CERTIFICATE FOR ORDER DECLARING UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES ELECTED TO OFFICE AND CANCELING ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COI]NTY OF IIARRIS HARRIS COTJNTY WATER CONTROL & IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT I\O. 116 s s s We the undersigned officers of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of HARRIS COUNTY WATER CONTROL AllD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 116 (the "District") hereby certify as follows: The Board convened in regular session, open to the public, on Monday, March 14, 2016, af 3:00p.m., at 5300 Coral Gables, Houston, Texas 77069, and the roll was called of the members of the Board, to-wit: Lessly Dean Griffith Robert W. Wamer Frank Sklenka Jeff Handojo Thomas Helm President Vice President Secretary As sistant Secretary/Treasurer Assistant Treasurer All members of the Board were present except the following: thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon other business, the fo llowing was transacted at such Meeting: A written ORDER DECLARING UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES ELECTED TO OFFICE AND CANCELING ELECTION was duly introduced for the consideration of the Board. It was then duly moved and seconded that such Order be adopted; and after full discussion, such motion, carrying with it the adoption of such Order prevailed, carried, and became effecti by the following vote: ÄYES: NOES: A true, full and correct copy of the aforesaid Order adopted at the Meeting described in the above foregoing paragraph is attached to and follows this Certificate; such Order has been duly recorded in the Board's minutes of such Meeting; the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full, and correct excerpt from the Board's minutes of such Meeting pertaining to the adoption of such Order; the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph are the duly chosen, qualified, and acting officers and members of the Board as indicated therein; each of the officers and members of the Board are duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of such Meeting, and that such Order would be introduced and considered for adoption at such meeting, and each of the officers and members consented, in advance, to the holding of such Meeting for such purpose; and such Meeting was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of such Meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, and Section 49.063 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. 0020t667 SIGNED this Secretary, Board 1 day of March,2016. of {DISTRICT SEAL} tr I .., 0020t667 2 ORDER DECLARING UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES ELECTED TO OFFICE AND CANCELING ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARzuS HARzuS COUNTY V/ATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 116 $ $ $ V/HEREAS, Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC, the Attorney for HARzuS COUNTY V/ATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 116 (the "District"), is the authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared for the District's May 7, 2016 Directors Election (the "Election"); and V/HEREAS, the filing deadline for placement on the ballot for the Election was 5:00 p.m. on February 19, 2016 and the frling deadline for placement on the list of approved write-in candidates for the Election was 5:00 p.m. on February 23,2016; and V/HEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.052, Texas Election Code, as amended, Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC has certified in writing to the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the District that the candidates to be listed on the ballot for the election are unopposed; for example, only one candidate's name will appear on the ballot for each open position and no candidate's name will be placed on an approved list of write-in candidates for the office of director of the District; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.053, Texas Election Code, as amended, the Board of the District has the authority to declare unopposed candidates elected to office. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF HARRIS COLINTY WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 116, THAT: Section 1: The Board of the District hereby declares the following unopposed candidates to be elected to the office of Director of the District: Lessly Dean Griffith 'Warner Robert W. Jeff Handojo Each candidate declared elected to office shall serve until the biennial directors election in the year 2020, or until hislher successor has been duly elected or appointed and has qualified. Section 2: Each candidate declared elected to office under this Order shall enter into the duties of hislher offi.ce and shall begin to serve hislher term of office after }ilay 7 2016, and upon posting bond in the amount of $10,000, taking the constitutional oath of office, and acceptance of the bond and oath of office by the District's Board. 0020t667 J Section3: Pursuant to the provisions of Section2.053(b), Texas Election Code, as amended, the Election shall not be held and a copy of this Order shall be posted on Election Day at each polling place that would have been used in the Election. 4: The President and Secretary of the District's Board añd Radcliffe Bobbitt Section Adams Polley PLLC are hereby authorized and directed to take any action necessary to carry out the provisions of this Order. (EXECUTTON PAGE FOLLO$/S) 0020166? 4 HANDS AND THE SEAL OF THE DISTRICT thiS 2016. S OUR ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Directors (DISTRICT SEAL) 00201667 5 y'r day ol oRDEN DE DECLARACIÓN DE ELECCIÓN DE CANDIDATOS ÚNTCOS PARA ASUMIR EL CARGO Y DE CANCELACTÓN DE ELECCTÓN EL ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADO DE HARzuS DISTRITO DE CONTROL Y MEJORAMIENTO DEL AGUA DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS NRO. 116 $ $ POR CUANTO, Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC, Abogados de DISTRITO DE CONTROL Y MEJORAMIENTO DEL AGUA DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS NRO. 116 (el "Distrito"), es la autoridad responsable de preparar la papeleta oficial para la Elección de Directores del Distrito que se llevaúta cabo el7 de mayo de2016 (la "Elección"); y POR CUANTO, la fecha límite para ser colocado en la boleta de votación fue el 19 de febrero de 2016 a las 5:00 p.m. y la fecha límite para ser colocado en la lista de candidatos por voto escrito aprobados fue el 23 de febrero de20t6 a las 5:00 p.m.; y POR CUANTO, conforme a las disposiciones de la Sección 2.052 del Código Electoral (Election Code) de Texas, con sus modificaciones, Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC ha certificado por escrito a la Junta Directiva (la "Junta") del Distrito que los candidatos que se incluirán en la papeleta para la elección son únicos; por ejemplo, en la papeleta aparecerâ el nombre de un solo candidato para cada puesto vacante y no se incluirá el nombre de ningún candidato en una lista aprobada de candidatos no incluidos en la papeleta para el cargo de director del Distrito; y POR CUANTO, conforme a las disposiciones de la Sección 2.053 del Código Electoral de Texas, con sus modificaciones, la Junta del Distrito tiene la autoridad para declarar que los candidatos únicos han sido elegidos para asumir el cargo. POR LO TANTO, LA JLINTA DIRECTIVA DE DISTRITO DE CONTROL Y MEJORAMIENTO DEL AGUA DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS NRO. 116, RESUELVE: Section 1: Por la presente, la Junta del Distrito declara que los siguientes candidatos únicos han sido elegidos para asumir el cargo de Director del Distrito: Lessly Dean Griffith Robert W. Warner Jeff Handojo Cada candidato declarado elegido para asumir el cargo deberá desempeñar su función hasta la elección de directores bienal en el año 2020, o hasta que su sucesor haya sido debidamente elegido o designado,y hayareunido los requisitos para desempeñar dicha función. Section 2: Cada candidato declarado elegido para asumir el cargo en virtud de esta Orden cometuarâa cumplir las obligaciones de su cargo y su mandato después del 8 de mayo de 2010 y después de otorgar vnaftanzapor la cantidad de $10,000, de prestar el juramento de asunción del cargo y de que la Junta del Distrito haya aceptado la ftanza y el juramento de asunción del cargo. 00201668 Section 3: Conforme a las disposiciones de la Sección 2.053(b) del Código Electoral de Texas, con sus modificaciones, no se llevará a cabo la Elección. El día de la elección se debe colocar una copia de la presente Orden en cada lugar de votación que se habría utilizado parala elección. Section 4: Por la presente, se autoriza al Presidente y al Secretario de la Junta del Distrito y a Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC a tomar las medidas necesarias para llevar a cabo las disposiciones de esta Orden y se les ordena hacerlo. *. * * * 00201668 2 ,1. * rÊNH ruvÊN nõ rnôNc Bõr rHÁNc cHo cÁc rlNc vÉN ptfÇc nÀu cno vÃN pHÒNc vÀ nûv nö cuOc nÂu cil R TIEU BANG TEXAS QUÂN HARRIS KHU vöïc rrpÅrr¿ soeùr vAØ cuïc euaÄN HARRTS soÁ t to $ $ caû rmÁN rHuûv $ xEÙr RAÈNG, Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC, 1à luât sr/ cho rtrU vÇc rÉvr soÁr vÀ cfu rñN rnÛv cuc euÂN HARRIS sõ tto (còn gei là "Khu vuc"), clugc cho phép chiu trách nhiÇm chudn bf phidu bâu chính thrlc cho cuQc bâu cfi Giám Ðdc (còn g9i 1à "Bâu Cfr") cho Khu Vgc vào ngày 7 thângNäm, 2016;và xÉr nÀNG, thòi han nôp hò so sáp. xép. lá phiéu cho CuQc Bàu Cu.là 5:00 chièu ngày 19 tháng Hai,2016, và thòi tran nôp hò so sáp xép danh sách cárc img viên bé sung dã duyÇt cho CuQc Bâu Cir là 5:00 chiêu ngày 23 thângHai,20l6;và du<r. c phê XÉr nÀNG, rhi hành theo các diêu khoán cúa Ðoan 2.052, Sác Luât Bâu CÍr tidu Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC drloc xác nhQn trên vän bang Texas, nhrr duqc tu chính, Radcliffe bån vói HQi Ðông Giám Ðdc (còn gqi 1à "HQi Ðông") cúa Khu VrJc ràng các rfng viên liÇt kê rrên phidu Ad bâu 1à không ttdi kháng; thí dr¡ nhu, chi có mQt tên cúa rfng viên së nàm trên phidu bâu cho mõi chrlc vu và không có tên cúa úng viên nào khác sõ duqc vidt trên danh sách tg vidt vào tên rlng viên cho vän phòng giám ttdc cúa Khu V{c; và XÉf nÀNG, thi hành theo các ttièu khoån cúa Ðoan 2.053, Sác Luât Bâu Cfi tidu bang Texas, nhü duqc tu chính, HQi Ðông Khu Vtrc có quyên tuyên bd không dê kháng cho câc itng viên dtrqc bâu cho vän phòng. vÌ vdv, sÂy crÒ, HQr pôNc crÁM Bõc cÛn KHU vöïc KIEÅM soAùr vAØ cAÛI TrEÁN THUÛy cuïc QUAÁN HARRIS soÁ 116 RA r-pNH LÀ: Ðoan 1: HQi Ðông Khu Vuc tuyên b6 câc rlng viên không dê kháng sau dây duqc bâu cho vän phòng Giám ddc cúa Khu Vr¡c: Lessly Dean Griffith Robert W. Warner Jeff Handojo Mõi rtng viên iluqc tuyên bd duqc bâu cho vän phòng cho cldn khi cuQc bâu ctT cá,c giâm d6c câchhai näm vào nám 2020, ho{c cho ttdn khi ngüòi kd nhiÇm cúa hg dtrçc tuyên thÇ hoac <ltfÇc bd nhiÇm và hOi dú dièu kiÇn. 00201670 Ðoan 2: Mõi rlng viên dugc tuyên bd <tr¡gc bâu cho vän phòng theo LÇnh này sõ nhQn ? ^ viÇc cúa vän phòng cúa hg và së bát ttâu phçc vr¡ cho thòi han sau ngày 8 thá,ng Näm, công 2010 và cho ddn tchi nQp công khd phidu vói sd tiên 1à $10,000, tuyên thÇ chánh thrlc t4i vän phòng, và HQi Ðông Khu V{c sõ chíp nhân công khdphidu và tuyên thÇ cho h9. .^ Ðo?n 3: Tuân theo các itièu khoån cúa Ðoan 2.053(b), Sác Luât Bâu Cú tidu bang Texas, nhtl ihlÇc tu clúnh, cuQc Bâu CtI së không düqc d chúc. MQt bån sao cúa LÇnh sõ drlqc dán vào ngày bâu cfi tAi dia didm bâu phidu cho cuQc bâu cü. Ðo?n 4: Chú Tfch và Thtr Kf cúa HQi Ðông Khu Vr/c và Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC cùng cho phép và chl dfnh rång có thé thi hành nhiTng gì cân ttridt ¿é th{c hiÇn các <tiêu khán cúa LÇnh này. * * t< oozoL6702 * * {< ffiÌrÈffitrffisfü+{ÊË^ HËâ\ffiÃ.ryWrg#Éiôâ TEXASi'I'I $ HARR]Sãß HARRI $ SãIJ/( TXÊTHW&# E ffi 116 E $ mA, Harris ffitKt#ÊIBm&#Effi Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC l-r$#l ) É'IfrfrëH; 116 ÉfËAÊ.NffiäE E zot6 (TÍE lAEl ) tïæÉm Radcliffe +.5 F 7 EWftklËSlËæ (TÍE t))ß- $ffÄ' FffirgRm'fù&ÌL H Ffi& 2016 + 2 E te B T+ 'fËË^åH&rL B ffik't z0tø + 2 ñ 23 B T+ 5:00; D)&- 5:00 t:)&+Ëäå$TtrIË É jÊ mË, tF.tÈAgønZ Texas I{'lrËæl*ffi 2.052 l6,W*nfr, Radcliffe Bobbitt Polley PLLC ÉågD)#ffifl,,ÅJAAEËFÊ (TÍE tËgÊJ ) -ÉäEE, AÌ^ìË#ìä Hj:îtlÉpZ'fifrr$^+ffiÈÈ+SÍ+, þtJin, €fEl+rËffi'fùÉ'IräHt'läîlÉl:-FulÊjä^fr1r+ñ, A E Ë+ffi IuzÆ+lL*EÉ jË'fiÃrË^å Hñ ft \lt) ; D)ß. Adams mË, tPt,E glttÊZ ^ Texas /{{läæl*H 2.053l*frï/lnÈ., AEËSgãfÆÈffiffiþÈ SËf+'fËj$^Ëìs. frr.ÈL, HARRIS ffi II*,, A E ffizKtf_ÊrLffi&#ffiffi EËSÊfÃôâinT' 116 ËSÊÈffi DI T tr ÈÈ +,fË]gAË]SA E ËFÊâHÌ' Lessly Dean Griffith Robert l{. l{arner Jeff È ffi Ë r$ Ét €,fù'fËr$ Handojo l+FÃã2020 + æ lÍ ffi + ñàt#MÆ#RlrL" ^ - tf'il1ÊS 1g # & rt, El å ã E rl rS H 4{f ffi21*,, ÉAô+È.ffr HrsÉ'l€,fù'fËjg^Æ Æ zotø + 5 E T E&9J4r., ÌÍÆffift 1 0, 000 *rúIft ffi {È ã lt È gtrùHÌlt âgA E Ë# ÊÊ ÉHlX ;# #rtà ÈE Lk, 7Ãtâ WîÎ â, ^t*w}.Ê. rtâ ffi31#* t\ffiAglttÊZ Texas /l'häæl*ffi 2.053(Ðl*VIlñ,È., 1äæÆf DJqxlH" Él EtJ AÆ& j$Æ B 9FÃü¡tÆ È ælÍr$Æ É! å{E +ËHHË. ffi+ûtF., fntiâ?r; fr.t{.tÆA E ËSÊÈJtrfr fÌ # D)8. P o 1 I e y PL LC +X 4x 4f .lq'y,, g 11 Ðt D)H.'rffiA ñ + Z & rFl#irî " * 00202849 * * * Radcliffe Bobbitt A Adams CERTIFICATE REGARDING UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES Radcliffe Bobbitt Adams Polley PLLC, the Attomey and designated agent for Hanis County V/ater Control & Improvement District No. 116 (the "District") of Harris County, Texas and the authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared for the District's lll4ay 7,2016 Directors Election (the "Election"), does hereby certify that the candidates to be listed on the ballot for the Election are unopposed; for example, only one candidate's name will appear on the ballot for each open position and no candidate's name will be placed on an approved list of writein candidates for the office of director of the District. This certification is made pursuant to the requirements of Section2.052, Texas Election Code, as amended, to enable the Board of the District to adopt, in its discretion, the Order Declaring Each Unopposed Candidate Elected to Office under the provisions of Section 2.053, Texas Election Code, as amended. EXECUTED this wUurof March, 2016. R¡pclrppp Boesrrr Anevs PollBv PLLC By: for the District 0020r667 6