CURRICULUM VITÆ Francisco Fernando del Río Sánchez

CURRICULUM VITÆ Francisco Fernando del Río Sánchez PERSONAL Departamento de Filología Semítica, Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Barcelona – Gran Vía 585 – 08007 Barcelona (Spain). [email protected] I. ADVANCED DEGREES 1999/04/22– Ph.D. Oriental Institute, Rome. “Los Tratados sobre la Quietud (shelya) de Dadisho Qatraya: Estudio, edición crítica y traducción” [The Treatises on Stillness (shelya) by Dadisho Qatraya: Study, Critical Edition and Translation]. 1995/06/10– B.A. Oriental Institute, Rome. 1993/06/30– M.A. (Licenciatura, 5 years). Semitic Philology, Complutense University, Madrid. II. ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 2003-­‐Currently– Associate professor (profesor titular, tenure position). Department of Semitics, University of Barcelona. 1998-­‐2003– Assistant professor (profesor asociado, non tenure position), Department of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, Complutense University, Madrid. Teaching graduate and postgraduate courses: Hebrew (Biblical and Medieval, all levels), Aramaic (Old, Biblical, Syriac, Jewish and Epigraphic, all levels), Hebrew Literature (General, Biblical, Rabbinic and Medieval), Aramaic influences on Arabic language. III. UNIVERSITY AND ACADEMIC SERVICE 2001 Collaboration as professor-­‐advisor of Arabic for the Government of Castilla la-­‐
Mancha (Spain). 2001 Collaboration as Scientific Advisor for the Spanish Ministry of Sciences. 2002/Currently– Member of the Editorial Board of Collectanea Christiana Orientalia. (CEDRAC, Beirut-­‐Córdoba Univ.). 2003/Currently– Member of the Editorial Board of Aula Orientalis (University of Barcelona). 2003-­‐2005 – Academic Secretary of the IPOA (Interuniversity Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Barcelona). 2006/Currently– Member of the Editorial Board of the Series Orientalia Montserratensia. 2007/Currently– Director (with J. Ferrer) of the Series Estudios de Filología Semítica, University of Barcelona – University of Girona. 1/8
2011/Currently – Academic Secretary of the IPOA (Interuniversity Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Barcelona). IV. LEARNED SOCIETIES 2002 Currently– Member of AEEHJ [Spanish Association of Hebrew and Jewish Studies]. 2002 Currently– LINGORIE (Old Oriental Linguistics Group, University of Barcelona). 2002 Currently– ARAMAICA (Complutense University, Madrid). 2004 Currently– International Group for Comparative Semitics (IGCS). 2006 Currently– Observatory of Tibet and Central Asia (University of Barcelona). 2012 Currently – Member of American Association for the Study of Middle East and Africa (ASMEA). V. RESEARCH Main lines of interest: 1 Mutual linguistic and literary influences between Syriac Aramaic and Arabic, 2) manuscripts in Syriac Aramaic, Arabic and Arabic Karšūnī, 3) linguistic study of Aramaic and Arabic. 1. Direction of Corporative Research Programs 2005-­‐2015– MANALEP Syriac and Arabic Mss. conserved in the Maronite Library and in the Salem Foundation of Aleppo (Syria): Catalogue and Study. Spanish Ministry of Sciences (I+D n. HUM2005-­‐0554/FILO and FFI2008-­‐04317/FILO). (Direction of a team with 5 researchers). 2. Collaboration in Corporative Research Programs 2012-­‐2014: MEDINA, Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of Inscriptions preserved in museums. Program ENPI-­‐CBC MED, European Union’s Mediterranean Crossborder Cooperation Programme (MEDINA I-­‐B/4.2/192.). University of Pisa, University of Yarmuk and University of Barcelona. (Direction of the Spanish team: 3 researchers). 1998-­‐2005–MANUMED, Manuscrits de la Méditerranée, sauvegarde et conservation préventive des manuscrits du Proche Orient Méditerranéen. Program MEDA (EMED/Euro-­‐Méditerranéen Heritage) of the European Union (n. ME8/B7-­‐
4100/1B/97/0353-­‐15). Spanish Team of 5 persons. FFRS participated in 5 missions at Aleppo, Syria. 2000-­‐2003– Manuscripts of Qumran and Textual Transmission. Spanish Ministry of Education (I+D n. BFF 2000-­‐0707). Team of 3 researchers. FFRS worked on Syriac versions of Kings I-­‐II. 2001-­‐2004– Textual Sources of Primitive Manichaeism. Spanish Ministry of Education (I+D n. BFF2000-­‐0401). Team of 7 researchers. FFRS translated the texts about Mani and the Manicheans conserved in Syriac. 2/8
2002-­‐2005– Studies on Old, Imperial and Middle Aramaic. Spanish Ministry of Sciences (I+D n. PB90.0052). Team of 7 researchers. FFRS published a book on Middle Aramaic Epigraphy destined to university students. 2002-­‐2005– Studies on phonologic and semantic congruence of the Semitic bi-­‐
consonantal roots. Spanish Ministry of Education (I+D n. BFF2001-­‐3769). Team of 6 researchers. FFRS analysed the corresponding Arabic and Aramaic roots. 2004-­‐2005– Catalogue of Oriental Mss. Collection of Montserrat Abbey. CSIC – University of Barcelona – Montserrat Abbey.Team of 4 researchers. FFRS catalogued the Syriac, Mandaic and Arabic Karshuni Mss. 2005-­‐Currently– Archaeological mission in Tell Amarina (Syria). University of Barcelona -­‐ Direction of Antiquities and Museums of Syrian Arab Republic. Team of 7 researchers. FFRS collaborates as interpreter of Arabic and epigraphist of Aramaic. VI. PUBLICATIONS 1. Books Authored 2001 -­‐ Los Tratados sobre la Quietud (shelya) de Dadisho Qatraya [The Treatises on Stillness (shelya) de Dadisho Qatraya], Aula Orientalis Supplementa 18, Barcelona: Ausa 2001. ISBN: 8488810555. 2006 -­‐ Textos epigráficos en arameo palmireno, hatreo y nabateo [Palmirene, Hatraean and Nabatean Aramaic epigraphic texts], Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona 2006. ISBN: 8493111856. 2008 -­‐ Manuscrits de la Fondation Georges et Mathilde Salem (Alep, Syrie) [Manuscrits of the Georges & Mathilde Salem Foundation (Aleppo, Syria)] Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. ISBN 9783895006289. 2008 -­‐ Manuscrits syriaques conservés dans la Bibliothèque des Maronites d’Alep (Syrie) [Syriac Manuscripts conserved in the Maronite Library of Aleppo (Syria)] Gorgias Press: Piscataway NJ. ISBN: 9781593339562. 2011 – Manuscrits en Arabe Karchouni conservés dans la Bibliothèque des Maronites d’Alep (Syrie) [Arabic-­‐Karshuni Manuscrits conserved in the Maronite Library of Aleppo (Syria)]. Gorgias Press: Piscataway NJ. ISBN: 9781611436679. 2012 – Catálogo de los manuscritos siríacos, árabes karshuni y copto-­‐árabes de Montserrat [Catalog of Syriac, Arabic-­‐Karshuni and Coptic-­‐Arabic mss. of Montserrat] CSIC/Publicacions de l’Abadía de Montserrat: Barcelona 2012 (with Amalia Zomeño). ISBN: 9788400095529. 2014 – Inventory of Arabic Manuscripts in the Maronite Library, Aleppo (Syria), Aleppo-­‐
Barcelona: al-­‐Matba'a al-­‐Maruniyya and University of Barcelona. ISBN: 9788447538928. 2014 (In print) – Nabatu: the Nabataeans according to their inscriptions, Barcelona-­‐
Milan-­‐Beirut-­‐Amman: Medina EU. 2. Articles in Journals and periodic publications 1998 – ”El diálogo entre el califa al-­‐Mahdi y Timoteo I” [The dialogue between the Caliph al-­‐Mahdi and Timotheos I], ILU 3 (1998), 229-­‐247. 3/8
1998 – “Piedras para el recuerdo. Un paseo por Toledo, leyendo algunas Inscripciones árabes” [Stones for the memory. A walk in Toledo reading some Arabic inscriptions], Tulaytula 3 (1998), 20-­‐29. 2000 – “Abraham de Natpar”, Studia Monastica 42 (2000), 54-­‐63. 2000 – “Tres memre de Abraham de Natpar: edición y traducción del Cod. Vat. Syr. 593 ff. 1b-­‐6b” [Three memre of Abraham of Natpar: Edition and translation of the Cod. Vat. Syr. 593, ff. 1b-­‐6b], Studia Monastica 42/2 (2000), 347-­‐377. 2001 – “La influencia del Islam en la argumentación teológica árabe cristiana” [Islamic influence in the Christian Arabic Theological Argumentation], Literatura árabe cristiana, M. Abumalham ed., ILU Add. 4 Madrid: Complutense 2001, 97-­‐107. 2001 “Un tratado siro-­‐oriental sobre la paz interior (Siglo VII d. C.)” [A East-­‐Syriac Treatise about the Inner Peace], Samâdhânam, Homenaje a Raimon Pannikar, M. Abumalham ed., ILU Add. 6, Madrid: Complutense 2001, 133-­‐142. 2003 – (With M. Forcano) “Algunos manuscritos arameo-­‐siríacos y árabes hallados en la biblioteca maronita de Alepo (Siria)” [Some Syriac-­‐Aramaic and Arabic Mss. of the Maronite Library of Aleppo (Syria)], Aula Orientalis 21 (2003), 5-­‐18. 2004 – “El diálogo entre Elías de Nísibe y el Visir ibn Ali al-­‐Magribi” [The dialogue between Elias of Nisibis and the Visir ibn Ali al-­‐Magribi], Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 1 (2004), 163-­‐183. 2004 – “La otra cara de la epigrafía hispanomusulmana en Toledo: algunas noticias sobre lecturas pintorescas, inscripciones inexistentes y falsificaciones” [The other side of the Islamic Epigraphy at Toledo: notices about picturesque readings, inexistent inscriptions and falsifications], Tulaytula 11 (2004), 87-­‐94. 2005 – “Noticia sobre los manuscritos en karshuni pertenecientes al Fondo Oriental de la biblioteca del Monasterio de Montserrat” [Notice about the Karshuni Mss. Conserved in the Montserrat Abbey Library -­‐ Oriental Collection], Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 2 (2005), 275-­‐287. 2006 – “Diglosia en Arameo Antiguo” [Diglossia in Old Aramaic], Aula Orientalis-­‐
Supplementa 22 (2006) (Shapal tibnim mû illakû, A. Millet et. Al., eds), 173-­‐181. 2006 — “La tumba de George Smith en Alepo” [The tomb of George Smith at Aleppo] Aula Orientalis 24/1 (2006), 275-­‐276. 2007 — “El estudio del arameo siríaco en una comunidad arabizada: Códices gramaticales y lexicográficos hallados en la biblioteca maronita de Alepo” [The study of Syriac Aramaic in an arabized community. Gramatical and Lexical Mss. of the Maronite Library at Aleppo] Aula Orientalis 25 (2007). 2008 – “Dadisho du Qatar et la Quiétude”, Études Syriaques 8 (Alain Desreumaux, ed.) París: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geulthner 2011, 87-­‐98. 2012 – “La inscripción en Judeo-­‐Árabe de la Mezquita de las Serpientes de Alepo” [A Judeo-­‐Arabic inscription in the Mosque of the Snakes of Aleppo], MEAH Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 61 (2012), 151-­‐157. 2013 – "Arabic Karshuni: An attempt to preserve Maronite identity. The case of Aleppo", Levantine Review 2/1 (2013), 3-­‐11. 2013 – "The current Syrian popular view of the Jews", Levantine Review 2/2 (2013), 108-­‐
118 (with Alejandra Álvarez). 2014 (in print) – "Místicas españolas del Siglo de Oro en el Imperio Otomano: Siete manuscritos árabes hallados en Alepo (Siria)" [Mystical women of the Spanish 4/8
Golden Age in the Ottoman Empire: 7 manuscripts found in Aleppo (Syria)]. Hipogrifo. Revista de Literatura y Cultura del Siglo de Oro 3.1 (2015). 2014 (in print) – "The rejection of Muhammad’s message by Jews and Christians and its effect on Islamic theological argumentation". The Journal of the Middle East and Africa. 3. Chapters in Collective Volumes 2005 – “El árabe karshuni” [The Arabic-­‐ Karshuni], Lenguas en contacto: el testimonio escrito, S. Torallas et Al., eds., Manuales y Anejos de Emérita XLVI, Madrid: CSIC 2005, pp. 185-­‐196. ISBN: 8400082818. 2006 – “The Aramaean speakers of Iraq in the Arabic sources”, Eastern Crossroads. Essays on Medieval Christian Legacies, JP. Monferrer, Gorgias Précis Portfolios 2, Piscataway NJ: Gorgias 2006. ISBN: 9781593336103. 2008 —“Efrén de Nísibe: citas sobre los maniqueos”, “Severo de Antioquía”, “Teodoro bar Koni” [Ephrem of Nisibis: quotations about the Manichaeans/ Severe of Antioche /Theodorus bar Koni], El Maniqueísmo, textos y fuentes, A. Piñero et Al. eds., Madrid: Trotta 2008, 262-­‐292. ISBN: 9788481649901. 2009 – (With J. J. Alarcón) “El Apocalipsis siríaco de Baruc” [The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch], Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento VI. A. Díez Macho +, A. Piñero eds., Madrid: Cristiandad 2009. ISBN: 9788470575426. 2009 “Dadisho del Qatar” [Dadisho of Qatar] La grande stagione Della mistica Siro-­‐
Orientale (VI-­‐VIII secolo), Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana 2009: 139-­‐152.
2010 – "Arameo" [Aramaic], Lenguas y Culturas en la Antigüedad, JP Monferrer ed., Córdoba: UN-­‐AECI 2010, 223-­‐252. 2013 – "The study of Syriac in an Arabized community: the Maronites of Aleppo", Cultures in Contact: Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context. Selected Papers. Edited by Sofía Torallas Tovar & Juan Pedro Monferrer-­‐Sala, Córdoba-­‐
Beirut: CNERU-­‐CEDRAC 2013, pp. 237-­‐242. 2013 – "Influences of Aramaic on Dialectal Arabic", Archaism and Innovation in the Semitic Languages (JP Monferrer, W. Watson eds.), Durham-­‐Córdoba: CNERU-­‐DTR, 129-­‐136. 2014 – "El posible origen arameo de los términos árabes con sufijo -­‐ūt" [The possible Aramaic origin of the Arabic names with suffix -­‐ūt]. Vivir de tal suerte. Homenaje al Dr. Juan Antonio Souto Lasala (M. Meouak, C. de la Puente, eds.), Durham-­‐
Córdoba: CNERU-­‐DTR, 379-­‐394. (In print) “Los judíos de Alepo en la Enciclopedia de Muhammad Khayr ad-­‐Din al-­‐Asadi” [The Jews of Aleppo in the Encyclopaedia of Muhammad Khayr ad-­‐Din al-­‐Asadi], Homenaje a Luís Díez Merino. 4. Translations 2000 – (Syriac) T. C. Oden, M. Merino, eds., La Biblia comentada por los Padres de la Iglesia (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture), vols. 1-­‐10, 16, Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2000-­‐2007. 5/8
2004 – (Arabic) (with Abderrahim ash-­‐Shafi): Jabbar Yassin, El lector de Bagdad ( ‫ﺍاﻟﻘﺎﺭرﺉئ‬
‫)ﺍاﻟﺒﻐﺪﺍاﺩدﻱي‬, Madrid: Siruela 2004 -­‐ Madrid: Punto de Lectura 2006. ISBN: 8478448055 y 8466368337. 2004 – (English): A. Baring-­‐Jules Cashford, El mito de la Diosa (The mith of the Goddess). Madrid: Siruela 2004. ISBN: 8478447326. 2007 – (Italian): F. d’Agostino, Gilgamesh, la conquista de la inmortalidad, Madrid: Trotta 2007. ISBN: 9788481649383. 5. Reviews 1998 – M. Albert et Al., Christianismes Orientaux. Introduction a l'Étude des Langues et des Littératures, Les Éditions du Cerf: Paris 1993. ILU 3 (1998), 347-­‐348. 1999 – F. Díaz Esteban, Bataliús II: Nuevos estudios sobre el reino taifa de Badajoz, Letrúmeno: Madrid 1999. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes 10 (1999), 155-­‐156. 2000 – M. de Epalza, Jesús entre judíos, cristianos y musulmanes hispanos, Univ. De Granada: Granada 1999. ILU 5 (2000), 280-­‐281. 2004 – I. Ramelli, Il Chronicon di Arbela. Presentazione, traduzione e note essenziali, Univ. Complutense: Madrid 2002. Collectanea Christiana Orientalia I (2004), 414-­‐416. 2004 – F. Briquel-­‐Chatonnet, M. Debié, A. Desreumaux (eds.), Les inscriptions Syriaques, Études Syriaques I, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner: París 2004. Aula Orientalis 22 (2004), 315-­‐317. 2006 – M. Moriggi, La lingua delle coppe magiche siriache. (Quaderni di Semitistica 21: Univ. of Firenze 2004. Aula Orientalis 24/1 (2006), 152-­‐155. 2008 – I. Ramelli, Atti di Mar Mari, Testi del Vicino Oriente Antico, Paideia Editrice: Brescia 2008. Aula Orientalis 26 (2008), 303-­‐305. 2011 – J. P. Monferrer Sala, Escrituras de Arabia. Introducción a los sistemas alfabéticos de las lenguas semíticas, Universitat de Girona 2008. Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 8 (2011). 2011 – E. Lipińsky, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics III. Ma'lana, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 200, Leuven-­‐París-­‐Walpole, MA: Uitgeverij Peeters 2010. Aula Orientalis 29 (2011) 318-­‐320. 6. Others 2004 – Diccionario básico castellano-­‐árabe [A Basic Dictionary Spanish-­‐Arabic destined to Arab children], Albacete: Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-­‐La Mancha Dirección General de Igualdad y Calidad en la Educación 2004. ISBN: 8477883157. VII. PAPERS DELIVERED AT PEER-­‐REVIEWED CONFERENCES AND INVITED LECTURES 1999 -­‐ La influencia musulmana en la teología cristiana [Islamic influences in the Christian Theology] International Seminary on Religion and Texts: The Christian Arabic Literature. Madrid. 2002 – Las traducciones siríacas del griego y su influencia en la ciencia árabe [The Syriac translations of Greek and their influence in the Arabic Sciences], at the Department of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies of the Complutense Univ. 6/8
2003 – El árabe Karšūnī como preservación de la identidad siríaca [The Arabic Karšūnī, preservation of Syriac Identity], I Congress on Contact Languages, CSIC, Madrid. 2004 – Traducciones arameas del Griego [Aramaic translations of Greek], Spanish Asoc. of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Girona. 2004 – Member of the Organization Committee, First International Symposium of Comparative Semitics. Barcelona. 2005 – The Aramaean speakers of Iraq in the Arabic sources. 1st Congress on Eastern Christianity. Córdoba. 2005 – Aramaic influence in the Pre-­‐Islamic Arab culture, at the Foundation Al-­‐Babteyn (Kuwait)-­‐Córdoba Univ. 2006 – La figura di Dadisho Qatraya. V Incontro Siriaco. Milano. 2006 -­‐ Diglosia en arameo antiguo [Diglossia in Old Aramaic] Spanish Association of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Ávila. 2006 – Manuscritos arameos en Oriente Medio (Siria, Líbano e Irak). Nuevas perspectivas de trabajo [Aramaic Mss, in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. New perspectives of work], Univ. of Salamanca. 2007 – Influence of the Arabic language on Spanish (in Arabic), 4th International Congress on Arabic Language and Culture. Aleppo. 2010 – Dadisho of Qatar and the Stillness. CNRS Paris (November). 2010 – The Study of Syriac inside an Arabized Community. Congress on East Christian Studies. Córdoba (December). 2011 – Daniel in Aramaic (CILENGUA, San Millán de la Cogolla, May 29). 2011 – Arabic and Hebrew books in the European Tradition. CODEX, International Conference (Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona February 7-­‐11). 2011 – Los judíos de Alepo en la Mawsu’a de Muhammad Khayr ad-­‐Din al-­‐Asadi [The Jews of Aleppo in the Mawsu'a of M. Khayr ad-­‐Din al Asadi]. EOS700 (Universidad de Salamanca, September 28-­‐30). 2012 – The influence of Aramaic on colloquial Levantine Arabic. Vth Congress of the International Association for Comparative Semitics (IACS), The classification of Semitic Languages, Archaism and Innovation. Córdoba June 6. 2012 – The Arabic Karshuni, an attempt to preserve the Maronite identity. The case of Aleppo (Syria), V Congress of ASMEA (American Association for the Study of Middle East and Africa), Washington D.C., October 10-­‐13. 2013 – The current Syrian popular view of the Jews, VI Congress of ASMEA (American Association for the Study of Middle East and Africa), Washington D.C., November 20-­‐24. 2014 – The rejection of Muhammad’s message by Jews and Christians and its effect on Islamic theological argumentation. VII Congress of ASMEA (American Assoc. for the Study of Middle East and Africa), Washington D.C., October 29 -­‐ November 2. VIII. GRANTS AND AWARDS 2005 – Collective Award “Monturiol” to the scientific research (Govern of Catalunya, Spain). Old Oriental Linguistics Group, University of Barcelona. 2005 – Grant for the study of the Syriac, Karshuni and Arabic Mss. of the Salem Foundation and Maronite Library of Aleppo. Spanish Ministery of Culture. 7/8
2009 – Grant for the study of the Syriac, Karshuni and Arabic Mss. of the Salem Foundation and Maronite Library of Aleppo (II). Spanish Ministery of Culture. 2011 – Grant for the study of the Syriac, Karshuni and Arabic Mss. of the Salem Foundation and Maronite Library of Aleppo (III). Spanish Ministery of Culture. 2014 – Research Grant, American Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa. 2014 – Best Conference Paper Award in the Middle East category. American Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa. 8/8