en otra ventana

1. Buendía, Fernando (2001) Por publicar.
2. Chase, R.B.; Aquilano, N.J.; y Jacobs, F.R.; (2002). Operations Management for Competitive
Advantage, (9a Ed.). New York: Mc. Graw Hill.
3. Henderson, B.A.; Larco, J.L.; y Martin S.H. (1999). Lean Transformation: How to Change your
Business into a Lean Enterprise, (1a Ed.). New York: The Oaklea Press.
4. Liker, J.K. (1997). Becoming Lean: Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers (2a Ed.). New York:
Productivity Press.
5. Manual de Schneider Electric (2001).
6. Manual de Stanley Tools, Aplicaciones de Stream Mapping; (2000).
7. Publicaciones de artículos de la EBSCO
8. Shingo, S. (1983). A Revolution in Manufacturing: The SMED System (5a Ed.). Massachusetts:
Productivity Press.
9. Womack, J.P.; y Jones D.T. (2003). Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in your
Coporation (1a Ed.) New York: Free Press.
10. Womack, James; Jones, Daniel; Roos, Daniel (1990). The Machine than Changed the World,
(1a. Ed.). New York: Harper Perennial.