Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Universidad de Córdoba PLANIFICACIÓN DOCENTE NOMBRE DE LA ASIGNATURA ANGLO-AMERICAN CULTURE TITULACIÓN Maestro (Optativas y L.C.) CURSO ACADÉMICO 2009-2010 CURSO EN EL QUE SE IMPARTE 3º CARÁCTER TIPO DE ASIGNATURA NÚMERO DE CRÉDITOS Cuatrimestral CÓDIGO Teóricos 3 Prácticos 1.5 HORAS NO PRESENCIALES ÁREA/S DE CONOCIMIENTO Filología Inglesa DEPARTAMENTO/S RESPONSABLE/S Filologías Inglesa y Alemana PROFESORADO QUE LA IMPARTE Ana Luján Jiménez DESCRIPTORES SEGÚN B.O.E. Bases históricas, geográficas, económicas, culturales y sociales de la civilización extranjera correspondiente. OBJETIVOS DE LA ASIGNATURA The aim of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the most important aspects of the Culture and Civilization of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and The United States of America mainly, focusing on the basis of their past history that will help to understand better their present, therefore, the course will be principally devoted to the study and understanding of some countries cultures – Great Britain, The USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, etc – whose political, cultural, and historical evolution has been decisive in the establishment of the contemporary world. CONTENIDOS (programa teórico y práctico) 1. Introduction: The English-speaking World 2. Great Britain: Country and people, History, Geography 3. The USA: Country and people, History, Geography 4. Ireland 5. Canada 6. Australia 7. Language in Culture 7. Religions, beliefs, traditional life 8. Holidays and special occasions 9. The System of Government and Politics. METODOLOGÍA Once the topics are introduced, the students will be provided with textual material to deal with. They will be the basis to study in depth some aspects of the Anglo-American culture and civilization. Besides, the students will be supposed to participate orally through debates and discussions. ACTIVIDADES Y RECURSOS DIDÁCTICOS Bibliography, film broadcasting in V.O.S., debates, discussions, pair/group work. EVALUACIÓN - Students will have to write a ten page essay typed in English. - They are also expected to do an orally presentation on a topic related to the contents. - Both, the essay and the topic for the oral presentation will be previously discussed with the teacher. - The final exam will ask students to comment on texts, films and ideas that have been dealt during the lessons. - The final mark will be the average of the exam, the written essay and the student’s participation in class, included the orally presentation mentioned above. BIBLIOGRAFÍA BÁSICA RECOMENDADA - Bromhead, P. (1991) Life in Modern Britain. Harlow. Longman - Christopher, David, 1999, British Culture: An Introduction. London: Routledge. - Farrel, M. Et al. (1995) The World of English. Harlow. Longman. - Mackenzie, M.D. & Weswood (1993) Background to Britain. London. Macmillan - Morgan, K (ed.)(1988) The Oxford History of Britain. Oxford. O.U.P. - Murphy, R. (1997), The British Cinema Book. London:BFI. - O’Driscoll,J. (1995) Britain: The Country and its People. Oxford. O.U.P. - Oakland, J., (1989), British Civilization: An Introduction, 1996, London and New York: Routledge. - Room, A. (1990) An A to Z of British Life. Dictionary of Britain. Oxford. O.U.P. - Sieper, R (1993) The Student’s Companion to Britain: manual de historia, geografía, civilización y cultura de Gran Bretaña. Barcelona. Idiomas - Sheering,S. Seath, J. & White, G. (2002). Spotlight on Britain. O.U.P. - Falk, R.- (1993) Spotlight on the USA. O.U.P. - Dennis, A.- (2000). Spotlight on Australia. O.U.P. - Sauvé,V. & Sauvé, M. - Gateway to Canada. O.U.P. - Storry & Childs, 1997. British Cultural Identities, London and N.Y.: Routledge. TEMPORALIZACIÓN Weekly