INCLUDE NETWORK Case study for OBS Reference Guidance Moroccan Women Integration and Improvement of their Literacy Needs in Leganés (Spain) ( Table 1 Appraisal Checklist Criteria Question Tick box Domain relevance Does the item cover languages and inclusion? Category relevance Does the item cover: X Theory Policy x Innovative Practices X Trends Timeliness Is the item relatively recent (i.e. produced after January 2000)? X Quality Is the item sufficiently well-written intelligible enough to summarise? and X Transferability Does the material provide transferable learning that is useful to INCLUDE members? X SCORE 5 Table 2 Coding Frame for Content Analysis Template compiled by: IN Item Name Item Category: Theory Policy Innovative Practices Trends Scope (local; regional; national; EU) Target groups and audience addressed Innovative Practices Type and Source ((e.g. book; article; website url) Local Date produced Project of Moroccan women integration and improvement of their literacy needs in Leganés (Spain) Text- Article 2009 Formal and informal Relevance Article describing a project for INCLUDE aiming at the integration of groups of practitioners; Moroccan women through language teachers, the language, culture and social mediators, democratic values inter-cultural learning implemented in mediators… Leganés (Spain). Final beneficiaries: immigrant Moroccan women. Summary (give a brief description of the content of the item) Project aiming at the integration of Moroccan women through the Spanish language, culture and democratic values learning, implemented in Leganés (Spain). Characteristic and activities of the project: - Language classes constitute the formal element of the project, and through them other activities are carried out: activities aiming at promoting exchange, Spanish culture and democratic values learning, activities at the spare time… - Addressing specifically Moroccan immigrant women. - Promoting the active participation of immigrant associations in its implementation. - Working with volunteers, some of them from Morocco. - Following concrete methodological principles, as affection; giving value and reinforcing each task; ability to listen; promoting the expression of women; not making moral judgements… Content Analysis Themes Construct Code/Descriptor/Example Language Language learning of Promover el aprendizaje de la themes covered immigrant Moroccan women Lengua Española como vehículo (e.g. indispensable para la integración. multilingualism; minority languages) Theoretical perspectives covered The Moroccan immigrant women have a different profile of women coming from other countries, with specific needs for integrating in the Spanish society. Social inclusion perspectives covered The project described at the article addresses the social inclusion of Moroccan women living in Leganés. Target groups addressed Immigrant Moroccan women living in Leganés. Implementation The project is implemented in 4 steps: 1. Starting situation: language classes 2. Diagnosis 3. Development and implementation Evaluation 4. Extention Good results of the continuous evaluations carried out. Project developed by the participation of wide range of different entities and profiles, such as volunteers, social entities and the Popular University. Different groups were created to implement the project due to the interest Moroccan women showed. Evidence on ‘what works’ (outcomes and impacts) Ser inmigrante y mujer supone un factor de riesgo de exclusión social. Y existe un tercer factor de riesgo cuando, además de ser inmigrante y mujer, se trata de mujeres inmigrantes marroquíes. La razón es que, además de las citadas, confluyen en ellas características culturales que las convierten en víctimas, no solo de la sociedad de acogida, sino de las asociadas a su condición cultural, que se agravan al situarse en un entorno nuevo donde sus características culturales y religiosas son minoría. Las características del colectivo de mujeres marroquíes ofrecían un perfil propio, bastante homogéneo, y que, precisamente por ello, cabía distinguirlas del resto de los usuarios del Programa de Lengua y Cultura Española. Esto nos obliga a plantear una oferta diferenciada, algo que ya estábamos haciendo, pero que, en el caso de las mujeres marroquíes, tenía una especial relevancia. Plantear una oferta diferenciada, algo que ya estábamos haciendo, pero que, en el caso de las mujeres marroquíes, tenía una especial relevancia. FASES DEL PROYECTO 1. Situación de partida: clases de idioma 2. Diagnóstico. 3. Desarrollo e implementación. Evaluación. 4. Extensión. En este punto cabe destacar que la evaluación es continua, ya que no tienen tiempo limitado. A continuación exponemos algunos de los resultados obtenidos: o Un aumento exponencial de la demanda. o Creación de dos asociaciones de mujeres marroquíes, o Aumento de la profundidad en los temas que se tratan en los grupos. o Actitud activa frente al entorno, o Alto nivel de satisfacción personal Desarrolla con la participación de un movimiento ciudadano compuesto por voluntarios, entidades sociales y la Universidad Popular Innovation Transferable learning (any good practices that can be transferred to INCLUDE) Se crearon grupos de entre 6 y 15 mujeres, a quienes se les ofrecía clases de enseñanza del español. Se organizaron clases en diferentes horarios que cuadraran con sus quehaceres diarios, a fin de hacer posible su asistencia, durante dos o tres días a la semana. La posibilidad de contar con monitoras voluntarias árabes que, junto con otra española, imparten clases de español y sirven de mediadoras en clases de mujeres árabes marroquíes, donde la monitora-mediadora ha aportado un plus de calidad en muchos aspectos. - Integration project addressing just Moroccan immigrant women. - Volunteer Moroccan women working in the project. - Project aiming at the integration of Moroccan women through the language, culture and democratic values Objetivos específicos: learning, but also aiming at 1. Cursos de enseñanza de la Lengua Española: other specific objectives. 2. Conseguir un clima de confianza 3. Favorecer una actitud positiva hacia el entorno próximo donde viven las mujeres 4. Ofrecer una formación a los monitores 5. Mejorar permanentemente la calidad de la enseñanza, 6. Crear espacios de reflexión, expresión y participación 7. Crear espacios de convivencia intercultural, y ofrecer información continua de los recursos municipales 8. Impulsar la implicación de las asociaciones de inmigrantes Project addressing Experiencia de alfabetización e integration of Moroccan integración de mujeres marroquíes women through the en Leganés. language, culture and Objetivos generales: democratic values of the 1. Promover el aprendizaje de la place of residence learning. Lengua Española como vehículo indispensable para la integración, así como ofrecer instrumentos que permitan a los nuevos vecinos conocer nociones culturales de la convivencia en nuestro país, y en concreto Leganés, para facilitar su participación en la vida social. 2. Ofrecer una formación sobre los valores democráticos básicos, como la igualdad de derechos y obligaciones, el respeto y la participación social, utilizando una metodología activa de animación sociocultural. Table 3 Summary Template Resource Name Resource Category Moroccan Women Integration and Improvement of their Literacy Needs in Leganés (Spain) Innovative Practice Resource Type Text- article Resource Location Resource Analysis • Benchmarking Description of the Resource Target audience Relevance for INCLUDE Resource applicability Learning transferability Domain: Moroccan immigrant women integration through Spanish language learning, culture and democratic values learning. • Category: Innovative practice. • Timeliness: 2009. • Quality: Good quality resource, clear and practical. • Language: Spanish. • Transferability: Relevant programme on the network’s field easily transferable. • Appraisal score: 5 Project aiming at the integration of Moroccan women through the Spanish language, culture and democratic values learning, implemented in Leganés Municipality (Spain). Characteristic of the project: Language classes constitute the formal element of the project, and through them other activities are carried out: activities aiming at promoting exchange, Spanish culture and democratic values learning, activities at the spare time… Addressing specifically Moroccan immigrant women. Promoting the active participation of immigrant associations in its implementation. Working with volunteers, some of them from Morocco. Formal and informal groups of practitioners; language teachers, social mediators, inter-cultural mediators… Final beneficiaries: immigrant Moroccan women. Article describing a project facing the integration problem of Moroccan women immigrants through the Spanish language, culture and democratic values learning. Good practice example of a project aiming the social integration of a specific and vulnerable group of immigrants; Moroccan women. Resource easily applicable, practical and useful. The information provided is clear, practical and useful for language provider institutions, language teachers, social and intercultural mediators and other kind of language practitioners working with immigrant women. It is an example, good practice, that faces the social integration problem of an specific group of immigrants; Moroccan immigrant women.