Guía Docente 2014-15 ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS I MATERIA: ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS I Identificador: 32253 Titulación: GRADUADO EN ADMINISTRACIÓN Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS Módulo: MÓDULO TRANSVERSAL Tipo: MATERIA BASICA Curso: 1 Periodo lectivo: Segundo Cuatrimestre Créditos: 6 Horas totales: 150 Actividades Presenciales: Trabajo Autónomo: 62 Idioma Principal: Inglés Idioma Secundario: Profesor: MONTOYA REYES, ANA (T) Correo electrónico: 88 Castellano [email protected] PRESENTATION: The objective of this class is to feel more comfortable using English in a business context with a clear focus on the four main study skills: 1). Reading 2). Writing 3). Listening and 4). Speaking. The students have already obtained a wealth of general business knowledge and they will be required to use these concepts to express ideas and debate topics in a class that will be taught exclusively in English. The students will be constantly encouraged to participate actively in every class in order to improve their speaking fluency, oral comprehension, reading and writing skills while at the same time eliminating insecurities and common mistakes. The majority of the classes will consist of brief lectures followed by practical exercises carried out as group or individual activities. There will also be times when the students are required to present to the class a well prepared project in the same way they would be required to do when they will work in a real business environment. Throughout this process they will also expand their business English vocabulary considerably. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES ACQUIRED IN THE SUBJECT: PRE-REQUISITES: Students enrolling on this course should preferably have a B1 level in English. Those students with a lower level should try their best to reach the required level, by enrolling in workshops and/or course provided by IML or through their own private study. Please consult your teacher during tutorial sessions on what you can do to improve your language skills. SUBJECT PROGRAMME: Subject contents: 1 - Introduction to Business 1.1 - The business of business FI-010 -1- Rev.003 Guía Docente 2014-15 ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS I 1.2 - Types of businesses 1.3 - Company Organization 1.4 - Company Structure 1.5 - Status within an organisation 2 - Marketing 2.1 - Introduction to Marketing 2.2 - Marketing strategy 2.3 - Brands and Products 2.4 - Public Relations 3 - Management and HR 3.1 - What is management? 3.2 - Work and motivation 3.3 - Recruitment and Job interviews 3.4 - Women in business 4 - Economics 4.1 - What is Economics? 4.2 - The economy 4.3 - Money 4.4 - External influences La planificación de la asignatura podrá verse modificada por motivos imprevistos (rendimiento del grupo, disponibilidad de recursos, modificaciones en el calendario académico, etc.) y por tanto no deberá considerarse como definitiva y cerrada. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODOLOGIES AND ACTIVITIES: Teaching and learning methodologies and activities applied: Classes are conducted exclusively in English. Students are expected to participate in class and in all class-related activities in English. Although this may be difficult for students at the beginning of the course, their linguistic competence will improve rapidly. Classes are practical and communicative. Many class activities will be conducted in pairs and groups in the format of information gaps, debates, project preparation, problem solving, simulations, presentations etc. This methodology enables maximum student participation and talking time in class. It also encourages cooperate learning and meaningful interaction between students and the development of professional competences. Tutorials During these sessions, students can ask questions, clarify concepts, and ask for additional bibliography either face to face or electronically. Some tutorial time will devoted to assistance with group work. Your lecturer will inform you about tutorial times. FI-010 -2- Rev.003 Guía Docente 2014-15 ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS I Independent Study Students are expected to complete all independent study tasks, which will be uploaded on the PDU every week. These tasks are suited to individual study and the development of reading, writing and listening skills and vocabulary extension. Students are required to upload their completed tasks on the PDU before the deadline. All tasks must be completed as they will be evaluated directly or indirectly (through participation, individual work or group work). It is therefore important that students check the PDU every week. Integration of English language in the subject: Due to its nature, this subject will be mainly taught in English. On occasions, Spanish will be used for purposes of clarification of doubts. Student work load: Modalidad organizativa Métodos de enseñanza Horas estimadas Actividades presenciales Clase magistral 10 Otras actividades teóricas 2 Casos prácticos 10 Resolución de prácticas, problemas, ejercicios etc. 10 Debates 5 Proyección de películas, documentales etc. 2 Talleres 12 Otras actividades prácticas 5 Actividades de evaluación 6 Estudio individual 10 Preparación de trabajos individuales 18 Preparación de trabajos en equipo 20 Realización de proyectos 10 Tareas de investigación y búsqueda de información 12 Lecturas obligatorias 10 Realización de pruebas escritas 6 Trabajo autónomo Otras actividades de trabajo autónomo 2 HORAS TOTALES: 150 ASSESSMENT SCHEME: Calculation of final mark: Pruebas escritas: Trabajos individuales: Trabajos en equipo: FI-010 -3- 25 % 25 % 15 % Rev.003 Guía Docente 2014-15 ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS I Prueba final: Tareas de auto-estudio: TOTAL 30 % 5% 100 % *Las observaciones específicas sobre el sistema de evaluación serán comunicadas por escrito a los alumnos al inicio de la materia. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND DOCUMENTATION: Basic bibliography: Cotton, Falvey, Kent. Intermediate Market Leader. Essex, England: Pearson Longman, 2012 Mackenzie, Ian. Professional English in Use. Cambridge: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2006 Walker, Carolyn. English For Business Studies. Reading, England: Garnet Publishing, 2008 Recommended bibliography: Recommended websites: BBC Business Inc. Magazine Business Week English learning website Entrepreneur Financial Times Merriam Webster-online Ted Talks Word reference-online dictionary FI-010 -4- Rev.003