /routing Resultado: Cambios al contexto de enrutamiento. Comando de contexto: /wins Resultado: Cambios al contexto Servicio de nombres Internet de Windows (WINS). Los contextos también se pueden anidar dentro de otros contextos. Por ejemplo, los contextos siguientes funcionan dentro del contexto netsh>ras: Comando de contexto: /ip Resultado: Cambios al contexto Protocolo de Internet (IP). Comando de contexto: /ipx Resultado: Cambios al contexto Intercambio de paquetes entre redes (IPX). Comando de contexto: /netbeui Resultado: Cambios al contexto Interfaz de usuario mejorada de NetBios (NETBEUI). Los subcontextos siguientes funcionan dentro del contexto netsh>routing ip: Comando de contexto: /autodhcp Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto autodhcp. Comando de contexto: /dnsproxy Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto dnsproxy. Comando de contexto: /igmp Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto Protocolo de pertenencia a grupos de Internet (IGMP). Comando de contexto: /mib Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto Base de datos de información de administración (MIB). Comando de contexto: /nat Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto Traducción de direcciones de red (NAT). Comando de contexto: /ospf Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto Abrir primero la ruta de acceso más corta (OSPF). Comando de contexto: /relay Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto relay. Comando de contexto: /rip Resultado: Cambios al subcontexto Protocolo de información de enrutamiento (RIP). Comandos de Netsh.exe Los comandos adicionales siguientes pueden utilizarse con la herramienta Netsh.exe: NOTA: los parámetros opcionales se muestran entre corchetes ([ ]). Las entradas alternativas se muestran con un carácter de canalización (|) entre ellas. Comando de contexto: /? Resultado: Muestra Ayuda. Comando de contexto: /abort Resultado: Descarta los cambios realizados en el modo sin conexión. No tiene ningún efecto en el modo con conexión. Comando de contexto: /add nombre de DLL de aplicación auxiliar Resultado: Instala el archivo .dll de la aplicación auxiliar en netsh.exe. Comando de contexto: /alias [nombre de alias] [cadena1] [cadena2 ...] Resultado: Si es /alias, enumera todos los alias. Si es /alias nombre de alias, muestra la cadena equivalente. Si es /alias nombre de alias cadena1 cadena2 ..., establece el nombre de alias en las cadenas especificadas. Comando de contexto: /bye Resultado: Sale del programa. Comando de contexto: /commit Resultado: Confirma los cambios realizados en el modo sin conexión al enrutador. No tiene ningún efecto en el modo con conexión. Comando de contexto: /delete helper nombre de archivo .dll Resultado: Quita el archivo .dll de la aplicación auxiliar de Netsh.exe. Comando de contexto: /dump -nombre de archivo Resultado: Vuelca o anexa la configuración a un archivo de texto. Comando de contexto: /exec nombre de archivo de comandos Resultado: Carga el archivo de comandos y ejecuta comandos del mismo. Comando de contexto: /exit Resultado: Sale del programa. Comando de contexto: /h Resultado: Muestra Ayuda. Comando de contexto: /help Resultado: Muestra Ayuda. Comando de contexto: /offline Resultado: Establece el modo actual en sin conexión. Los cambios realizados en este modo se guardan, pero es preciso establecer un comando "commit" u "online" en el enrutador. Comando de contexto: /online Resultado: Establece el modo actual en con conexión. Los cambios realizados en este modo se reflejan inmediatamente en el enrutador. Comando de contexto: /popd Resultado: Extrae un contexto de la pila. Comando de contexto: /pushd Resultado: Inserta el contexto actual en la pila. Comando de contexto: /quit Resultado: Sale del programa. Comando de contexto: /set mode [modo =] online | offline Resultado: Establece el modo actual en con conexión o sin conexión. Comando de contexto: /show alias | helper | mode Resultado: Si es /show alias, enumera todos los alias definidos. Si es /show helper, enumera todas las aplicaciones auxiliares de nivel superior. Si es /show mode, muestra el modo actual. Comando de contexto: /unalias nombre de alias Resultado: Elimina los alias especificados.