Clase de Inteligencia Artificial

Clase de Inteligencia Artificial:
Tarea de Representación del Conocimiento
Luis A. Pineda Cortés, IIMAS, UNAM
Gibran Fuentes Pineda, IIMAS, UNAM
Febrero 20, 2013
Leer y exponer en clase los siguientes artı́culos.
1. The Knowledge Level. Allen Newell. AI Magazine, 1981. (Darı́o)
2. Epistemological Problems of Artificial Intelligence. John McCarthy. Proc. IJCAI-77, 1038–
1044, 1977. (Alejandro)
3. A Fundamental Tradeoff in Knowledge Representation. and Reasoning. Hector J. Levesque y
Ronald J. Brachman. Proc. CSCSI-84, 141–152, 1984. (Eduardo)
4. Some problems and non-problems in representation theory. Patrick Hayes. Proc. AISB Summer
Conference, 63-79, 1974. (Jonathan)
5. Prologue to Reflection and Semantics in a Procedural Language”. Brian C. Smith. Ph.D.
Dissertation and Tech. Report MIT/LCS/TR-272, MIT, 1982. (Jeese)
6. From Micro-Worlds to Knowledge Representation: AI at an Impasse. Hubert L. Dreyfus. Mind
Design, 161–204, 1981. (Samuel)
7. Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry: Symbols and Search. Allen Newell y Herbert A.
Simon. Communications of the ACM, volumen 19, número 3, 113–126, 1976. (Todos)
8. The Role of Logic in Knowledge Representation and Commonsense Reasoning. Robert C.
Moore. Proc. AAAI-82, 428–433, 1982. (Todos)
Fechas de exposiciones:
Febrero 27: Artı́culos 1–3
Marzo 6: Artı́culos 4–8