Action Plan AR 2011-8953

Competent Authorities response received on 23 January 2012
Response of the Competent Authorities of Argentina to the recommendations of Report ref. DG(SANCO)/2011-8953-MR of an audit carried
out from 19 to 30 September 2011 in order to evaluate the implementation of requirements for feed materials
Action Proposed by the Competent Authority
To ensure that standards at least equivalent to those set out by
Ver Observaciones al documento; según Memorando DHIPOVP
Directive 2002/32/EC on undesirable substances in feed are
N°14/2012, punto 3.
applicable to feed materials exported to the EU, with a view to be
included in the list of third countries from which imports of feed
will be permitted when this list would be drawn up, as laid down
by Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005.
To ensure that standards at least equivalent to those set out by
Articles 6 and 7 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 for HACCP
based procedures are applicable to establishments involved in the
chain of feed materials exported to the EU, and that these
procedures also take account of crude soya oil, with a view to be
included in the list of third countries from which imports of feed
will be permitted when this list would be drawn up, as laid down
by Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005.
2) El nuevo marco normative para la alimentación, tramitado por
expediente CUDAP-S01:0451266/2010, que se encuentra en su etapa
final de desarrollo, preve incluir la obligación por parte de los
elaboradores de implementar sistemas basados en los principios del
HACCP y la obligación de parte de dichos establecimientos de asegurar
los procedimientos asaptados a las características particulares de cada
establecimiento. Este nuevo marco normativo está previsto que se
implemente durante el año 2012. Cuando ello ocurra se comunicará a la
To complete the registration of producers of soya, with a view to
reinforce the level of guarantees at the level of primary
production and, hence facilitate being included in the list of third
countries from which imports of feed will be permitted when this
list would be drawn up, as laid down by Article 23 of Regulation
(EC) No 183/2005.
3) Durante los años 2012 y 2013 se completará, mediante la inclusión al
sistema RENSPA, la inscripción de los productores de granos pendientes
de incorporación a la base de datos.
Asimismo en ese mismo período, se implementará la autogestión de la
reinscripción en el RENSPA de los productores previamente registrados.
To reinforce the official monitoring for undesirable substances on 4) Para los años 2012 y 2013 se ejectutarán las siuguientes acciones:
the chain of feed materials exported to the EU, with a view to be a) Diseño de un programa con metodologia establecida (ya ejecutado)
Date of last edit: 25 November 2011
Page: 1
Competent Authorities response received on 23 January 2012
Response of the Competent Authorities of Argentina to the recommendations of Report ref. DG(SANCO)/2011-8953-MR of an audit carried
out from 19 to 30 September 2011 in order to evaluate the implementation of requirements for feed materials
Action Proposed by the Competent Authority
included in the list of third countries from which imports of feed b) Capacitación de personal para muestreo.
will be permitted when this list would be drawn up, as laid down c) Toma y translado de muestras officiales por parte de personal de
by Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005.
SENASA en las terminales portuarias.
d)Determinaciones analíticas de los resíduos de pesticidas, mocotoxinas
y contaminantes microbiológicos. Todos los análisis de laboratórios
autorizados de la Red Nacional de SENASA.
Estas actividades ya iniciaron un proceso de aprobación en el Servicio
mediante los expedientes S01:454991/2011 y S01:454995/2011.
To carry out official controls along the entire chain of feed
materials exported to the EU, including their primary production,
transport, storage and processing, with a view to be included in
the list of third countries from which imports of feed will be
permitted when this list would be drawn up, as laid down by
Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005.
5) El SENASA ha iniciado las gestiones para implementar el registro de
empresas dedicadas al acondicionamiento, almacenamiento y transporte
de materias primas, contemplando así toda la cadena.
Una vez identificados los actors de la cadena se establecerán exigencias
relacionadas con las condiciones de recibo de mercadería en acopios y en
transportes vinculados con la mejora de las condiciones higiénicas. Este
proceso está en evaluación, en su etapa inicial para una implementación
a mediano plazo.
Date of last edit: 25 November 2011
Page: 2