“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”
LOGRO 1: Identifica, comprende y discrimina preposiciones, participando de actividades
orales y escritas con responsabilidad y puntualidad.
1. Circle the correct preposition:
1. We walked (up, down, over) to the top of the mountain and then we cycled (through, down, up)
to the bottom again.
2. We both jumped (up, down, into) the swimming pool at the same time.
3. When I finished high school I drove (across, down, over) Europe in a caravan with two of my
4. In some countries it's considered unlucky to walk (through, down, under) a ladder.
5. The athletes ran (around, off, up) the track for 1 hour.
6. You must always wear a helmet when you cycle in case you fall (under, off, into) the bike.
7. The first person to swim (around, over, across) the English Channel was Mathew Webb, in
8. He broke his ankle when he was trying to jump (over, off, under) a hump in his street.
9. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor who sailed (off, around, over) the world in the 16th
10. In PE classes we have to climb (through, across, up) a rope in 20 seconds.
2. The following text uses all of the prepositions of movement found above. Read it and underline all
of the prepositions it contains.
I walked along the road, over the bridge, away from the sea, towards the house. I went into the
house and looked in every downstairs room. I looked into every place she might have hidden it.
Then I heard a car a long way off but coming nearer. I ran upstairs and looked into the bedrooms
and into the bathroom. I looked under the bed and walked through all of the rooms. When I looked
out of the window I saw a car down at the bottom of the hill. It was her car. She was coming back
along the road towards the house. She was racing up the hill and went round the corner so fast that
she crashed into a tree. But that did not stop her. I saw her get out of the car and cross over the
road. She ran towards the house, away from her car. There was something in her hand. It might
have been a knife. Scared, I ran back downstairs, out of the door, across the garden, through the
trees, back towards the sea. When I swam underneath the waves, down into my own world, I knew I
was safe again.
How many prepositions of movement are there in the above text?
a) 27
b) 30
c) 37
d) 40
“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”
LOGRO 2: Reconoce y aplica apropiadamente el Primer Condicional , participando de
actividades orales y escritas con responsabilidad y puntualidad.
3. Write the verbs into the correct tense.
1. If it __________________ cold tomorrow, we will stay at home. GET
2. If I find your passport, I ________________you. PHONE
3. If he ______________all that food, he will be ill. EAT
4. The police ___________________ him if they __________________ him. ARREST CATCH
5. If you _________________any breakfast, you___________________ hungry. NOT EAT BE
6. I _______________him a candy if he ____________________ my car. GIVE WASH
7. If he_______________ late, we_____________________without him. BE GO
8. If you __________________ my dog a bone, he _________________it at once. GIVE BURY
9. If you ___________________.away, I ______________ the police. NOT GO CALL
10.If you____________________ Tom, tell him I have a letter for him. SEE
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form .
1. If you __________ me, _____________sad. (leave, be)
2. He ____________ if you ____________ him.(come, invite)
3. If they ___________now, they___________ on time. (go, arrive)
4. What _____________ you do if it____________ today? (do, be)
5. If it's _________________, I_________________ it. (expensive, buy)
6. If I ______________ her, I ________________her to help me. (see, ask)
LOGRO 3: Participa en lecturas y actividades de listening con excelente pronunciación y
entonación y resuelve los ejercicios de comprensión correctamente.
4. Read the passage. then answer the questions below.
Lilly loves her new town. She loves the mall. She loves the parks. She also loves her
school. Most of all, though, Lilly loves the seasons. In her old town, it was hot all of the time.
Sometimes it is cold in Lilly's new town. The cold season is in winter. Once in a while it
snows. Lilly has never seen snow before. So for her, the snow is exciting as well as very
beautiful. Lilly has to wear gloves to keep her hands warm. She also wears a scarf around her neck.
In spring, flowers bloom and the trees turn green with new leaves. Pollen falls on the cars
and windowsills and makes Lilly sneeze. People work in their yards and mow their grass.
In summer, Lilly wears her old shorts and sandals— the same ones she used to wear in
her old town. It’s hot outside, and dogs lie in the shade. Lilly and her friends go to a pool or play in
the water sprinkler. Her father cooks hamburgers on the grill for dinner.
“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”
Lilly’s favorite season is autumn. In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn yellow, gold, red,
and orange. Halloween comes in autumn, and this is Lilly’s favorite holiday. Every Halloween, Lilly
wears a costume. Last year she wore a mouse costume. This year she will wear a fish costume.
One evening in autumn, Lilly and her mom are on sitting together on the porch. Mom tells
Lilly that autumn is also called “fall”. This is a good idea, Lilly thinks, because in fall all of the leaves
fall down from the trees.
1) Which of the following words best describes the way Lilly feels about living in her new
skeptical, meaning questioning or showing doubt
apprehensive, meaning anxious or worried
overjoyed, meaning extremely happy
content, meaning satisfied with what one is or has
2) This passage is mainly about
Lilly’s favorite season
Lilly and the four seasons
Lilly’s favorite activities during Winter
Lilly's favorite Halloween costumes
3) What is Lilly’s favorite thing about her new town?
her school
going to the pool
the food
the seasons
4) In paragraph 2 the author writes, "She also wears a scarf around her neck.” What is the
best way to rewrite this sentence while keeping its original meaning?
In addition, she wears a scarf around her neck.
However, she wears a scarf around her neck.
Nevertheless, she wears a scarf around her neck
As a result, she wears a scarf around her neck.
5) Which of the following best describes the structure of this passage?
A. The author talks about Lily's new town, and then talks about how the seasons are
B. The author introduces Lilly, and then describes her in relation to the four seasons.
C. The author introduces Lilly, and then explains why autumn is her favorite season.
D. The author discusses the four seasons, and then describes which one Lilly likes
6) How is Lilly’s new town different from her old town?
I. It snows in her new town.
“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”
II. Lilly wears different summer clothes in her new town.
III. Lilly wears a Halloween costume in her new town.
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III
7) Based on information in paragraph 5, which of the following costumes is Lilly most likely
to wear next year?
a princess costume
a fairy costume
a ghost costume
a bird costume
8) Based on information in the passage, we can understand that, which season has two
Logro 4: Utiliza la técnica del deletreo para mejorar la ortografía de las palabras en inglés.
5. Spell the following words correctly using the pictures on the right.
1. F __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. __ __ N N __ __
3. __ A __ __ __ A __ __
4. __ __ C K __ __
“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”
5. B __ W __ __ __ __