Cantos para romper la piñata /Songs for Breaking the

Cantos para romper la piñata /Songs for Breaking the Piñata
Canción de la piñata / Piñata Song
Dale, dale, dale,
No pierdas el tino,
Porque si lo pierdes
Pierdes el camino
Hit, hit, hit,
Don't lose your aim,
Because if you lose it,
You'll lose the way.
Dale, dale, dale,
No pierdas el tino,
Mide la distancia
Que hay en el camino
Hit, hit, hit,
Don't lose your aim,
Measure the distance
That's on the way.
No quiero oro
No quiero plata
Yo lo que quiero
Es romper la piñata
I don't want gold,
I don't want silver,
What I want is
To break the piñata.
Echen confites
Y canelones
Pa' los muchachos
Que son muy tragones.
Throw candies
and mints
For the kids
Who are very greedy.
Ándale María
No te dilates
Con la canasta
De los cacahuates.
Come on, Mary,
Don't delay
With the basket
of peanuts.
Ándale Juana
No te dilates
Con la canasta
De los cacahuates.
Come on, Jane,
Don't delay
With the basket
of peanuts.
La piñata tiene caca,
Tiene caca,
Tiene caca,
Cacahuates de a montón.
The piñata has pea,
Peanuts by the ton!
Ya le diste uno,
Ya le diste dos,
Ya le diste tres
Y tu tiempo se acabó.
You've hit it once,
You've hit it twice,
You've hit it thrice,
Now your time is up.
Sheet Music