Comercio de huevos de tortuga en Ostional es legal, racional y sostenible Una cadena de correos electrónicos circula en Internet con información falsa sobre el Proyecto de Aprovechamiento y Conservación de los huevos de tortuga Lora (Lepidochelys olivacea) en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Ostional, Guanacaste. Son 12 fotografías de la recolección legal de ese recurso acompañadas por un texto que la califica de “robo” y de “vergüenza mundial”. El Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) aclara a la opinión pública que las imágenes más bien corresponden a un modelo ejemplar de desarrollo sostenible en la comunidad de Ostional, avalado desde 1990 por el decreto ejecutivo N° 28203-MINAE-MAG, por la Ley N° 8325 de Protección, Conservación y Recuperación de las Poblaciones de Tortugas Marinas del 28 de noviembre del 2002 y por la Ley Nº 8436 de Pesca y Acuicultura del 25 de abril del 2005. El plan de aprovechamiento legal y racional del recurso –lejos de ser una vergüenza- es un orgullo para el país y ha sido aplaudido y reconocido por científicos nacionales e internacionales. En el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Ostional se concentran hasta 200.000 tortugas Lora durante la época lluviosa y 15.000 en la época seca. Durante sus arribadas las tortugas desovan miles de huevos y destruyen una suma importante en su retorno al mar. Por esta razón, bajo el concepto de desarrollo sostenible, se le permite a la comunidad rural adyacente, organizada como Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Ostional (ADIO), extraer una cantidad definida del recurso para su comercialización en Costa Rica. ADIO vela por un uso racional de los huevos y evita el saqueo masivo y sin control por parte de otras personas. La asociación trabaja en conjunto con el Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET), el Instituto Costarricense de Pesca y Acuicultura (INCOPESCA) y la Escuela de Biología de la Universidad de Costa Rica. En el país, únicamente ADIO puede comercializar huevos de tortuga, empacados en bolsas selladas con los logos de la asociación y acompañados de las facturas correspondientes. Cualquier otro consumo es ilegal. Para más detalles e información adicional sobre este tema con Evelyn Obando o Luis Jara en Relaciones Públicas a los teléfonos 22995800 extensión 437 o a los correos electrónicos [email protected] ó [email protected]. ENGLISH BELOW Costa Rica Turtle Sustainability Project – Ostional Wildlife Refuge The Ostional Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica is where tens of thousands of sea turtles congregate and nest in a massive and synchronous fashion, known as the “arribada”, the Spanish word for arrival. The turtle educational program in Ostional was developed in 1987 to create a balance between the environment and the socioeconomic needs of the community. Through a program developed by the Ostional Development Association and approved by the Costa Rican Institute for Fishing and Aquaculture (INCOPESCA) and the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET), the community of Ostional has been allowed to harvest a certain portion of the sea turtle eggs. This Management Plan was designed and based upon the best scientific evidence available at the time (Cornelius et al., 1992), which suggested that the harvesting of a certain portion of eggs would not impact hatching success rates nor net neonate production, while it does improve the economic situation of the community of Ostional, a strong incentive to the responsible management of the resource. The project was also considered a contribution to the struggle against the illegal harvest of sea turtles eggs from other beaches and that are sold in clandestine. The social economic success of this project was a well accepted fact by the local community, the authorities and sea turtle conservationist community in general. After 11 years of controlled harvest, a general concern existed among local authorities and the international scientific community regarding the biological implications of this legal egg harvest and the impact on the nesting population, especially considering the lack of technical reports and scientific publications since the legal harvest was approved in 1987. It is generally accepted that the harvest of olive ridley sea turtle eggs is permissible if the adult population is stable and enough eggs are protected to ensure a healthy production of hatchlings. As a result, a study was conducted in 1997 to determine if the harvest of eggs had impacted the nesting population. This review was submitted to the authorities of INCOPESCA and MINAET in December of the same year. Through a series of studies they found that the Ostional nesting population of olive ridley sea turtles varies within normal parameters, and there is no statistical evidence to suggest that the number of nesting adults is increasing or decreasing. In other words, we could say that current egg harvest levels do not negatively impact hatchling production. In 2007 MINAET and INCOPESCA, in conjunction with the Costa Rica National Parks System (SINAC), The Association for the Integral Development of Ostional (ADIO) and the College of Biological Studies for the University of Costa Rica (UCR), built a five-year plan that would continue to protect the well-being and ecosystems of the approximately four million turtles which hatch each year and would, at the same time, favor the more than 120 families of Ostional who would be helping to protect them. It is important to understand that the nature of this project is one that calls for a balance between society and environment and serves as an educational tool for the surrounding community to learn more about the importance of conserving this species. If you wish to obtain more information regarding this project and its results please contact: Lic. Norma Rodríguez Garro, Director of Protected Areas (SINAC), (506) 2659-9311/ 2659-9369 For press inquiries, please contact 1-888-600-6806 or e-mail [email protected]