SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 4.8 RESEARCH PROJECTS - SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE ACADEMICS 2008 – 2015 Research Projects in School of Architecture since Previous Visit. MAIN RESEARCHER Sergio Vera TEAM Waldo Bustamante Sandra Iturriaga del Campo FINANCING YEARS NOMBRE PROYECTO Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2015-2018 Modelling heat and mass transfer through green roofs and living walls for the assessment of their influence on the energy consumption of industrial buildings in semiarid climates. Fondart Regional - Línea Conservación y Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural 2015 Visual guide of the rail landscape heritage: International Road Lebu-Lonquimay Germán Hidalgo José Rosas / Wren Strabucchi / Catalina Valdés Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2015-2018 Santiago 1850: the capital before its modernization. The urban look of astronomical naval expedition of James Melville Gilliss Rodrigo Booth (UCH) Fernando Pérez / Claudio Vásquez Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2015-2017 The good thing is eternal. A cultural history of the emergence of reinforced concrete and its impact on the architecture and engineering in Chile, 1891-1939 - Hugo Mondragón Pedro Alonso / Macarena Cortés / Umberto Bonomo / Thaise Gambarra / Humberto Lameda Fondart Nacional línea Investigación 2015-2016 The discourse of contemporary Chilean architecture. Four key speeches Romy Hecht Concurso PUENTE Vicerrectoría de iInvestigación UC 2015-2016 Landscape Architecture and City Project: Strategy and Management in Santiago, 1851-1941. Fernando Pérez Elvira Pérez Dirección de Pastoral y Cultura Cristiana Vicerrectorái de Investigación UC 2015-2016 Jeannete Plaut Fondart Nacional - Apoyo a Organizaciones Culturales Modalidad Festivales y Certámenes 2015-2015 YAP_CONSTRUCTO / MoMA Jeannete Plaut Fondart Nacional - Línea De Fomento Para La Difusión Y El Mercado De Las Artes Difusión 2015-2015 Exhibition: Chile in the MoMA / MAXXI / Istanbul Modern / MMCA Concurso para el Apoyo de Proyectos de Investigación en Madera del Centro de Innovación en Madera 2015-2015 Height Average buildings in lumber. Methods for classification and optimization of the use of wood in construction Marcelo Sarovic Marcelo Sarovic Arturo Lyon The Jesuits and the Territory José Quintanilla Concurso de Creación y Cultura Artística Vicerrectoría de Investigación UC 2015-2015 In areas of minimal traces: the case of Open City Cemetery, Ritoque (Region of Valparaiso, Chile) Fernando Portal Fondart Nacional Investigación 2015- INTEC, Design & Development in Chile, 1970 - 1973 Margarita Greene Concurso‘Propuestas para Chile’ Políticas Públicas UC 2015- Residencial densification and social integration around mass transit stations Waldo Bustamante Claudio Vásquez / Felipe Encinas / Sergio Vera Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2014-2018 Model for architectural design of complex systems glass facades optimized for light and energy Margarita Greene Pablo Contrucci / Juan de Dios Ortúzar / Rodrigo Mora Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2014-2017 Densification and social integration around subway stations José Rosas Wren Strabucchi / Germán Hidalgo / Pedro Bannen Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2014-2017 Santiago 1939. The idea of the modern city of Karl Brunner and the official plan of urbanization of Santiago in its 50 years of existence. Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2014-2016 Understanding perception of qualitative attributes in urban space and its effects on user behavior: a mathematical modeling framework Ricardo Hurtubia José Quintanilla Wren Strabucchi / Germán Hidalgo FONDEDOC - Vicerrectoría Académica UC 2014-2015 The experience of the initial workshop at UC EARQ: "reflexive project elemental" Romy Hecht María Paulina Fernández Fondo de Investigación Interdisciplinaria – Vicerrectoría de Investigación UC 2014-2015 The vegetal heritage of Quinta Normal of Agricultura, 1851 vs 2014 Genaro Cuadros (UDP) Francisco Letelier / Walter Imilán / Roberto Moris / Luis Eduardo Bresciani Columbia–Chile Fund de Columbia Global Center Santiago y Programa Alianzas Globales de Excelencia de CONICYT 2014-2015 Learning From 27F: A comparative assessment of urban reconstruction processes after the 2010 earthquake In Chile Macarena Cortés Alejandro Crispiani / Patricio Mardones / Carolina Valenzuela / Daniel Berczeeller / Consuelo Saavedra Fondo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura - Línea de Mercado para las artes Apoyo a las Ediciones 2014 Tourism and modern architecture in Chile: the construction of tourist destinations and means of propaganda, 1930-1960 Orlando Vigouroux Alejandro Durán Programa Acelerador UC MECESUP Ministerio de Educación 2014 [App Tablet & Smartphone] Digital educational instrument for diagnosis and cadaster of structural damage during post seismic emergency Wren Strabucchi Germán Hidalgo / Pedro Bannen / Magdalena Vicuña / Christian Saavedra 2014 The official plan of urbanization of Santiago of 1939 and the modern city designed by the engineerarchitect Karl Brunner. Horacio Torrent Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2014 - 2017 The architecture of the big city, Chile 1930-1970 Pedro Alonso Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2013-2017 The space seen from Chile: episodes of the Cold War in the scientific and technological culture of Stargazing (1955-1969). Felipe Encinas Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2013-2017 Analysis and positioning of the attributes of energy efficiency and sustainability in the residential real estate market of Santiago How does it really matter to users and developers? Hugo Mondragón Umberto Bonomo / Macarena Cortés / Emanuel Giannotti / Juan Carlos Aguilera / Gabriel Rodríguez / Ricardo Daza Programa de Cooperación Científica Internacional CONICYT 2013-2015 International Cooperation Project. The research of the architectural project. Disciplinar installation of contemporary debate in Colombia and Chile Elke Schlack Rocío Hidalgo / María Elena Ducci Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2013-2015 Public and private in the production of vital public spaces. Co-production of urban spaces in Santiago de Chile Claudio Vásquez Felipe Encinas Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2013-2015 Defining the baseline energy consumption and functioning of the internal environment in office buildings Santiago Carolina Salinas Fondo de Investigación Interdisciplinaria – Vicerrectoría de Investigación UC 2013-2015 Neighborhood improvement and establishment of immediate families: factibilización interdisciplinary study of a proposed public policy at a local scale Pablo Brugnoli / Andrea Lathrop Modalidad Circulación Línea Fomento del Mercado para las Artes - FONDART Nacional. Apoyo DIRIP y MARQ 2013-2015 Clip / Stamp / Fold. Photo exhibition of architectural culture in Chile 2013-2014 Study on mapping, photographs, slides and posters of Special Collections of Design Archives and the Documentary Fund Larrea-Albornoz Original File SLGM, to nomographic book publishing and exhibition Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, 2014 Rodrigo Tapia Fernando Portal Pedro Alonso Hugo Palmarola Dirección de Investigación y Postgrado FADEU UC Margarita Greene Rocío Hidalgo / Rosanna Forray / Ricardo Giesen / Juan Carlos Herrera / Juan Carlos Muñon / Ignacia Torres / Carola Zurob / José Allard Fondo de Investigación Interdisciplinaria – Vicerrectoría de Investigación UC 2013-2014 Transshipment and Rides: a challenge to the user, an opportunity for the city Oriette Sandoval Eugenio Garcés / Franz Kroeger Fondart Regional - Línea Conservación y Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural 2013-2014 Patrimonial Guide, The Mineral Route Alejandro Crispiani Tomás Errázuriz Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2012-2015 Public space / private space. Destruction and setting of everyday limits in the experience of postearthquake living Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2012-2015 Testing and numerical modelling of the in-plane cyclic behaviour of reinforced masonry walls. Umberto Bonomo Trinidad Borquez / Natalia Alvarado / Giselle Cabello / Javiera Godoy Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2012-2014 Architecture and Housing Policy: thirteen economic housing projects and the construction of the metropolis. Santiago 1948-1973 Rodrigo Garcia Alvarado (UBB) Waldo Bustamante Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2012-2014 Evaluation of environmental simulation models in housing south-central Chile. Rocío Hidalgo Juan Carlos Muñoz / Juan Carlos Herrera Fondos MISTI MIT-PUC 2012 2012-2013 Designing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Corridors Sergio Vera (ING UC) Jorge Gironas / Waldo Bustamante / Carlos Bonilla I+D Aplicada (Línea 2) Corfo Innova 2012-2013 Integrated solutions of sustainable green roofs for commercial-industrial buildings in semi-arid climates of Chile Khaled Saleh Pascha Waldo Bustamante / Claudio Vásquez / Francisco Chateau / Cristián Bartlau I+D Aplicada (Línea 1) Corfo Innova 2012-2013 Design and application of composite structural elements based on glass and wood for building construction Horacio Torrent Fernando Pérez / Macarena Cortés / Claudia Costa Cabral / Carlos Dias / Edson da Cunha Mercosul y Redes Internacionales CONICYT 2012-2013 Architectural publications and the draft of modern tradition. Brazil and Chile 1925-1985 Horacio Torrent Macarena Cortés / Natalia Moreno / Fernando Pérez / Juan Camilo Pardo Fondart Nacional de Investigación 2012-2013 Chilean modern heritage valuation and preservation Cristian Sandoval José Rosas Elvira Pérez Dirección de Pastoral y Cultura Cristiana Vicerrectorái de Investigación UC Sandra Iturriaga del Campo Juan Baixas / Francisco Quintana / Paula Ibieta / Francisco Croxato / Armando Caroca Fondo para proyectos de inversión medioambiental y social relacionados con las franjas de canales administrados por la Sociedad del Canal del Maipo 2011- 2014 2011-2015 Mapocho 42 K Waldo Bustamante Claudio Vásquez / Sergio Vera / Alejandro Prieto / Rafaela Behrens Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2011-2014 Evaluation of Different Types of Glazing and Shading Systems for Improving Energy Performance and Occupant's Visual Comfort of Offices in Central Chile Margarita Greene Catalina Cortese / José Reyes Comunidad Europea Programa Alfa 2011-2014 ADU_2020: The restructuring of Higher Education for the 21st century in the Expanded Field of Architecture, Design and Urbanism Fernando Pérez Eugenio Garcés / Macarena Ibarra / José Rosas / Claudio Labarca Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2011-2014 One city, two cathedrals. Changes in the cathedral of Santiago and the process of urban modernization of the late colonial period: 1730-1800 Romy Hecht Dominique Bruneau / Francisca Salas Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2011-2014 Urbanism from Landscape: Urban Reading of 12 Parts in Process. Santiago, 1910 vs 2010. Horacio Torrent Hugo Mondragón / Andrés Tellez / Romy Hecht / Macarena Cortés / Magdalena Undurraga Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2011-2014 Urban experiences, transformations, plans and projects: representations in periodical publications, 1930-1960 José Rosas German Hidalgo / Wren Strabucchi / Magdalena Vicuña Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2011-2013 Santiago 1890: the street as support and transition to modernity. Transcription and planimetric mounting of Alexander Bertrands land María Elena Ducci Alicia Razeto / Margarita Quezada / Javiera Roa Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2011-2013 Resilience and local development: facing the natural disaster Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2011-2013 The construction of national: the presence of architecture in magazines and guides, 1930-1962 Concurso Propuestas para Chile - Centro de Politicas Públicas UC 2011-2012 Greenways integrated courses in metropolitan water system Macarena Cortés Sandra Iturriaga del Campo Sebastián Seisdedos / José Molina 2012-2013 The Church in the City: Santiago, Chile, the City of Convents and its transformation into a city of buildings and public facilities. UC 2011-2012 Church and Territory: Towards an understanding of the Urban and Pastoral meaning and Scope of a limit conflict in the Joint Cathedral - Arzobilpal Santiago (1847 -1928) Rosanna Forray Eduardo Arellano / María Picon / Ignacio Fernández / Fernanda Ruiz / Etienne Le Franc / Antonio Besa Concurso Propuestas para Chile - Centro de Politicas Públicas UC 2011-2012 Integration plan of the island hills to the green areas system of Santiago Rodrigo Tapia Carolina Salinas / Consuelo Araos / Luz María Vergara / Catalina Mekis / Salvador Garrido Concurso Propuestas para Chile - Centro de Politicas Públicas UC 2011-2012 Family Condos: an alternative solution for residential for families at 9 × 18 lots types- Margarita Greene Rodrigo Mora / John Zacharias Canada – Latin America – Caribbean Awards (CLACA) 2011-2012 Urban renewal of city centres: a comparative study between Canadian and Chilean cities Eugenio Garcés Sebastián Seidedos / José Quintanilla / Danilo Martic / Rocío Hidalgo /Rosanna Forray / Luis Eduardo Bresciani 2011-2012 Infrastructure and territory: MERCOSUR-Chile Alejandro Crispiani Claudio Vásquez / Francisco Pardo / Francisco Díaz Concurso de Creación y Cultura Artística Vicerrectoría de Investigación UC 2011-2011 Materials for the reconstruction of Curepto VRI. Creación y Cultura artística 2010 -2011 Santiago as agricultural valley 1908-1912: Idea of landscape mapping Fernando Pérez Romy Hecht Juan Cmilo Pardo Fondart 2010 Proposal to develop interventional instructions for the patrimonial area "zona típica" in the municipality of Santiago bounded by San Ignacio, Matta-Viel and Rondizzoni streets sector Alejandro Crispiani VRI. Creación y Cultura artística 2010-2011 Evaluation of different types of glazing and shading systems for improving energy performance and occupant's visual comfort of offices in Central Chile Capital Humano Avanzado. Inserción de Investigación 2010-2013 Urban Heritage: Challenges for the XXI century city. Santiago between 1870 and 1970 Fernando Pérez Fernando Pérez (patrocinador), Macarena Ibarra, Umberto Bonomo Pedro Alonso FONDEDOC UC, Empresas Atika y SQM y "The Prince Claus Fund Award" (Rotterdam) 2010-2011 Innovation, Internationalization and Entrepreneurship: Integrated Design and Sustainability in the Atacama Desert Claudio Vásquez Fondecyt de Iniciación CONICYT 2010-2012 Information Base for the design of efficient transparent facades in Santiago Pedro Alonso Canadian Center for Architecture 2010-2012 The Soviet KPD System and the Politics of Assemblage, 1968- 1978 Vicerrectoría de Investigación UC 2010-2011 Santiago as agricultural valley 1908-1912: landscape mapping idea 2010-2014 Consolidation of vulnerable neighborhoods. A sociospatial perspective Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT 2009-2011 Architectural magazines: details about his relations field Corfo Innova 2009-2011 Development of Special Interest Tourism. Cultural routes in Tierra del Fuego 2008-2011 Santiago 1910. Planimetric construction of the postmodern city. Transcripts from the phenomenon of the physical city and the given represented city represented 2008 - 2011 Sustainability in the urban project: new initiatives and local implementation Romy Hecht Germán Hidalgo / Wren Strabucchi Felipe Link / Juan de Dios Ortúzar / Rodrigo Mora / Antonieta Ponce de Leon / José Reyes / Margarita Greene Eliana Heskia / Pablo Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT Fuentes / Alfred Klapp / Emilio Berrios / Cristhian Figueroa / Pablo López / Carlos Rothmann / Rodrigo Horacio Torrent Hugo Mondragón / Andrés Téllez / Romy Hecht Eugenio Garcés José Rosas Rosanna Forray Germpan Hidalgo / Ítalo Cordano / Wren Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT Strabucchi Jonathan Barton / Luis Valenzuela Fondecyt Regular - CONICYT