southern European and Asiatic species is best regarded as an undivided poly­ morphic taxon. POLYGALACEAE Poly gala monspeliaca L. Voucher: Provincia de Jaén: Sierra de Cazorla, El Chorro; N. 0377. 2« = 38. This is a confirmation of the exact chromosome number for this Medi­ terranean species, previously reported as 2n = c. 38 by GLENDINNING (1960). AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex aquifolium L. Voucher: Provincia de Teruel: Sierra de Albarracín, Casa Forestal; N. 0431. 2n = 40. This is the same number as reported by some previous authors for this southern and western European and western Asiatic tree. BUXACEAE Buxus sempervirens L. Vouchers: Provincia de Jaén: Valley of Río Borosa; N. 078. Provincia de Teruel: Sierra de Albarracín, Cerro de San Felipe; N. 0438. 2n = 28. This is a confirmation from natural populations of the tetraploid chromo­ some number previously reported for garden material of this southwest European and west Asiatic species, which was studied by SIMONET & MIEDZYRZECKI (1932). MALVACEAE La vat era crética L Voucher: Provincia de Jaén: Sierra de Cazorla, Quesada; N. 0328. 2n = 126.